Sherlocks Biggest Mistake Was Bringing Holmes Back From The Dead

Sherlock’s Biggest Mistake Was Bringing Holmes Back From The Dead

Season 2 of Sherlock saw the great detective’s apparent death, as he was brought back in season 3 – which was the series’ biggest mistake.

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Sherlocks Biggest Mistake Was Bringing Holmes Back From The Dead

BBC’s Sherlock had its own version of “The Final Problem”, in which Sherlock Holmes died after a confrontation with Moriarty – and just like in the source material, he was brought back, which ended up hurting the series. The world’s greatest detective has been adapted to various types of media for over 100 years, the most recent ones being Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes films, CBS’ Elementary, and the BBC’s modern take simply titled Sherlock.

Created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, Sherlock debuted in 2010 and presented a modern-day Sherlock Holmes played by Benedict Cumberbatch and John Watson played by Martin Freeman. Season 2 of Sherlock arrived two years later and left viewers with a big cliffhanger: the series finale, “The Reichenbach Fall”, saw Sherlock Holmes jumping from the roof of St. Bart’s Hospital to his death in order to save Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, and John. In the books, Sherlock Holmes was brought back after Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was pressured by fans to do so, and the same happened in the series.

Following Sherlock’s death, fans all over the world came up with all types of theories on how he survived, of which some were included in season 3’s premiere “The Empty Hearse”, where none other than Anderson tried to solve the mystery. The series ultimately never revealed exactly how Sherlock survived the fall, and that was the beginning of the series’ decline. This lack of explanation proved that the creators thought they were smarter than the audience, and that’s the mindset that continued on seasons 3 and 4, which only hurt the series as a whole.

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While season 3 of Sherlock was well received, the quality of the stories was very different to that of its predecessors, with each case coming to a solution in not-so-believable ways. After the special episode “The Abominable Bride”, which took Sherlock and John back to Victorian London, the series returned with its fourth and final season, which was the lowest rated of all. Sherlock season 4 showed that the writers didn’t know where to take the characters’ stories in order to give them closure, and ended up killing Mary Morstan (Amanda Abbington) and introducing a third Holmes sister, Eurus.

The series finale, “The Final Problem”, was the messiest episode of all, with a story very hard to believe and the addition of Eurus Holmes (along with her plan) didn’t make sense. Sherlock season 4 didn’t feel like part of the series, and its ending wasn’t satisfying at all, leaving more questions than when Sherlock died in season 2. “The Reichenbach Fall” would have been a much better ending to the series (even if Sherlock’s survival was teased at the end) mainly because there was no way to bring him back in a believable way. The dynamic between Sherlock and Watson was also hurt by the creators’ decision to bring him back, which along with the convoluted cases made season 3 and especially season 4 a mess.

Everything that came after “The Reichenbach Fall” showed that the creators of Sherlock got so lost in the fame and praise that came with the first two seasons that they didn’t care much for quality in the subsequent episodes, further proving that Sherlock’s (apparent) death was the best ending for the series.

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