SheHulk Has Become A Walking Warhead

She-Hulk Has Become A Walking Warhead

In the latest issue of Marvel’s Avengers, She-Hulk has been turned into walking warhead by the Russians and sent to eliminate their global rivals.

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SheHulk Has Become A Walking Warhead

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Avengers #48

In the latest issue of Marvel Comics’ Avengers, She-Hulk has become a walking warhead for Russia and its Red Room. Having been kidnapped by the Russian Avengers known as the Winter Guard in the new World War She-Hulk storyline, Jennifer Walters has been brainwashed and reconditioned into becoming the Red Room’s new Winter Hulk, a massively powerful agent who may very well be unstoppable. The Winter Guard has begun using Walters to great effect against their rivals across the globe, seeing Jennifer causing massive devastation.

In previous issues of Avengers and the World War She-Hulk story, the Avengers attempted to stage a rescue mission, intruding upon Russian soil to get back their teammate who was taken from them. However, they arrived too late and the brutal work had been done by the Red Room, resulting in Jennifer becoming a red-skinned rage monster. While the last issue made it seem as though She-Hulk had broken out while maintaining a modicum of her own free will, this has proved to be false with the new Avengers #48 from writer Jason Aaron and artist Javier Garrón.

This new issue reveals that Jennifer only thinks she’s acting on her own accord by finding Gorilla-Man and going after the vampires who drained her blood in the Red Room. Instead, it’s been revealed that a target list has been programmed into her head by the Red Widow, and the Winter Hulk doesn’t even realize she’s been turned into a weapon in her rage-filled state. Case in point, Jennifer is headed straight for Atlantis to kill Namor, but it’s all part of Russia’s plan to destroy the underwater nation once and for all.

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In a very dark way, the manipulations the Red Room have made to She-Hulk’s mind are quite impressive. During the recent Phoenix Tournament, She-Hulk was very determined to kill Namor in order to prevent him from gaining the full power of the Phoenix Force (though Maya Lopez’s Echo ended up becoming its new avatar). As a result, it makes sense that Jennifer might think that killing Namor now is her own idea, rather than a planned strike coordinated by the Red Room and Winter Guard to rid the world of Atlantis for good.

In any case, the oceans are already turning red in the wake of the Winter Hulk’s destruction, and a major battle between Atlantis and Russia is imminent with Jennifer as their brutal opening salvo. Not only that, but a rematch between She-Hulk and Namor will no doubt be pretty exciting, seeing as how their last fight ended at an impasse thanks to the Phoenix Force. One way or another, it does seem likely that their duel will be a fight to the death (unless someone intervenes). Here’s hoping Jennifer’s She-Hulk can come to her senses or be rescued by the Avengers before she does something she’ll truly regret.

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