Squid Game Set Up Two Perfect Winner Stories (But Used Neither)

Squid Game Set Up Two Perfect Winner Stories (But Used Neither)

Seong Gi-hyun was set up to win in Squid Game, but it would’ve been better if the show had either Cho Sang-Woo or Kang Sae-beyok succeed instead.

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Squid Game Set Up Two Perfect Winner Stories (But Used Neither)

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Squid Game.

Squid Game set up two perfect winners, but it didn’t use either of them. After six deadly games, not to mention the ever-looming danger from his fellow contestants, Seong Gi-hun (Lee Jung-jae) was crowned the winner of the latest incarnation of Squid Game’s horrifying secret competition. As the only living survivor of the underground event, he brought home a total of 45.6 billion won—a useful tool in turning his life around after amassing a mountain of gambling debt. That said, the hit Netflix sensation could have had a better ending if it had chosen a different winner.

Each prominent player in Squid Game had their own reasons for wanting to continue after learning that losing a single game would cost them their lives. For Gi-hun, his primary mission was to pay his debts and provide a better life for his family, particularly his young daughter who moved to the U.S. with his ex-wife and new husband. Looking back at the show’s overall narrative, it’s clear that he was set up to win. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the game itself was rigged, but as the show’s main protagonist, its storytelling was obviously designed so that Gi-hun would emerge as the last surviving player.

Upon closer examination, Gi-hun wasn’t the most deserving winner of Squid Game’s giant piggybank full of cash. For the most part, he depended on sheer luck instead of actual skill to survive. He only ever relies on his own thinking and physical capabilities during the dalgona (candy carving) challenge. He was lucky in Red Light, Green Light when he was shielded by a fellow player and then a second time when Ali (Anupam Tripathi) pulled him back from falling. Gi-hun was also fortunate when forced to partner up with his “gganbu” Oh Il-nam (o Yeong-su) for a game of marbles, and he happened to pick the right vest in the fifth trial, allowing him to cross the glass bridge last.

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Because of Gi-hun’s continuous luck, it would’ve been better if either Cho Sang-Woo (Park Hae-soo) or Kang Sae-byeok (Jung Ho-yeon) won Squid Game’s substantial prize money. Admittedly, Sang-Woo wasn’t the nicest person in the game. After he figured out the dalgona challenge, he selfishly did not share the knowledge with his teammates. He ruthlessly betrayed Ali during the marbles game, and later on he killed Sae-byeok in cold blood to set up his final match with Gi-hun. All that being said, at least he understood what it took to win and made decisions first and foremost based on survival. He relied on his skills and critical thinking, and was an active player rather than a passive passenger.

Sang-woo would’ve been a controversial winner had he emerged victorious in Squid Game, but Sae-byeok (aka Player 067) would’ve ultimately been the best choice to win the murder games. She’s skillful and smart just like Sang-woo, but without the added cruelty. Sae-byeok was assertive and knew how to take care of herself, but that didn’t mean she was wholly without empathy. In fact, much like Gi-hun she proved herself to be kind and compassionate individual, and became a major fan-favorite after Ji-yeong sacrificed her life to save her during the emotional marbles challenge. Like Ali, she was strapped for money not because of her own personal greed but because she was taken advantage of by people she trusted. Sae-byeok only ever wanted to bring her parents across the border and provide for her family.

With both Sang-woo and Sae-byeok dead, their stories can’t continue in the potential Squid Game season 2—at least not in the traditional sense. Netflix has yet to green-light the sequel, or any other spinoff projects, but considering the show’s ending, not to mention its popularity, it’s safe to say that it will return. When that time comes, Gi-hun will be once again at the center of its storytelling, and hopefully this time, he’s no longer the passive character that he was for most of the show’s outing.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/squid-game-winning-player-67-218-gi-hun-better/

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