Shaun The Sheep 2s PostCredits Scene Joke Explained

Shaun The Sheep 2’s Post-Credits Scene Joke Explained

Netflix’s stop-motion movie Shaun the Sheep: Farmageddon features a man in black in the post-credits scene — who is this mysterious figure?

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Shaun The Sheep 2s PostCredits Scene Joke Explained

The Netflix Original stop-motion animated film Shaun the Sheep: Farmageddon, produced by English animation studio Aardman, is loving tribute to ’80s and ’90s sci-fi films, and fittingly, it features a post-credits scene that cleverly references both science and ’90s British popular culture. The family-friendly film follows the adventures of Shaun, a mischievous sheep, and his newfound friend — who just happens to be an alien from another planet.

Shaun the Sheep: Farmageddon is a sequel to the hit animated movie Shaun the Sheep, which is one of the best stop-motion films of all time. Like the original, Shaun the Sheep 2 charms its audiences with its gorgeous textured animation, laugh-out-loud gags, and an impressive amount of pop culture references — such as the one found in Shaun the Sheep 2’s post-credits scene.

The post-credits scene is a continuation of Shaun the Sheep: Farmageddon’s first scene. The movie opens with the image of a keyboard under spotlight, being played by a sheep. In the post-credits scene, a man in a yellow hazmat suit — many such characters are seen in the movie —approaches the keyboard. The figure exits the scene momentarily to remove his suit (evinced by him tossing the helmet onscreen), then returns and begins playing the keyboard. He is interrupted by the youngest sheep, Timmy, who enters the shot to unplug the keyboard and shush the man.

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Audiences may not recognize the figure in the post-credits joke because he does not appear in the movie; however, there are a number of clues in the scene hinting at the man’s identity. As a user on Imdb points out, this man is Professor Brian Cox, a physicist and TV host in the UK (Aardman is an English animation studio, so the movie’s production team would be more familiar with Cox’s work than American audiences). The biggest clue to the figure’s identity is the song he is playing on the keyboard. Before becoming the host of science-based BBC programs like In Einstein’s Shadow, Cox was in the public eye as the keyboardist for the band D:Ream. D:Ream’s biggest hit was in 1994 with the song “Things Can Only Get Better” — the song the man is playing in Shaun the Sheep: Farmageddon’s post-credits scene.

The Brian Cox cameo is an obscure gag at the end of a film particularly stuffed with science-fiction and pop culture references. The inclusion of Cox makes sense on several levels: “Things Can Only Get Better” is from approximately the same time period as many of the sci-fi references, like Agent Red’s resemblance to agent L in Men in Black, or the fact that her passcode is The X-Files’ theme. Shaun the Sheep: Farmageddon may have an obscure reference in its post-credits scene, but the joke fits the general tone of the stop-motion feature, and has a rewarding payoff for those who picked up on it on their own.

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