Spencer The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Spencer: The Main Characters, Ranked By Intelligence


The numerous characters that appear in the new movie Spencer vary in terms of how intelligent they are and what types of intelligence they have.

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Spencer The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Spencer, the new drama movie focusing on a pivotal moment in Princess Diana’s life as a member of the Royal Family, is a haunting and disturbing portrait of one young royal’s effort to detach herself from the relentless traditions of the family that she’s married into and that have pushed her to the brink of madness. As such, it is sure to become a must-watch biopic.

Though it remains largely focused on Diana’s innermost thoughts and experiences during the Christmas holiday at Sandringham, Spencer also showcases a number of other characters, both royal and nonroyal, who demonstrate differing levels, and types of intelligence.

10 Harry

Spencer The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

As the younger of Diana’s two children, Harry always exists in the shadow of his elder brother, Prince William. He also seems to be less committed to the life of the mind than his mother and is less likely to pick up on the subtle cues that their mother is not very well.

At the same time, he also has an innate ability to give his mother the love and support that she needs from her children, so he clearly has a form of emotional intelligence that, according to the movie, is rare among the royals.

9 Angela

Spencer The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Though she only appears infrequently in the movie, Angela is a pivotal character in that she is the woman tasked with dressing Diana after her regular dresser, Maggie, is sent away.

Like many of those who are sworn to serve the Crown, she has a very rigid way of looking at things, but while some might see that as unintelligent, she shows that she knows how to do her job and how to do it well, even if that means she has to butt heads with Diana over her behavior.

8 Maria

Spencer The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Maria is another character that only appears in a few scenes, but she plays an important role in that she is at least somewhat compassionate toward Diana.

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Just as importantly, when Diana offers to give one of the other members of the staff a string of pearls from Charles, it’s Maria who tells her that the young woman wouldn’t be able to take them even if they were offered. She’s intelligent enough to know what can and can’t be done according to the rules of propriety.

7 Darren McGrady

Spencer The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Though Sandringham is a very unfriendly environment for Diana, she at least has one ally in the form of Darren McGrady, who is the man in charge of the kitchens.

He has the emotional intelligence that allows him to see what Diana needs, and he goes looking for her when she gets lost on the way to Sandringham. He’s also intelligent enough to know how things work among the servants, and he reassures her that they are not mocking her behind her back.

6 Prince Charles

Spencer The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

It would have been easy for Spencer to paint Prince Charles as unequivocally a villain, but in his few times in the movie, he shows that he is more conflicted than that. Furthermore, he shows that he has a certain ruthless kind of intelligence, one that allows him to see that, when one is a member of the royal family, one has to always be two different people.

It doesn’t make him particularly sympathetic, but it does show that he understands certain things about how the world works.

5 Queen Elizabeth II

Spencer The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

One of the most surprising aspects of Spencer is how little Queen Elizabeth actually speaks. She has a handful of lines in the entire movie, and she only appears sporadically.

Like Charles, however, she shows that she also understands the price of being a royal, that ultimately one is responsible for upholding tradition and that the ugly truth is that they are all of them, especially the women, a form of currency in the world. Understanding and accepting that is a key to at least some sort of happiness.

4 Maggie

Spencer The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Maggie is one of Sally Hawkins’ best roles, and she alone seems to truly understand and appreciate Diana. Part of this is because she is actually in love with her–as she admits to Diana on the beach–but it’s also because she has an innate emotional intelligence that allows her to understand things that lie beyond the royals’ ability to understand.

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Just as importantly, she’s able to convey this to Diana, helping her to navigate the ugly and toxic dynamics of Sandringham.

3 William

Spencer The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Like his mother, Prince William is a very sensitive person, and he can always sense when something is wrong with his mother. As the elder of her two sons, furthermore, he’s smart enough to realize that there are certain realities that they have to deal with, and he does everything that he can to help her navigate those moments when everything threatens to become too much for her.

His emotional intelligence is one of the things that keeps her grounded and enables her to survive the dreadful Christmas holiday.

2 Alistair Gregory

Spencer The Main Characters Ranked By Intelligence

Timothy Spall, in one of his best roles, plays Alistair Gregory, who is in some ways the chief villain of the movie, always looming over Diana, the man who has been tasked with making sure that she sticks to the rules and does what she’s supposed to do.

He has a practical sort of intelligence that makes him an invaluable part of the royal family, and he makes sure to follow his duty, no matter how unpopular it might make him with Diana. Despite all of that, he also seems to have a key understanding of at least some aspects of Diana’s struggle.

1 Diana

Throughout this movie, it is clear that Diana is the smartest character, largely due to Kristen Stewart’s powerful performance. She has an outsider’s perspective of how the royal family works, and she quickly grows impatient with how their insistence on tradition stifles anything that might even resemble creativity or independence.

While she struggles to translate her intelligence into actual freedom, by the end of the movie she has come to realize that there is nothing for her and that the only thing she can do to find happiness is to cease being a part of the family.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/spencer-smartest-characters/

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