SpiderMan No Way Home Producers On How They Convinced Past Stars To Return

Spider-Man: No Way Home Producers On How They Convinced Past Stars To Return

Marvel boss Kevin Feige reveals that it was difficult convincing past stars to reprise their roles for the recently released Spider-Man: No Way Home.

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SpiderMan No Way Home Producers On How They Convinced Past Stars To Return

WARNING: This article contains spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home

Marvel producers revealed how they did the seemingly impossible task of convincing actors from past Spider-Man films to appear on Spider-Man: No Way Home. The film, which recently swung into theaters, is part of the MCU’s Phase 4. It serves as Tom Holland’s third solo outing as the web-slinging superhero and is joined by returning stars Zendaya, Marisa Tomei, Jacob Batalon, and Jon Favreau. Benedict Cumberbatch also joins the cast as Doctor Strange.

Spider-Man: No Way Home explores the concept of the multiverse and weaves together different generations of live-action Spider-Man films. In the film, Peter Parker seeks the help of Doctor Strange to conjure a spell so the world would forget his secret identity. The magic backfires and dangerously opens up their timeline to other universes. This resurrects characters from Sam Raimi’s original Spider-Man trilogy (2002-2007) and Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man films (2011 and 2014). These unwanted guests include the return of iconic supervillains such as Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin, Alfred Molina’s Doc Ock, and Jamie Foxx as Electro.

Just as Spider-Man’s most vicious villains were able to enter this timeline, Holland’s Peter Parker gets help from other trespassers. Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield’s versions of Spider-Man break into this reality and achieve the multi-generational reunion fans have been waiting for. Speaking with The New York Times, Marvel Studios president Keven Feige revealed how they were able to make this historical feat happen. According to Feige, it took more than a magic spell to get Maguire and Garfield, along with the other actors who played Spider-Man villains, to appear on No Way Home. He credits Sony producer Amy Pascal for convincing the two previous Spider-Man stars to say yes. Read his comments below:

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Getting everybody to agree with you about the cool, big idea [was the biggest challenge making No Way Home. ‘Hey, we have an idea.Will you come sign up and be in this movie?’ ‘Cool! Can I read the script?’ ‘No.’ That was the hardest part. And that’s where Amy [Pascal], who calls anyone anywhere at any time, is a master producer at making things happen.

Pascal recalled Maguire and Garfield’s initial hesitation until she swayed them by promising that their appearances were crucial to the movie’s story and would not be presented as “cash-grab cameos.” While the villains’ return was heavily promoted in the film’s trailers and posters, Maguire and Garfield’s inclusion in Spider-Man: No Way Home was Marvel’s most heavily guarded secret. The two actors had consistently denied their involvement despite fans’ speculations and clamor.

Ultimately, the surprise crossover paid off as Spider-Man: No Way Home opened to phenomenal box-office success. While critics may argue that having Maguire, Garfield, and Holland in one frame is purely fan service, it is undoubtedly a major moment in pop culture. Spider-Man: No Way Home will go down in history as a massive achievement that brought three generations of Spider-Man together. For fans, it is proof that anything is possible in the multiverse of superheroes.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/spiderman-no-way-home-maguire-garfield-return-difficult/

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