Selena Chef vs Cooking With Paris 5 Things We Love About Each Show

Selena + Chef vs. Cooking With Paris: 5 Things We Love About Each Show


Selena Gomez and Paris Hilton both have fun, entertaining, and educational cooking shows, and fans can find something unique about each series.

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Selena Chef vs Cooking With Paris 5 Things We Love About Each Show

While Selena + Chef and Cooking With Paris are both cooking shows starring celebrities, that’s definitely where the similarities end. Each series is totally unique, with Selena learning how to cook via video chat with well-known and renowned chefs, and Paris inviting some celebrity guests to help her in the kitchen.

While HBO Max’s Selena + Chef seems more focused on the food and Netflix’s Cooking With Paris is all about entertainment value and famous friends, both shows offer up something interesting and are fun additions to the food TV landscape.

10 Selena + Chef: Amazing Food In A Beautiful Setting

Selena Chef vs Cooking With Paris 5 Things We Love About Each Show

Selena + Chef’s best episodes all include delicious-looking food that stands out and makes viewers want to get into their own kitchens and give these recipes a try. In season 1, Candice Kumai and Selena made Matcha Chocolate Chip Cookies, and Tanya Holland showed Selena how to whip up Bacon, Cheddar and Scallion Biscuits.

The setting of the show is also worth noting, as Selena’s kitchen has a huge white island, royal blue and gold barstools, and cool white brick over the oven and stove. It’s bright and colorful and inspires viewers to get cooking.

9 Cooking With Paris: The Sense Of Humor

Selena Chef vs Cooking With Paris 5 Things We Love About Each Show

It definitely seems like Paris wants fans to laugh while tuning into Cooking With Paris, as in some scenes she wore an over-the-top, fancy outfit and went grocery shopping. In most of the episodes, she would have trouble with some basic cooking skills, wondering about clean-up or how to execute baked oven fries.

It does make sense that Paris would want to make viewers smile, as she is used to being in the spotlight thanks to her time on The Simple Life and her many years of being famous afterward.

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8 Selena + Chef: The Format

Selena Chef vs Cooking With Paris 5 Things We Love About Each Show

This show deserves praise thanks to the format. Selena video chats with some incredibly talented chefs, from Tanya Holland to Roy Choi and Ludo Lefebvre, and they teach her how to make specific recipes and also pick up some great, helpful skills in the process.

While there are many cooking shows out there, this one feels different and unique, as it’s a mixture of entertaining and educational. It’s fun watching Selena as she has a great TV presence, and it’s also possible to pick up some new skills from each episode.

7 Cooking With Paris: The Food Is Fun And Accessible

Selena Chef vs Cooking With Paris 5 Things We Love About Each Show

From vegan burgers and fries to tacos, steak, and breakfast, the food on Cooking With Paris feels both joyful and like something that anyone can make. This important as it helps the show feel accessible.

Whether watching iconic food on sitcoms or tuning into a competition series, viewers want to feel like they could make the same dish in their home kitchen, and that’s definitely the case here.

6 Selena + Chef: It’s About Cooking During Quarantine

Selena Chef vs Cooking With Paris 5 Things We Love About Each Show

From trying their hand at sourdough to finding a variety of banana bread recipes, many people got really into cooking during the COVID-19 pandemic, and that’s part of the hook behind Selena + Chef.

While of course Selena is a famous actress and singer, she spent a lot of time in 2020 at home learning how to cook better, and her passion for food and determination to get better is inspiring and motivating.

5 Cooking With Paris: It Can Be Relatable

Selena Chef vs Cooking With Paris 5 Things We Love About Each Show

Cooking is not always easy, especially for people who aren’t professionally trained or who aren’t used to making dinner all that often, and Cooking With Paris manages to be super relatable.

The series does a good job of showing that sometimes, people take a risk in the kitchen and it might not always pay off. Kim and Paris make French Toast that has Frosted Flakes on it, along with toasted blue marshmallows. In a funny scene, Kim isn’t so sure if it tastes good. Even though Kim is one of the most famous people in the world, it still feels easy to relate to her hanging out with a friend, making breakfast.

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4 Selena + Chef: Nancy Silverton’s Episode

Selena Chef vs Cooking With Paris 5 Things We Love About Each Show

After seeing some must-visit restaurants on Chef’s Table, including Nancy Silverton’s Osteria Mozza and Pizzeria Mozza, it’s fun to watch this amazing talent be featured on Selena + Chef.

This episode is just as fascinating to watch, as Nancy Silverton taught Selena how to make a gorgeous vegetable platter. But besides the incredible food, this episode is also dramatic and tense. Nancy shared that she loves to host guests at her Italy home and serve tomatoes, leeks, and other veggies. Selena had some trouble with her oven, and Nancy said they should “wing it” and make pesto.

3 Cooking With Paris: The Celebrity Guests

Selena Chef vs Cooking With Paris 5 Things We Love About Each Show

Cooking With Paris features many famous names, from Lele Pons to Demi Lovato, Nikki Glaser, and Kim Kardashian West. It’s fun watching Paris chat and joke around with her celebrity friends.

If this show only followed Paris in the kitchen and didn’t have any other stars, it might not be as entertaining to watch, as the dynamic between Paris and her famous pals is sweet and endearing. Paris and Kim have known each other for decades, for example, and their easy camaraderie is nice to see.

2 Selena + Chef: Season 2’s Recipes Get Harder

Selena Chef vs Cooking With Paris 5 Things We Love About Each Show

Selena + Chef is a perfect cooking show not involving competition, and while all of the recipes involve some hard work and effort, along with kitchen know-how, season 2’s recipes do get harder and that makes it compelling to watch.

From Curtis Stone teaching Selena how to make Key Lime Pie Parfaits to Evan Funke’s episode with homemade pasta, foodies will like season 2 just as much as season 1 and will appreciate the opportunity to make something delicious and satisfying.

1 Cooking With Paris: The Episode With Kathy And Nicky Hilton

After watching Kathy Hilton on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, it’s hard not to jump to the episode featuring Paris and Nicky and their mom. The three stars make steak, complete with onion rings, and it’s heartwarming TV as it’s clear that they really cherish spending time together.

Of course, this episode is pretty funny, too, as Nicky, Kathy, and Paris are decked out in fancy black and gray outfits, and Kathy says, “You’re getting your feathers in everything.”

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