Star Trek Picard LeVar Burton Talks Plausible Return of Geordi La Forge

Star Trek Picard: LeVar Burton Talks Plausible Return of Geordi La Forge

Geordi La Forge actor LeVar Burton says it’s “certainly feasible, if not plausible” that his character could show up one day on Star Trek: Picard.

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Star Trek Picard LeVar Burton Talks Plausible Return of Geordi La Forge

LeVar Burton discusses the “plausible” return of Geordi La Forge in Star Trek: Picard. The second season of Picard is soon set to air on Paramount+, with Patrick Stewart back for another planet-hopping adventure as the famed Starship Enterprise captain.

Of course nostalgia was a big part of Picard season 1, beyond the long-awaited return of Stewart as the meme-worthy Jean-Luc. In addition to bringing back the famed Star Trek: TNG captain, season 1 also brought in fan favorite characters Brent Spiner as Commander Data, Jonathan Frakes as Will Riker and Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troi, not to mention Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine and Jonathan Del Arco as Hugh Borg. And season 2 will do its own share of nostalgia mining as it sees the return of John de Lancie’s Q, as well as the return of Whoopi Goldberg’s Guinan.

Another TNG character fans would certainly love to see back in the Star Trek fold is Burton’s Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge. Unfortunately there are no known plans to bring Geordi back for season 2 of Picard. Beyond that, it seems La Forge’s return is a possibility, at least according to Burton himself. Speaking to Rolling Stone, Burton said:

I’m not psychic. Look, I love Star Trek. I love my castmates. Here’s what I will say about Picard: I do believe that whatever else is going on in his life, in the storytelling that they’re engaging in now, he still knows these people. It is certainly feasible, if not plausible, that they should show up at some point during this current adventure. We’ll see.

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Of course if Burton were already involved in future episodes of Star Trek: Picard he would not come right out and say it. So perhaps there already are plans in the works for Geordi’s return and Burton is just playing coy. It’s more likely however that thus far La Forge is not in the mix for Picard, leaving Burton with nothing to do but speculate vaguely about what is feasible and what is plausible, a game that anyone can play whether they have direct knowledge of Paramount’s plans or not.

Ultimately if La Forge did return for Picard down the road, it would be nice if his role in the show were not merely to show up and cook pizza like Riker. Of course such nostalgic but insubstantial cameos are simply part of the deal for a show like Picard that seeks to attract older Star Trek fans while also building a new fan base with its faster paced and more action-packed storytelling. So even if La Forge were to get his moment on Star Trek: Picard, it’s likely that his appearance would wind up being unsatisfying if not downright annoying. Then again, perhaps Picard has actual plans for La Forge in which the character’s actions would have an actual meaningful impact on the story. It would of course be fun to see La Forge and Picard back in action again, trying to solve some puzzling space mystery together. But solving space mysteries in the old-fashioned TNG way doesn’t really seem to be the main order of business on Star Trek: Picard, a show that largely emphasizes action-oriented storytelling over cerebral problem-solving.

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