Space Jam 2 The 10 Best Pop Culture References

Space Jam 2: The 10 Best Pop Culture References


As LeBron and Bugs Bunny travel from world to world inside the computer, many fans were able to spot several pop culture references in the background.

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Space Jam 2 The 10 Best Pop Culture References

Warning: This article contains major spoilers for Space Jam: A New Legacy.

Debuting in 2021, Space Jam: A New Legacy had fans excited as it would see their favorite Looney Tunes back on the basketball court again. Perhaps the biggest difference between Space Jam: A New Legacy and the original film is that the sequel takes full advantage of its connection to Warner Bros. Studios by introducing the Serververse, allowing for many pop culture references in addition to several famous athletes making their film debut in cameo appearances.

While some fans may roll their eyes at the abundance of pop culture references, these callbacks to other films are meant to highlight the storytelling potential of original filmmaking as the movie critiques the overly formulaic modern approach to blockbusters, by literally having an algorithm running a movie studio. Some of these pop culture references are familiar and played out but others are truly unique and original.

10 Al’s Pitch

Space Jam 2 The 10 Best Pop Culture References

LeBron and his son first travel to Warner Bros. Studios to hear a pitch that executives have for a new business opportunity, which sees a character with LeBron’s likeness inserted into various properties.

This sequence depicts a cartoon LeBron fighting Batman as Mr. Freeze, riding a dragon in Game of Thrones, and playing a game of Quidditch in the world of Harry Potter. This is a fun and imaginative scene that sets the tone for the rest of the movie by showing audiences the major franchises that are in play.

9 LeBron’s List

Space Jam 2 The 10 Best Pop Culture References

After Al-G Rhythm challenges LeBron to a high-stakes basketball game, LeBron sets out to recruit his ideal team. He starts by writing out a list of the best potential players he can think of, including Superman, King Kong, the Iron Giant, Trinity, and Batman.

LeBron gives solid analysis on his choices, such as King Kong being a monster on the boards. This moment takes full advantage of the movie’s premise and encourages the audience to imagine the possibilities of Warner Bros. Studios’ most famous characters playing basketball.

8 DC Heroes

Space Jam 2 The 10 Best Pop Culture References

Bugs and LeBron, dressed as Batman and Robin respectively, travel to DC World to recruit some players for their team. They encounter Daffy and Porky, who are pretending to be Superman and Jimmy Olsen, trying to stop a train. The train passes by the Bat-signal, the Daily Planet, and Atlantis before the real Justice League shows up and stops it. A later sequence also shows Lola Bunny forming an unlikely friendship with Wonder Woman as she trains on Themyscira.

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These scenes are filled with fun DC easter eggs and recognizable musical scores. Watching the Looney Tunes interact with these iconic characters is a fun treat that underscores just how unlikely of heroes the Looney Tunes really are.

7 Mad Max

Space Jam 2 The 10 Best Pop Culture References

In a truly iconic scene, LeBron and Bugs find Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner in the middle of the car chase sequence from Mad Max: Fury Road. At one point in the chase, Wile E. Coyote even holds up a cartoon sign that reads “Witness Me.”

Mad Max: Fury Road is easily one of the best action films in recent history, making the juxtaposition of the thrilling, dramatic scene and the ridiculous Looney Tunes jarring but hilarious. The outfits that the characters wear to fit in with the film also add the humor of the moment.

6 Austin Powers

Space Jam 2 The 10 Best Pop Culture References

As Bugs and LeBron continue their effort to reunite the Toon Squad, they find Elmer Fudd and Sylvester living inside the movie, Austin Powers. The door opens to reveal Elmer Fudd dressed as Mini-Me. He then recognizes Sylvester, posing as Dr. Evil’s cat, Mr. Bigglesworth.

The sudden cut to Austin Powers saying “Yeah, baby!” is totally unexpected and the whole scene is funny and surprising. Elmer Fudd nails the signature pose, with his pinky raised to his lips and is a perfect fit for the joke. Additionally, seeing Sylvester completely hairless is a great way to end the scene.

5 Casablanca

Space Jam 2 The 10 Best Pop Culture References

Like the other Toons, Yosemite Sam has been living on one of the other movie planets in the Serververse. When LeBron and Bugs find him, he is playing the piano at Rick’s Café Américain from Casablanca.

This joke is a clever reference to the fact that the pianist in Casablanca, who famously plays “As Time Goes By,” is also named Sam. While the reference may be lost on younger audiences, it is a funny scene that stands out stylistically thanks to the black and white coloring.

4 Rick And Morty

Space Jam 2 The 10 Best Pop Culture References

While LeBron and Bugs have to track down the Toon Squad, there is one character who comes back to them on his own. The Tasmanian Devil gets tossed onto their spaceship by Rick and Morty, who tell the Toons that they have finished running tests on Taz and are unable to reverse his condition, with Morty appearing distressed at what he has seen while testing Taz.

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This surprise cameo by the duo is an unexpected treat for fans. Their appearance is well in line with their characters, as Rick is sarcastic and glib while Morty is often traumatized by his grandpa’s actions. It also reinforces how out of control Taz is, proving to be too much even for Rick and Morty.

3 The Matrix

Space Jam 2 The 10 Best Pop Culture References

One of the last recruiting scenes depicts Granny and Speedy Gonzales as hackers living in The Matrix. They fight off some police officers, with Speedy Gonzales using his speed to dodge bullets and Granny performing impressive martial arts moves. Granny later uses these skills again during the basketball game.

Parodying the bullet time and martial arts of The Matrix has become commonplace in comedies as it is one of the most famous and frequently referenced scenes in movie history. However, what sets this scene apart from other similar references to The Matrix, such as the one in Shrek, is the fact that this scene actually takes place inside the Matrix.

2 The Crowd

Space Jam 2 The 10 Best Pop Culture References

During the climactic basketball game between the Toon Squad and the Goon Squad, the entire Serververse comes together to watch. Similar to the movie, Ready Player One, this sequence brings together hundreds of Warner Bros. characters, including the Hanna-Barbera cartoons, Batman villains, Pennywise the Dancing Clown, the Wicked Witch of the West, Thundercats, and the Night King from Game of Thrones.

This scene is filled with references to some of the most recognizable and iconic characters in movie and television history. Each cut to a different angle reveals more and more characters. Even with the big game going on, audiences will find it difficult not to be more focused on trying to pick out all of the characters in the crowd.

1 Michael Jordan

At halftime of the big game, the Toon Squad is losing badly. Just when they are about to give up hope, Sylvester announces that he found Michael Jordan in the crowd. All of the Toons are encouraged and excited until they realize that it is actually Michael B Jordan.

This is easily the funniest joke in the entire movie and the build-up to the reveal is done perfectly. The great gag is made even better by Michael B Jordan saying the famous line from his show Friday Night Lights, “clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose,” as motivation for the Toon Squad.

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