SheRa 10 Best Relationships Fans Would Like To See

She-Ra: 10 Best Relationships Fans Would Like To See


She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is a cutting-edge animated television series in many ways including relationships. Here are ones fans support.

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SheRa 10 Best Relationships Fans Would Like To See

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is a rather cutting-edge animated television series in many ways. It’s a series that can be enjoyed by people of almost any age, and it deals with some intense themes of friendship, loss, love, and responsibility. In many ways, it’s reminiscent of Avatar: The Last Airbender and its sequel The Legend of Korra. Building on the small amount of LGBT+ representation that Legend of Korra provided and the foundation from Steve Universe, She-Ra is also an animated series that includes queer characters including gay and lesbian couples as well as a non-binary character.

With the final season of the series coming up in May, there are many relationships that fans would like to see happen before the show ends. While not all of these ships are likely to sail, here are some of the best relationships the show could explore.

10 Spinnerella and Netossa

SheRa 10 Best Relationships Fans Would Like To See

Spinderella and Netossa are two side characters who are both Princesses of Power, and they are also two women in a romantic relationship.

This couple is one of the most obvious forms of representation on the show, and, while they are minor characters, it’s great to see such casual, positive representation on a show mainly targeted at children and youth. However, it would be great to get to see even more of these two in season five.

9 Glimmer, Adora, and Bow

SheRa 10 Best Relationships Fans Would Like To See

Another great thing about She-Ra is that some of the most important relationships are actually friendships. The trio of Glimmer, Adora, and Bow has been central to the series from the beginning, but these friendships have been tested.

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After season four, the three of them are less cohesive than ever before as Glimmer’s new position as queen caused some big fractures between her and her closest friends. Fans definitely want to see these three become close again and mend everything before the series ends.

8 Catra and Double Trouble

SheRa 10 Best Relationships Fans Would Like To See

While some fan-favorite ships are really positive or cheerful, some are a little darker in nature.

As Catra and Double Trouble are both villains in the show to a large extent, they are often out for themselves and are looking to achieve their own ends. However, they both have dynamic and fascinating personalities, and many fans enjoy the rivalry dynamic here. While this might not be a ship meant to last, it would definitely be an interesting and intense one.

7 Mermista and Perfuma

SheRa 10 Best Relationships Fans Would Like To See

Mermista is rather sullen and introverted while Perfuma is much more cheerful with a positive outlook. These differences in personality would make for a rather endearing relationship dynamic that would be quite sweet.

6 Bow and Glimmer

SheRa 10 Best Relationships Fans Would Like To See

Bow and Glimmer were close friends before they even met Adora. While their relationship hasn’t been shown to be anything other than friendship, they clearly mean a lot to one another.

At various times, jealousy has crept into their relationship. So, whether they would always just be platonic friends or could possibly have romantic feelings for each other, either way, fans still want to see this relationship have a satisfying conclusion in the story.

5 Scorpia and Entrapta

SheRa 10 Best Relationships Fans Would Like To See

Scorpia is a character that many fans have grown to love over the seasons. While she might technically be on the side of the villains, she doesn’t see herself as a bad person.

She’s extremely positive and always trying to look out for her friends and care for them. She gives a lot of relationships, but she doesn’t always get much in return. She clearly has cared a lot about Entrapta all along and was truly devastated when she learned that Catra sent her to Beast Island.

4 Scorpia, Catra, and Entrapta

SheRa 10 Best Relationships Fans Would Like To See

This is another set of relationships that could be romantic but could also just be friendships. Seeing as how the show is more focused on friendships and the varying ways that friendships and romances can blur, these three also need some resolution to all of the drama and pain that has happened between them.

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Catra may or may not get a redemption arc, but it would be great to see all three of these characters end up with decent endings.

3 Sea Hawk and Bow

SheRa 10 Best Relationships Fans Would Like To See

Sea Hawk and Bow are the only relationships on this list that’s made up of two men, but this is mostly because most of the characters in the series are women.

Given that so few shows have a mostly female cast, this is a great thing to see. While Sea Hawk definitely has a huge thing for Mermista, he and Bow also have great camaraderie. Neither one of them are afraid to show their feelings, and they are great examples of male characters who aren’t threatened by the powerful women around them.

2 Adora and Glimmer

SheRa 10 Best Relationships Fans Would Like To See

Adora and Glimmer have a fascinating relationship that has become more complicated as the series has gone on. While they are close friends, they haven’t been without their challenges.

They’ve recently been at odds as their opinions on leadership have varied, and there has been a bit of a power struggle between them. However fractured they might currently be, fans want to see this relationship resolve peacefully with these two as close friends or partners in a more romantic sense.

1 Catra and Adora

There’s no denying that the biggest ship to come out of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is Catra and Adora. These two have a long history, and they have become enemies ever since Adora left the Horde.

Catra’s anger, jealousy, and rejection issues surrounding Adora have led her down some dark roads. This ship might not ever happen in the series because of the damage between these two, but at the very least, fans want to see these two resolve their issues as much as possible.

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