Sonic The Hedgehog How The Movies Dr Eggman Compares To Video Games

Sonic The Hedgehog: How The Movie’s Dr. Eggman Compares To Video Games


Jim Carrey’s version of Dr. Eggman will be different than anything Sonic the Hedgehog fans have seen before, with a few notable exceptions.

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Sonic The Hedgehog How The Movies Dr Eggman Compares To Video Games

Sonic the Hedgehog’s new Super Bowl trailer is expected to drum-up excitement for the upcoming film, and while the production has taken steps to respect its video game origins, one wild card remains — Jim Carrey’s portrayal of Dr. Eggman. Eggman, called Robotnik in English versions of the games until 1999 and in the movie, is Sonic’s archnemesis and has appeared in almost every Sonic game, show, and comic.

Movies have a difficult relationship with game adaptations, and Sonic the Hedgehog has been no exception. The reveal of the titular character’s original design caused a maelstrom of negative responses, prompting the film’s creative team to redesign Sonic the Hedgehog to be more in line with the games. Jim Carrey’s casting as Eggman also caused grumbling, and may be what sets the movie furthest apart from the game series.

Though Eggman has been around since the very first Sonic game, he isn’t as fleshed out as the smug hedgehog. Eggman is a broad supervillain whose schemes usually involve replacing the environmental world with a technological one. This does give the film something of a blank canvas.

Dr. Eggman In The Games

Sonic The Hedgehog How The Movies Dr Eggman Compares To Video Games

Eggman changes in purpose and personality throughout the Sonic franchise. Originally, he was a genius scientist bent on turning the entire world into his own mechanical utopia. He designs his own advanced vehicles which he pilots in the boss levels of some Sonic games. In early games, he enslaved animals inside robots to serve as his minions.

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Eggman is more widely known for his design. Classically, he’s a rotund man with a small head and a giant mustache. His outfit has stayed mostly consistent: black pants, red shirt, and signature circular glasses. The film’s use of that design, as with Sonic’s, is complicated.

Dr. Robotnik In The Movie

Sonic The Hedgehog How The Movies Dr Eggman Compares To Video Games

There are two distinct looks for the movie Robotnik. The most predominant doesn’t resemble the game character much. He wears a black trenchcoat, has a full head of hair, and his mustache looks more hipster than evil.

This time around, Sonic’s speed comes from a power that Robotnik hopes to harness. This will probably backfire and lead to Robotnik’s other look, which is more in line with the games: bald head, bushy mustache, and red jacket. Both designs do have glasses, which resemble steampunk goggles.

More concerning is Robotnik’s personality. The trailers showcase old-school Jim Carrey with a manic delivery reminiscent of Ace Ventura. Carrey hasn’t been this unhinged in a while, which could be a nod to Sonic’s 1990’s origin. However, this isn’t the Robotnik that fans know, who is usually more of a villain trope than a buffoon.

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Their response to the backlash over Sonic’s design shows that the film’s creative team has respect for the legacy of the franchise. Whether that fidelity applies to Dr. Eggman is yet to be seen. Ultimately, this is a family film, and Jim Carrey’s animated performance might fit right in with the tone.

Video game adaptations aren’t usually great, but Sonic the Hedgehog seems to know what it is: silly fun. This isn’t Zelda or Silent Hill — Sonic has always been lighter fare. Regardless of how Dr. Eggman deviates from his game version, audiences should expect a cartoonish villain in a popcorn movie. There’s no reason to expect anything more, and that isn’t a bad thing.

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