SpiderMan 10 Things From Tobey Maguires Peter Parker We Want In Tom Holland’s Peter Parker

Spider-Man: 10 Things From Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker We Want In Tom Holland’s Peter Parker


While Spider-Man fans have loved Tom Holland’s Peter Parker in the MCU, Tobey Maguire is still the gold standard for the movie version of the hero.

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SpiderMan 10 Things From Tobey Maguires Peter Parker We Want In Tom Holland’s Peter Parker

There’s little doubt that the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of Spider-Man has been a success. Tom Holland has had the most live-action appearances for the superhero, with more to follow. And yet, Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker has remained so well in memory that some fans argue he’s still the best one.

It comes down to this version having certain traits and elements that worked to perfection. Tom Holland’s Spider-Man has lacked in areas that can be fixed if the MCU character incorporates the strong points from Tobey Maguire’s take on the superhero. For this reason, it’s worth comparing where MCU Peter Parker has been weak and how including traits of the Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy version will help him.

10 The Geeky Mentality

SpiderMan 10 Things From Tobey Maguires Peter Parker We Want In Tom Holland’s Peter Parker

No matter what version of Spider-Man it is, he retains some level of that geeky charisma. MCU Spider-Man has been more of a pushover than a geek, having shown little interest in “nerd” activities and being a loner.

Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker wasn’t a comic book geek, but he did have that nerdy demeanor one would imagine. Even his decision to name himself “the Human Spider” was proof of this kind of mindset, which would look good on Tom Holland’s Peter Parker since he can pull off this energy well.

9 Having A Venomous Rage

SpiderMan 10 Things From Tobey Maguires Peter Parker We Want In Tom Holland’s Peter Parker

Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man wasn’t willing to fight, even against highly powerful foes, but he did have a venomous rage when the time came for it. Tom Holland’s Peter is far too mellow, with his rage never really shown despite many moments that called for it.

He should channel that mixture of desperation and anger that Tobey Maguire’s version had, as it didn’t take away from his nice-guy nature but added an edge to the character.

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8 Remembering The Value Of Responsibility

SpiderMan 10 Things From Tobey Maguires Peter Parker We Want In Tom Holland’s Peter Parker

MCU Peter Parker does carry the theme of responsibility, wanting to do right by the “little guy.” However, he doesn’t dwell on this as Spider-Man should. Tobey Maguire’s version most certainly did, with the character remembering why he made sacrifices.

Tom Holland’s take on the superhero would benefit from this trait as this would take away the juvenile tendencies he has. By shouldering the burden of responsibility, the character will come across as mature in nature and even his otherwise boyish antics will be seen from a different perspective.

7 Focus On The Character’s Strength

SpiderMan 10 Things From Tobey Maguires Peter Parker We Want In Tom Holland’s Peter Parker

As of yet, the physically strongest Spider-Man might just be Tobey Maguire’s. This was most evident in his climactic battles where he made use of his strength in numerous scenarios. He might not have been the fastest, but Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker had the sheer power to make up for it.

Tom Holland’s version has displayed his strength unevenly, sometimes pulling off big feats while others missing the mark. By incorporating the consistency shown in Tobey Maguire’s character, the MCU Peter Parker won’t be underestimated by anyone.

6 Brilliance At School And Studies

SpiderMan 10 Things From Tobey Maguires Peter Parker We Want In Tom Holland’s Peter Parker

Peter’s intelligence has been severely underrepresented in the MCU. The good thing about Tobey Maguire’s take on the character was that he wasn’t shown as a full-on nerd but was brainy enough for it to be clear that he was a smart guy.

This is what Tom Holland’s version needs, especially since he’s been so reliant on the technology bestowed upon him by Tony Stark. Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker came across as a natural talent in science, which is what the MCU character needs to emulate.

5 His Photography Skills

SpiderMan 10 Things From Tobey Maguires Peter Parker We Want In Tom Holland’s Peter Parker

The MCU has taken some liberty here by making Peter interested in using his phone rather than a camera. While that’s a unqiue take, it’s still not as obvious a talent as Tobey Maguire’s Peter. His work with the camera added to his character as he was shown with his own hobby outside of being a hero.

By adding this aspect to Tom Holland’s Peter Parker, the MCU can allow the character to have something notable about him, as being a boy with a camera is an angle that will distinguish him from the rest. It also sticks close to the comics, making him relatable to comic book fans as well.

4 Having Real-World Problems

SpiderMan 10 Things From Tobey Maguires Peter Parker We Want In Tom Holland’s Peter Parker

Tom Holland’s Spider-Man can fight all kinds of villains he wants but it’s just not as empathetic for the audience as Tobey Maguire’s real-world issues. That’s because viewers could understand stuff like him struggling to pay rent, juggling classes with responsibilities, and pondering over his failures.

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MCU Peter Parker has lacked these struggles, something older audiences might not connect with. By incorporating Tobey Maguire Peter Parker’s relatable issues, this version can truly be part of the neighborhood since he’ll be seen as a real person.

3 A Bizarre Bad Boy Turn

SpiderMan 10 Things From Tobey Maguires Peter Parker We Want In Tom Holland’s Peter Parker

Among the things that have actually aged well in the Spider-Man trilogy was Peter Parker’s bad boy turn. Fans have softened to this aspect since Peter embraced his confidence, no matter how bizarre it was.

MCU Peter Parker has been a nice guy for too long by this point and it’s high time he also gets a similar turn. He needs to look ridiculous since it won’t be believable to be cool and suave all of a sudden. The point is to show him to be confident and arrogant as a way to finally break his shackles and then realize he’s gotten overboard.

2 A Relationship With Uncle Ben

SpiderMan 10 Things From Tobey Maguires Peter Parker We Want In Tom Holland’s Peter Parker

Uncle Ben’s absence is one of the noted things known about Spider-Man: No Way Home. Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker was mainly shaped after the ideals he learned from Uncle Ben, both staying faithful to the comics and giving him a good origin.

Tom Holland’s Peter Parker hasn’t had anything to do with Uncle Ben, but the MCU should adapt the angle present with Tobey Maguire’s version in order to lay the basis for Peter Parker’s heroic ideals. It would also suit Tom Holland since he does a good job at portraying a young man yearning for parental affection.

1 Being Able To Function Without A Mentor

There’s a big contrast between the two characters in climactic battles of their movies. Tobey Maguire’s was shown mustering his spirit to defeat his enemies while Tom Holland’s has generally required help. In fact, all of his movies have featured his need for a mentor.

Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker carried the lessons he learned from his mentors but didn’t always need them. This is how Tom Holland’s version should be portrayed as well, as bringing up his learning only when the plot calls for it would make the lessons all the more poignant. As of yet, he’s come across as lost and confused without a mentor, but incorporating Maguire’s Peter’s independence will remove this aspect.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/spider-man-tobey-maguire-peter-parker-personality-traits-tom-holland-should-embrace-mcu/

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