Screen Rants 20 Most Anticipated Movies of 2011

Screen Rant’s 20 Most Anticipated Movies of 2011


Here it is – our list of the 20 films we’re most excited about seeing in 2011. See if our picks match up with your list.

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Screen Rants 20 Most Anticipated Movies of 2011

With January ending today and nothing special to show for it from the film industry or box office, we take a look forward to the rest of 2011 and pick out the 20 movies we’re most excited about seeing on the big screen.

It was not an easy task, narrowing down our choices to 20 and ordering them – Just look at our complete 2011 movie guide to see the options – but we’ve done it and are left with a healthy mix of comedies, sci-fi films, comic book movies and a lot of action that will bring the hoards to the movie theaters.

So, before we look back and celebrate the best of 2010 at the Oscars, let’s look forward to Screen Rant’s Most Anticipated Movies of 2011.

20. Apollo 18

Screen Rants 20 Most Anticipated Movies of 2011

Release Date: April 22, 2011Director: Gonzalo López-GallegoStudio: Bekmambetov Projects Ltd, distributed by Dimension Films

The very intriguing sci-fi thriller about the mission to the moon that no one ever heard about, Apollo 18 tells the story of NASA’s mission to space in the 1970s that everyone thought was canceled. The tagline, “There’s a Reason We’ve Never Gone Back to the Moon” says it all – and at this point we LIKE the fact we don’t know much about the film beyond that.

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19. Paul

Screen Rants 20 Most Anticipated Movies of 2011

Release Date: March 18, 2011Director: Greg MottolaStudio: Relativity Media, distributed by Universal Pictures

Written by the lovable geek comedy pair of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, the story of Paul follows two geeks who meet a unique and foul-mouthed alien named Paul (voiced by Seth Rogen) and go on an adventurous road trip together, coming across a powerful cast of comedy actors including Jason Bateman, Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader, Blythe Danner, Joe Lo Truglio, John Carroll Lynch, David Koechner and Sigourney Weaver. It may have limited appeal, but we here at Screen Rant are squarely in the target demographic.

18. Conan the Barbarian

Screen Rants 20 Most Anticipated Movies of 2011

Marcus Nispel’s remake of Conan the Barbarian is based on the screenplay by Thomas Dean Donnelly, Joshua Oppenheimer and Sean Hood, and follows the titular hero on a quest across Hyboria to serve vengeance against the villains who slaughtered his father and village. The question on everyone’s mind is whether or not Stargate: Atlantis star Jason Momoa can live up to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s stature and become a Hollywood action star from this film. We think he’ll be a different version of the character, but might make it work.

17. The Muppets

Screen Rants 20 Most Anticipated Movies of 2011

Pulling together an all-star cast lead by Jason Segel (How I Met Your Mother) to bring The Muppets back to the silver screen in a new major feature live-action film, Kermit the Frog and friends must put on a show of a lifetime to rescue their classic theater. Segel proved he was the right man for this gig from his performance in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and he and family friendly Muppet characters of old share the screen with Hollywood talent including Amy Adams, Zach Galifianakis, Chris Cooper and rumored appearances by Ricky Gervais, Emily Blunt, Danny Trejo, Jack Black, Katy Perry, Billy Crystal and more!

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16. Fast Five

Paul Walker, Vin Diesel and their franchise familiar crew (from all four previous installments) are back again in Fast Five for another high-octane adventure and potential start to a whole new trilogy. With a heavy duty Federal agent (Dwayne Johnson) tracking them down, the crew must work together to pull another big job against a corrupt businessman who wants them dead in order to gain their “freedom.”

Rob Keyes manages content, business development, HR models, social media, strategic partnerships, and PR for Screen Rant and helps oversee its sister site, Comic Book Resources (CBR). You may know also him from various television and radio appearances covering the superhero beat, co-hosting the Screen Rant Underground and Total Geekall podcasts or founding and building Game Rant back in the day. Find Rob on Twitter @rob_keyes or @failcube and if you need to reach either site, he’s your guy rob [at] screenrant [dot] com. Rob Keyes is Canadian, the longest serving member of Screen Rant, has a Masters Degree in Economics and degrees is marketing and computer science, is an Adjudicator for the Canadian Videogame Awards, and is the world’s best TIE Interceptor pilot. You can see and chat with Rob live in the evenings at or see his videos at

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