SpiderMan Got Trapped In Web Underwear By Doc Ock

Spider-Man Got Trapped In Web Underwear By Doc Ock

When Spider-Man and Doc Ock mind swapped, Octavius created an even stronger web fluid. But when they swapped back, things got awkward.

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SpiderMan Got Trapped In Web Underwear By Doc Ock

Spider-Man is famous for cracking jokes, usually just for his own amusement. It doesn’t matter if his audience is an older villain with no sense of humor or a fellow Avenger long accustomed to his antics – his quips fly as frequently as his webs. But at least one time, Spidey found himself the butt of the joke in a situation involving his arch-villain Doc Ock, mind-swapping and… webbed underwear.

The setup involves Spider-Man and Doc Ock trading brains – which isn’t completely foreign territory for the superhero, considering he and Wolverine had previously body swapped. The Dying Wish story arc sees Octavius locked away in the Raft, Doc Ock was on his deathbed from years of battling Spider-Man and had previously decided Parker’s youthful body offered the perfect host to continue living after his actual body failed. So, unbeknownst to Spider-Man, Ock had used nanobots to stealthily switch their consciousness during past engagements, leaving Peter’s mind in Doc Ock’s dying body, while Doc Ock’s mind was controlling Spider-Man. But instead of using his newfound vigor and powers to continue a life of crime, Doc Ock comes out of it (thanks to Parker’s strong sense of morals and responsibility) wanting to become an even better superhero than Parker ever was, dubbing himself the Superior Spider-Man.

During his tenure as the Superior Spider-Man, Doc Ock improved several aspects of Parker’s crime fighting arsenal, including his web formula. The result was a much stronger web; so strong, in fact, that it created problems for the real Spider-Man once he regained his body. In The Amazing Spider-Man #2, Captain America asks Spider-Man (after his consciousness has been returned) why he’s wearing pants instead of his usual uniform upon arriving to Avengers Tower. Spider-Man launches into a long-winded story to reveal that his clothes evaporated in a previous fight. He had to cover his nether regions in webbing, not realizing that Doc Ock had strengthened his web formula, resulting in his pants getting permanently stuck to the web underwear he had fashioned.

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Spider-Man has a long reputation for making quips, but this moment presents one of the rare times a villain turned the comedic tables against him. The fact he did it with his own web shooters only adds insult to injury. What makes this ordeal even funnier is that it forces Spider-Man to fess up to the embarrassing incident in front of Captain America, who’s historically known for being one of the more serious and stoic Avengers. Even Tony Stark, who has had his share of team ups with Spider-Man over the years, looks un-amused by Parker’s story. Iron Man jumps at the opportunity to give Spider-Man an immediate medical scan just to make sure there’s no trace of Doc Ock left still rattling around in Spidey’s brain.

Once the scan was complete, the Avengers felt convinced that the old Spider-Man was in fact back and that Doc Ock’s grip had loosened for good. Yet after hearing the outlandish story surrounding his web underwear, it should’ve come as no surprise to the Avengers that only Spider-Man could manage to get himself into such a ridiculous predicament in the first place.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/spider-man-web-underwear-stuck/

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