Spawn 5 Reasons Todd McFarlane Should Direct (& 5 Why He Shouldn’t)

Spawn: 5 Reasons Todd McFarlane Should Direct (& 5 Why He Shouldn’t)


Todd McFarlane is slated to make his feature-length directorial debut in the upcoming movie adaptation of Spawn, but is he the best choice?

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Spawn 5 Reasons Todd McFarlane Should Direct (& 5 Why He Shouldn’t)

Todd McFarlane is slated to make his feature-length directorial debut in the upcoming film adaptation of Spawn. The project has ignited a lot of interest due to its attracting big-name actors to play the leads; Jamie Foxx as Spawn and Jeremy Renner as Detective Twitch respectively. The narrative will look much less like a comic book movie and something more akin to a horror film.

With such talent and a novel perspective on storytelling, it would seem this film has everything it needs in order to be a monumental success. However, there is some doubt as to whether a man who has no cinema experience can pull off such an ambitious project.

10 Should: McFarlane Knows What He Wants

Spawn 5 Reasons Todd McFarlane Should Direct (& 5 Why He Shouldn’t)

Everyone has directed a movie in their heads. What is seen seems so cool and revolutionary, if only someone would let this vision become a reality. Well, in McFarlane’s case, he gets just that. Back in 2018, McFarlane stated, “I’ve directed this movie a thousand times in my brain.”

Being able to come to the table already knowing how a shot needs to look or how a scene is going to transpire is half the battle. If McFarlane is as invested in this project as he claims, the film can only be something truly special.

9 Shouldn’t: There Are Other, Amazing Directors

Spawn 5 Reasons Todd McFarlane Should Direct (& 5 Why He Shouldn’t)

Todd McFarlane has noted that the success of films like Joker has made a “dark and creepy” Spawn a more desirable title to production companies. With directors like Todd Phillips (Joker) and Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan), there is no shortage of talented directors who can make this scarier superhero film come to life.

Darren may be the best pick especially considering how dark he wanted to make his Batman film before it was eventually given to Christopher Nolan. Aronofsky’s take on Batman was so jarring, it was even surprising to Frank Miller.

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8 Should: McFarlane Is Taking Good Direction

Spawn 5 Reasons Todd McFarlane Should Direct (& 5 Why He Shouldn’t)

Yes, even a director needs direction. McFarlane has stated he would be surrounding himself with the best people he could to make this movie happen. “I’m gonna be the least experienced person on that set,” McFarlane said, “they’re gonna make me look good all day.”

McFarlane has cited Bradley Cooper’s work in A Star is Born as his inspiration. Cooper had never directed before, but that wouldn’t stop his film from having seven Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Actress. If it’s good enough for Bradley Cooper it must be good enough for Todd McFarlane.

7 Shouldn’t: Too Many Voices

Spawn 5 Reasons Todd McFarlane Should Direct (& 5 Why He Shouldn’t)

Due to McFarlane’s surrounding himself with knowledgeable people, this project lacks a unifying mind to bring it all together. Films are a composite art. They consist of talent across a wide range of specialties and trade. However, at the end of the day, the director still has the final say as to what happens on camera.

They are the ones that have a vision for the shot. They are the ones who know what a scene should look like or how a line should be delivered. It won’t matter how many times McFarlane has directed this film in his head. A thousand other voices can drown that out.

6 Should: McFarlane Knows the Character

Spawn 5 Reasons Todd McFarlane Should Direct (& 5 Why He Shouldn’t)

Spawn is McFarlane’s baby. He created the character when he was still in high school and was the first story that was produced by Image Comics. There is no one on this planet who understands this character better than Todd McFarlane. Relinquishing control to someone else could easily deliver a product that’s completely different from the original vision.

Having McFarlane direct will guarantee fans will get a Spawn movie completely from the brain of the man who conceptualized the character they know and love.

5 Shouldn’t: He Lacks Experience

Spawn 5 Reasons Todd McFarlane Should Direct (& 5 Why He Shouldn’t)

Todd McFarlane is no film director. Granted, he has directed some music videos and short films. However, he’s never directed something on such a large scale. This is a project that will cost millions of dollars to come to fruition with a large crew and studio deadlines.

He may have all the most talented people in the world helping him bring this story to life, but that will just cause gridlock and hold up production. While there may be a case to be made about not having gone to film school à la Christopher Nolan, that is certainly not the norm nor is it indicative of success.

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4 Should: He Isn’t Tied To Hollywood

Spawn 5 Reasons Todd McFarlane Should Direct (& 5 Why He Shouldn’t)

It isn’t a surprise that Hollywood has very little admiration from most anyone. Doom and gloom stories riddle the landscape with the interference of production companies on the set of films.

There’s bureaucracy, red tape, and a whole lot of backbiting. Luckily, Todd McFarlane isn’t a part of that world. While he has done some work within the entertainment industry, he remains a man firmly at arm’s length from the corporate bigwigs of Hollywood. And with Blumhouse Productions producing, a more intimate form of storytelling will hopefully prevail.

3 Shouldn’t: New Territory

Spawn 5 Reasons Todd McFarlane Should Direct (& 5 Why He Shouldn’t)

Films are immense projects, filled with hundreds of people all assigned to do a job that culminates in the end result of having a movie in some form showing across a screen. With that being said, navigating that landscape can be incredibly difficult if you’re not familiar with the process.

This is new territory for Todd McFarlane. It’s not a straight line from starting a film project and seeing it completed. While he is creative, he lacks the knowhow to successfully pilot the skies of production.

2 Should: He’s Thinking Small

Spawn 5 Reasons Todd McFarlane Should Direct (& 5 Why He Shouldn’t)

McFarlane’s take on Spawn will be massively different than what most superhero audiences have to come to expect. He’s made it clear it’s going to focus mostly on Detective Twitch and his encounters with a shadowy figure.

With a budget of $10 million, this will be one of the smallest superhero movies ever. Luckily, this film doesn’t require a large budget. More time can be spent building up the world surrounding Detective Twitch as he confronts the horrors surrounding the city he protects. This “small” thinking will make things far less complicated and add much-needed nuance to a story that would otherwise be taken over by too many special effects.

1 Shouldn’t: He’s Thinking Too Small

On the other hand, Spawn is a demon hunting vigilante with otherworldly powers. In many ways, this would be the prime place to show off some CG magic. Spawn has the tendency to be depicted fighting monsters of insane proportions and encountering angels, all while trying to strike a balance between using his supernatural abilities and his combat skills honed by years of military combat.

While no one knows what will be seen, a smaller scale means there will be less eye-candy. In the case of Spawn, audiences need that.

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