SpiderMan’s Organic Web Shooters Were James Cameron’s Idea

Spider-Man’s Organic Web Shooters Were James Cameron’s Idea

Spider-Man screenwriter David Koepp reveals James Cameron was the one who came up with the idea of giving Peter Parker organic web shooters.

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SpiderMan’s Organic Web Shooters Were James Cameron’s Idea

The famous organic webs in Sam Rami’s Spider-Man was James Cameron’s idea. The 2002 film took some liberties with the characters, but one of the more talked about changes was straying from the comics version of Peter Parker’s webs. In the comics, Parker devolved a formula that he would use to create the web while the film had him naturally acquire the webs after his brush with a genetically engineered spider. This change in Parker’s origin would play a key plot point in the sequel as Parker struggled with temporarily losing his powers in Spider-Man 2.

James Cameron’s version of Spider-Man was wildly different than what Sam Rami would release in 2002. Instead of focusing on the Green Goblin, the main villain was going to be Electro with Sandman working as the muscle. This take on Spider-Man was also going to be a lot more intense with both Sandman and Electro dying by the end of the film. The darker take on Spider-Man never came to be as a complicated legal battle took place and Cameron dropped out of Spider-Man to make Titanic instead. Both parties seemed to benefit from this move as Titanic went on to become one of the highest grossing films of all-time and Spider-Man became the first film to pass the $100 million at the box office in a single weekend and would go on to shape the future of comic book movies.

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In an interview with IGN, screenwriter David Koepp revealed that he got the idea for Parker’s organic webs from a 45-page script treatment written by James Cameron. Koepp says he was a fan of the treatment because it took Spider-Man seriously and treated him like an actual person with real problems. In regards to the web shooters Koepp admitted, “…that was his idea and I was happy to use it.” Both The Amazing Spider-Man and the MCU’s take on the character would switch back to the home-made version of webs that were used in the comics.

The organic web shooters were a controversial alteration to the source material when they were first announced, upsetting a number of die-hard fans. However, when Spider-Man came out, audiences saw that they worked fine within the context of the film and easily accepted them. The organic web shooters were even eventually integrated into the Spider-Man comics, illustrating how much the perception surrounding them changed over time. They also helped underscore one of Spider-Man’s themes as a metaphor for puberty. As Parker’s body started to grow into an adult and go through subtle changes, it also went through the much more obvious changes of getting super powers.

The organic web shooters were a minor switch to more casual fans, but others felt it changed the context of the Spider-Man films to a considerable degree. One of the appeals of Spider-Man in the comics is that he used his intelligence to build tools to battle against villains who built weapons of their own. Considering the intense amount of detail in the Spider-Man movies, this change is a pretty dramatic shift. It did help to sell the mutation aspect of Parker’s change, but it did so at the cost of taking away some of Peter’s intelligence and inventiveness. Despite what one thinks of the organic web shooters, Spider-Man would go on to be a blockbuster film and shape the future of superhero movies.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/spiderman-movie-organic-web-shooters-james-cameron/

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