Spartacus 5 Characters That Needed More Screen Time (& 5 That Got Too Much)

Spartacus: 5 Characters That Needed More Screen Time (& 5 That Got Too Much)


Starz’s historical action-drama Spartacus featured many characters. While some got way too much screen time, others got too little.

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Spartacus 5 Characters That Needed More Screen Time (& 5 That Got Too Much)

Starz’s historical action-drama Spartacus has no shortage of interesting and impactful characters. While Spartacus himself proves a charismatic, charming, and generally badass figure, there are a number of unsung and underused heroes – and for that matter, villains – surrounding him.

With so much chaos, drama, and action in just a few seasons, it’s easy for some of the more memorable characters to get lost in the shuffle. And when it comes to Spartacus, there are certainly more than a few who either hit the scene too late or died far too soon for the liking of many fans. Likewise, there are a number of players who, in one way or another, had worn out their welcome or may have been a bit overused.

10 Less Time: Crixus

Spartacus 5 Characters That Needed More Screen Time (& 5 That Got Too Much)

There’s much to appreciate about this even more brutish counterpart to Spartacus – who’s seen nearly as much screentime as the hero himself. Yet, one can’t help but feel that the Crixus rivalry is a bit overdone in the series. Seeing Crixus time after time, constantly at odds with Spartacus – often for trivial reasons – tends to get a bit old.

He exudes a sort of irritating stubbornness throughout much of the show, even refusing to take part in Spartacus’ rebellion until the last second when he gets personally slighted by Lucretia. Even when the two are united in the common cause of the uprising, Crixus often remains at odds with him in one form or another.

9 More Time: Gannicus

Spartacus 5 Characters That Needed More Screen Time (& 5 That Got Too Much)

This antihero didn’t get a ton of time to shine, which is a bummer considering his charm and witty sense of humor. Though Gannicus certainly had his time in the sun for much of the prequel season, he was absent the entire first season and didn’t reappear until midway through season 2 – when the uprising was well underway.

Between Gannicus’ superior fighting skills and his knack for offering some needed comic relief, it would have been nice to see the former champion of Capua in more than half the series.

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8 Less Time: Claudius Glaber

Spartacus 5 Characters That Needed More Screen Time (& 5 That Got Too Much)

Glaber certainly makes for a good villain with his conniving and spiteful ways, as well as his palpable hatred for Spartacus. Still, the schtick tends to get a bit old after several episodes – especially when it becomes clear this guy is just outmatched by Spartacus.

Granted, he doesn’t have much screentime in the first season, though much of the second season consists of him playing his game of cat and mouse with the rebel – and usually coming up short. Besides, Crassus largely proves to be a more intimidating and cunning version of Glaber when he hits the scene in season 3 anyway.

7 More Time: Titus Batiatus

Spartacus 5 Characters That Needed More Screen Time (& 5 That Got Too Much)

Many of the Roman people in Spartacus, particularly of the wealthier class, are portrayed as malicious or smug at best, and downright sociopathic at worst. Yet, oddly it’s the father of one of the most prominent villains who shines as a rare (mostly) benign figure amongst the Roman aristocracy.

Even if he slights his son at just about every turn, Titus serves as a much-needed voice of reason, wisdom, and even kindness from the Roman side. The show was missing this more subdued and sensible man following his murder after just a few episodes.

6 Less Time: Lucretia

Spartacus 5 Characters That Needed More Screen Time (& 5 That Got Too Much)

This is certainly not a knock on the character of Batiatus’ wife herself, as she actually proves one of the more memorable villains in the series. She brought a sort dynamic, realistic presence to the show, with her emotional depth – and her ability to be both warmhearted and underhanded. But with Lucretia, it’s more a matter of her overstaying her welcome on the show. After her supposed death at the chaotic season 1 climax, fans were shocked to learn that she actually survived the bloodbath.

While she served as a fun carryover from the epic first season, she felt thoroughly out of place. Her husband had perished, and even most of the surviving Romans didn’t particularly care for her or have any real bond with her. And it didn’t help that she was a pretty broken figure and a shell of her former self by this point.

5 More Time: Mira

Spartacus 5 Characters That Needed More Screen Time (& 5 That Got Too Much)

It was harsh enough to see Spartacus’ wife literally ripped from his arms only 1 episode into the series. But did another lover of his really have to be taken out so swiftly too? And unlike Sura, Mira is quite the practiced fighter herself, which makes it all the more disappointing to see her abruptly meet her end before season 3 even starts.

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Mira helped provide both emotional support and firepower for Spartacus – though she was an interesting, likable, and strong character in her own right.

4 Less Time: Naevia

Spartacus 5 Characters That Needed More Screen Time (& 5 That Got Too Much)

Naevia has certainly gone through a lot – serving as Lucretia’s premiere slave, losing her good friend, and generally getting both physically and mentally abused. Thus, it’s interesting to see her take a darker, more cynical turn, as the fallout from her dark past finally spurs her to start fighting for herself.

But she starts to become something of a frustrating character upon getting deep into season 2. At this point, Naevia seems to devolve into little more than Crixus’ whisperer, and even threatens to cause a schism in the rebel factions.

3 More Time: Quintus Batiatus

Spartacus 5 Characters That Needed More Screen Time (& 5 That Got Too Much)

Even though he served as the central villain for most of season 1, it was hard not to miss this awesome figure in the episodes that followed his death by a vengeful Spartacus. Crassus may have carried the torch as the chief villain, but even he couldn’t quite match Batiatus. This prideful Lanista was simultaneously hilarious, charming, and sinister all in one measure.

Like his wife Lucretia, he was given a level of depth most of the villains just didn’t seem to have, making him almost sympathetic despite his malicious ways.

2 Less Time: Ashur

Spartacus 5 Characters That Needed More Screen Time (& 5 That Got Too Much)

This is the case of another great character losing his luster from being a bit overused. The sly, conniving, and humorous Ashur made for a suitable righthand mand to Batiatus. They played off each other quite well. He also had the gladiators looking over their shoulders with his various conspiracies and sabotaging efforts. But like Lucretia, he felt somewhat out of place during the second season.

He also comes across as over the top by this point, especially with how he treats Lucretia and Oenomaus. He goes from a slick, relatively nuanced antihero to a 1-dimensional villain. It’s at this point where Ashur just gets irritating.

1 More Time: Julius Caesar

One of the most iconic figures of the ancient world has the misfortune of arriving on the Spartacus scene quite late, failing to show up until the second episode of season 3. Now, one could argue that there have been ample representations of Julius Caesar as is.

Yet, this show manages to give him a refreshingly unique portrayal – and one that begged for more exploration. Given his badass demeanor, sharp wit, and wild ways, Caesar surely could have been the entertaining focal point of more episodes.

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