Shameless The 5 Worst Things Frank Gallagher Has Done To His Kids (& 5 Theyve Done To Him)

Shameless: The 5 Worst Things Frank Gallagher Has Done To His Kids (& 5 They’ve Done To Him)


Frank Gallagher is a terrible person who inspires his family to do terrible things to him. Not that it’s unjustified, though

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Shameless The 5 Worst Things Frank Gallagher Has Done To His Kids (& 5 Theyve Done To Him)

Frank Gallagher from Shameless might just be the worst father in television history, certainly the drunkest. Within ten seasons, he’s done some pretty abhorrent and disgusting things, generally for his own selfish gain. The ones that end usually suffering the most, though, are his own children.

That being said, he’s fallen victim to their actions at times. To be fair, most of the things that happen to Frank at the hands of his kids are almost always justified. Here are just a few of the terrible things Frank has done to kids, as well as the worst things they did him in Shameless.

10 THE KIDS: Tasing Frank & Forcing Vodka Down His Throat

Shameless The 5 Worst Things Frank Gallagher Has Done To His Kids (& 5 Theyve Done To Him)

Usually, giving Frank free vodka is considered a gift. In this instance, however, Frank was actually trying his best to stay sober as part of a medical study that would award him $3000.

The problem is, he starts to be a “good father” to Carl and Debbie just long enough to be distracted and stay sober. As expected, Fiona and Lip see right through it. In order to not get Carl and Debbie’s hopes up, Lip and Fiona decide to knock Frank out with a taser. As he’s helpless, they start pouring tons of vodka down his throat, ruining his chances of that $3000.

9 FRANK: Convincing Carl He Had Cancer To Scam A Charity Foundation

Shameless The 5 Worst Things Frank Gallagher Has Done To His Kids (& 5 Theyve Done To Him)

Almost everything Frank does is usually part of a scam. In one case, he was even willing to scam to a charity foundation. His initial efforts fail with Hymie because apparently, Frank can’t see the difference between a fatal disease and down syndrome.

As per usual, Frank isn’t done yet. He convinces a young Carl that he has cancer; specifically, the “contagious kind” from Grammy. Just to be sure it’s believable, Frank goes as far as shaving Carl’s head, claiming that this could cure him. Carl then goes almost the rest of the season thinking he’s going to die, even being sent to a camp for dying children.

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8 THE KIDS: Always Kicking Frank Out Of The House

Shameless The 5 Worst Things Frank Gallagher Has Done To His Kids (& 5 Theyve Done To Him)

Frank is essentially a parasite in the Gallagher household. If he makes his way in, it’s going to be very hard to get him out. Each of the Gallaghers attempt to kick Frank out of the house on a daily basis, and it’s hard to disagree with them.

Frank will eat all of their food and sometimes steal their money as well. It shows that they truly don’t care what happens to him. They’re willing to make Frank sleep outside, no matter the time of year it is.

7 FRANK: Trying To Seduce His Own Daughter To Get Her Liver

Shameless The 5 Worst Things Frank Gallagher Has Done To His Kids (& 5 Theyve Done To Him)

There’s really no limit to what Frank Gallagher is capable of. After Fiona wouldn’t do a liver transplant for him, Frank tries to con his other daughter, Sammi, into giving hers. Sammi never actually knew her father, making this even weirder.

Instead of coming clean to Sammi, Frank pretends to be someone else and befriends her. In a gross turn of events, Sammi ends up falling for Frank and even tries to sleep with him. This brings “daddy issues” to a whole other level.

6 THE KIDS: Debbie Beat Up Frank With A Pillowcase Filled With Bars Of Soap

Shameless The 5 Worst Things Frank Gallagher Has Done To His Kids (& 5 Theyve Done To Him)

Imagine how much of a bad father you’d have to be that your own daughter goes Full Metal Jacket on you. The sad part is that Debbie, up until this point, still cared about her dad. This moment was her turning point.

A drunken Frank brought in a few other guys to stay in the house, with one of them even urinating all over the walls. After Frank fell over and landed on a school project that she’d been working on for weeks, Debbie got fed up. She would have even killed Frank if she weren’t stopped by her siblings.

5 FRANK: Ratting Carl Out To The Police

Shameless The 5 Worst Things Frank Gallagher Has Done To His Kids (& 5 Theyve Done To Him)

It’s totally understandable that Frank would want to rid himself of Sammi. Still, the way he did it was extremely shady. Not only did Frank call the cops on Carl for having drugs but Frank was also the one who showed him how to smuggle it in the first place.

There’s no denying that Carl needed a rude awakening but getting busted for that many drugs by his own father is a little too far. On top of that, the innocent Chucky was implicated in the crime as well, with both him and Carl getting locked up in juvenile detention.

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4 THE KIDS: Carl Broke Frank’s Leg While He Was Unconscious

Shameless The 5 Worst Things Frank Gallagher Has Done To His Kids (& 5 Theyve Done To Him)

In Carl’s defense, Frank explained that this was a life-or-death situation. To try and get money to pay for a liver transplant, Frank believes he’ll have to break his leg to get properly compensated.

After realizing this would be too painful, Frank tells Carl to just forget about it. Carl, being the loyal son that he is, decides that he’ll still follow through with it no matter how much Frank objects. Carl then climbs a ladder in the living room and jumps onto Frank’s leg, successfully snapping and breaking it.

3 FRANK: Trying To Have Fiona’s Fiancé Killed

Shameless The 5 Worst Things Frank Gallagher Has Done To His Kids (& 5 Theyve Done To Him)

After getting beat up by Fiona’s fiancé Sean, Frank develops a deep hatred for his future son-in-law. While riding on a train later that night, Frank talks to a man who says that he can get rid of Sean for the right price.

Frank doesn’t even hesitate to pay this man and have Sean killed. Thankfully, the would-be hitman was just a scammer. Still, it’s a pretty grim that Frank fully intended to kill the man his daughter was going to marry. To top it all off, Frank crashes the wedding, revealing that Sean is still a junkie, thus breaking Fiona’s heart.

2 THE KIDS: Everyone Throws Frank Off Of A Bridge

Shameless The 5 Worst Things Frank Gallagher Has Done To His Kids (& 5 Theyve Done To Him)

After Frank completely ruined Fiona’s wedding, the Gallagher’s, along with Kev and V, decide they’re done with him. In hilarious fashion, they take him out to a high bridge then proceed to throw him off it into the cold Chicago River.

Frank does survive since he’s basically a cockroach. The funny part is that almost nobody cared when Frank shows back up. Frank has just pushed everyone to that breaking point – none of them could be blamed for kicking him off a bridge. In fact, they went a bit easy on him!

1 FRANK: Calling Child Protection Services On Fiona

For many, this is one of the lowest things Frank has ever done. If there’s one thing Fiona would never do, it’s put her siblings in foster care due to her experience with the flawed system. Frank, having absolutely no regard for anyone but himself, thought it would be a good idea to call CPS as a way to get back at Fiona kids for kicking them out.

After this, a CPS worker shows up at the Gallagher house and immediately and forces all of the kids to go into foster homes. All of this resulted in Fiona being forced to give up her dreams to become their legal guardian.

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