ScoobyDoo 10 Scariest Villains Ranked

Scooby-Doo: 10 Scariest Villains, Ranked


Scooby-Doo and the other members of the Mystery Inc. gang have encountered dozens of monsters, but some of them are truly terrifying.

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ScoobyDoo 10 Scariest Villains Ranked

Scooby-Doo has stayed relevant in pop culture since its creation in 1969. This is in large part due to the shows iconic characters that make up Mystery Inc. Scooby, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne, and Fred all bring something to the team, and together there’s no mystery they can’t solve.

However, the show would be nothing without great villains, and over the decades, Scooby-Doo has provided some of the most dastardly bad-guys in the history of cartoons. These terrifying spooks and monsters serve to scare not only Scooby and Shaggy but the viewers at home too.

10 Ghost of Redbeard

ScoobyDoo 10 Scariest Villains Ranked

The Ghost of Redbeard made his debut in the original Scooby toon – Scooby-Doo Where are You? The episode sees the ghost terrorizing the local port with his crew of ghostly pirate henchmen, as they are stealing cargo.

The gang is brought in to get to the bottom of the case and discover to their surprise that the ghost is actually the head of the shipping company who hired them in the first place. He planned to cash in on the insurance and save his failing company. Not a bad plan and he would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for those meddling kids and their dumb dog too.

9 Black Knight

ScoobyDoo 10 Scariest Villains Ranked

Brought to life when the moon rises, the Black Knight struck fear into all that he encountered. The possessed suit of armor was found by the gang and then brought to a museum, which it then terrorized.

The hulking suit towers over everyone it encounters. Although his slow speed makes him easy to escape from, it only serves to make him scarier. The Black Knight is later unmasked and revealed to be the museum’s curator who had been stealing paintings and replacing them with fakes.

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8 Tar Monster

ScoobyDoo 10 Scariest Villains Ranked

When an ancient buried city is uncovered the workers soon discover a primordial beast has been unleashed – the terrifying Tar Monster. The inhuman monster wreaked havoc in Turkey where it was uncovered. Appearing out of pools of tar to prevent the city from being explored and kidnapping anyone he found.

Mystery Inc. encountered the monster and believed it to be real. It is later revealed that the man under the mask was one of the very people the monster kidnapped, who planned to steal the city’s hidden treasure.

7 Moat Monster

ScoobyDoo 10 Scariest Villains Ranked

The Moat Monster made his debut in the 1998 film Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island. The story of the Moat Moster is presented in a flashback when Daphne is promoting her new show on television after the gang has gone their separate ways.

The muscle-bound monster terrorizes the grounds of a castle in a distant land, scaring away anyone who dares enter. The monster was later revealed to be a real estate agent who didn’t want anyone to go near the castle.

6 Alien Invaders

ScoobyDoo 10 Scariest Villains Ranked

Featured throughout Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders, the titular aliens proved to be some of the scariest villains the gang encountered. The creepy aliens scare the local residents and appeared to be the real deal. They sported all the typical alien gizmos, including ray-guns and a UFO; they had it all.

Of course, they weren’t aliens. They were simply men in masks, and the UFO was a helicopter in disguise all along. Despite this, the movie does feature real aliens, who are revealed to be a young woman and dog who Shaggy and Scoob had the hots for.

5 Chupacabra

ScoobyDoo 10 Scariest Villains Ranked

Based upon the creature from Mexican folklore – the Chupacabra seems to become a reality in 2003’s Scooby-Doo and the Monster of Mexico. The legendary hulking creature appears on the Day of the Dead and scares the local residents.

The monster is unnamed and reveled to be the museum guard who is in love with Mr. Smiley, but in a classic Scooby twist, her face is revealed to be a mask, and she is actually Mr. Smiley.

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4 Zombies

ScoobyDoo 10 Scariest Villains Ranked

The horde of Zombies that struck fear into the residents of Moonscar Island are featured in one of Scooby’s most well-regarded movies. The zombies in Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island, are some of the scariest creatures they have encountered.

The decaying creatures terrified the gang and, in a twist, are not simply men in masks but actual zombies. However, in reality, these monsters were not evil and were trying to warn Mystery Inc. to leave and not suffer the same fate they had been subjected to.

3 Ghost Clown

ScoobyDoo 10 Scariest Villains Ranked

The Ghost Clown combines two of the most chilling ideas imaginable into a single being of supreme terror. The Ghost Clown appeared in the original cartoon and proved to be one of its most memorable villains.

Beyond his scary appearance, the clown can hypnotize anyone he encounters and has an array of clown-themed weaponry. The ghost was revealed to be a former employee of the circus who vowed revenge after being fired for stealing.

2 Moon Monster

ScoobyDoo 10 Scariest Villains Ranked

In a surprising turn of good luck, the gang wins a contest and is given a chance to go into space. However, their luck changes when they crash and find themselves persuaded by a terrifying Moon Monster.

The Alien inspired creature is equipped with razor-sharp teeth and claws. On top of all that, it’s swift movement, and black skin makes it almost impossible to see in the dark. The alien was revealed to be an astronaut who felt cheated, as now anybody was allowed to go into space when she had to give up so much to achieve her dream.

1 Space Kook

Space Kook is another of the more interesting creations Scooby-Doo spawned and is, without a doubt, one of its scariest villains. The ghostly alien caused havoc in a local airfield and left behind ghostly glowing footprints.

Space Kook is most famous for his screeching cackle and red flashing helmet which is genuinely unsettling and unique. He was unmasked as a local farmer who had been trying to scare away his neighbor so that he could buy up his land at a discount.

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