Seth Rogens 10 Best Movies According To Rotten Tomatoes

Seth Rogen’s 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes


Set Rogen has found critical and commercial success. in his career. Here are Seth Rogen’s best movies, according to their Rotten Tomatoes scores.

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Seth Rogens 10 Best Movies According To Rotten Tomatoes

When the public first met Seth Rogen as an actor on Freaks and Geeks, few would have predicted he would become a Hollywood leading man. However, Rogen’s humor and unique charm couldn’t be overlooked and before long, he became one of the biggest comedy stars in the world.

Unlike some of his other famous comedy counterparts, Rogen has found quite a bit of critical success in his career. He has helped create some hugely entertaining films and he has been sought out by filmmakers to add his own style to their projects. Here are Seth Rogen’s best movies, according to Rotten Tomatoes.

10 Sausage Party (83%)

Seth Rogens 10 Best Movies According To Rotten Tomatoes

Sausage Party is not the first animated film Rogen was a part of, but it is the first one he had a hand in creating. It should be no surprise then that it is one of the most vulgar animated films you’re likely to ever see. Rogen provides the voice of a sausage who spends his life in a supermarket waiting to be picked, only to discover the horrific truth of what humans do to the food they buy.

The outlandish story makes for a pretty hilarious and wild adventure as the terrified food fight for survival from the hungry humans.

9 The 40 Year-Old-Virgin (85%)

Seth Rogens 10 Best Movies According To Rotten Tomatoes

Judd Apatow has been a big part of Rogen’s success in Hollywood and The 40 Year-Old-Virgin was a significant hit for both of them. The movie stars Steve Carrell as a socially awkward middle-aged man who has never had sex. Rogen has a hilarious supporting role as one of Carrell’s coworkers who tries to help him lose his virginity.

The movie helped introduce Apatow’s successful style of comedy which combined explicit and immature jokes with genuine heart. The result was a sweet and laugh-out-loud hilarious comedy that helped people take notice of Rogen.

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8 Steve Jobs (86%)

Seth Rogens 10 Best Movies According To Rotten Tomatoes

Rogen doesn’t venture into dramatic territory too often in his acting career, but Steve Jobs proved he has a real talent for it. The film is a unique biopic told in three separate segments, each set before Steve Jobs is set to launch a new product and is dealing with the many dysfunctional relationships in his life.

Rogen gives a great understated performance as Steve Wozniak and is part of an amazing cast that also includes Jeff Daniels, Kate Winslet and Michael Fassbender in a great performance as Jobs. With a sharp and biting script from Aaron Sorkin, this is a compelling look at a modern icon.

7 Kung Fu Panda 3 (87%)

Seth Rogens 10 Best Movies According To Rotten Tomatoes

Rogen is not the first name you would think of to be in a kid’s movie, but he has been a key part of the Kung Fu Panda series since its very beginning. The third film in the series finds Po (voiced by Jack Black) reuniting with his long-lost family and training them to take on a new supernatural threat.

As with the other films in this delightful franchise, Kung Fu Panda 3 is a funny, charming and action-packed adventure that should thrill audiences of any age.

6 Kung Fu Panda (87%)

Seth Rogens 10 Best Movies According To Rotten Tomatoes

Judging by the critics’ reception of the first and third film, the Kung Fu Panda series appears to be pretty consistently great. This first adventure with Po the panda introduced the kind of fun these movies could be. The film follows Po as he trains to become a great martial arts master alongside some of the best warriors. Rogen voices Mantis, one of the warriors who shows Po the way of kung fu.

The movie surprised many by being a genuinely exciting action film with amazing sequences. However, it is also filled with a lot of humor and heart for the younger audiences as well.

5 Donnie Darko (87%)

Seth Rogens 10 Best Movies According To Rotten Tomatoes

Some movie fans who haven’t revisited Donnie Darko in a while might be surprised to learn Rogen appears in the cult classic. The film stars Jake Gyllenhaal as a teen who narrowly escapes a deadly accident and begins having visions of a strange figure in a bunny costume who convinces him to commit crimes. Rogen has a small part as a psychotic high school student.

The movie has gained a significant following thanks to Gyllenhaal’s solid performance and the film’s mind-bending style.

4 Superbad (88%)

Seth Rogens 10 Best Movies According To Rotten Tomatoes

Superbad is a movie that was in the making for several years as Rogen and his writing partner Evan Goldberg began crafting it when they were in high school. The film stars Jonah Hill and Michael Cera as outcast high schoolers who go on a strange journey to buy booze so they can impress girls at a party. Rogen and Bill Hader also costar as the oddest pair of cops ever.

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The movie will go down as one of the best comedies of all time, providing huge laughs in every scene. The entire cast is great and the central friendship is unexpectedly sweet.

3 Knocked Up (90%)

Seth Rogens 10 Best Movies According To Rotten Tomatoes

Judd Apatow finally decided to make Rogen a real leading man in this unique romantic comedy. Rogen stars as a lazy stoner who has a one-night-stand with a beautiful career woman (Katherine Heigl) which results in an unexpected pregnancy. The mismatched couple is then forced to navigate this messy situation together and see if they can be a real family.

Rogen proves he can carry a movie with his goofy energy and razor-sharp wit. He and Heigl have great chemistry together in this charming and hilarious look at an unconventional start to a romance.

2 The Disaster Artist (91%)

Seth Rogens 10 Best Movies According To Rotten Tomatoes

James Franco is one of Rogen’s most frequent collaborators, having made several movies together. The two reunited for Franco’s passion project about the making of The Room, considered to be one of the worst movies of all time. Franco stars as Tommy Wiseau, the eccentric director of the film, who is illusioned into thinking he is creating a masterpiece. Rogen co-stars as one of the confused people working on this train wreck.

Franco gives a strange and compelling performance which helps make the movie an extremely entertaining and unusual Hollywood story.

1 50/50 (93%)

As Rogen’s success in front of the camera grew, he began creating more behind the camera. He helped push forward this powerful and funny story based on his friend’s real-life health struggles. 50/50 stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a young man who gets diagnosed with a condition that gives him a 50% chance of survival. Rogen stars as his best friend who helps him through his difficult times

Despite the heavy subject matter, the film finds a lot of humor in the story. It is an honest, raw and funny look at a topic people don’t normally like to talk about and that makes it a pretty powerful film.

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