Star Trek The Evil Picard Exploits TNGs First Major Alien Entity

Star Trek: The Evil Picard Exploits TNG’s First Major Alien Entity

In Star Trek: The Mirror War #2, the evil Picard uses the “space vessel lifeform” from The Next Generation’s pilot episode “Encounter at Farpoint.”

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Star Trek The Evil Picard Exploits TNGs First Major Alien Entity

Warning! Spoilers ahead or Star Trek: The Mirror War #2!

The evil Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek’s upside-down mirror universe actually exploits the famous alien entity from The Next Generation’s iconic “Encounter at Farpoint” pilot episode.

In the normal universe, Picard and his crew stumble upon what William T. Riker coins the “space vessel lifeform” during the USS Enterprise D’s maiden voyage to open relationships between the United Federation of Planets and the Bandi people. Despite not being technologically advanced, the Bandi somehow constructed the vastly impressive Farpoint Station, and Starfleet wants to learn how. Picard and his crew soon discover during this important episode that the Bandi had captured the aforementioned shapeshifting alien and were torturing the poor creature to perpetually stay in the form of Farpoint Station to impress Starfleet. Naturally, Picard doesn’t condone the Bandi’s actions and frees the poor creature so it may reunite with its kind.

In the comics’ upside-down universe, the evil Picard succeeds in accomplishing what the Bandi failed to achieve in The Next Generation – manipulating the space vessel lifeform into following his bidding willingly. Like its TV counterpart, the alien feeds on energy, and the evil Picard uses this information to his advantage. In return for the evil Picard infusing it with energy for consumption, the lifeform agrees to store some of the resourceful captain’s most precious possessions inside its body, as revealed in Star Trek: The Mirror War #2 by writers Scott and David Tipton and artist Gavin Smith. This symbiotic relationship reveals a significant divergence from the normal universe. Starfleet’s evil counterpart, known as the Empire, is driven by greed and wealth while the concept of money has been eliminated by the good United Federation of Planets. The good Picard is quite proud of this development and touts this success to a human from the past where currency still exists on Earth during the film Star Trek: First Contact. Meanwhile, the evil Picard not only embraces money but participates in a shady pastime by illegally stashing a portion of the spoils of war for himself.

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Ironically, the evil Picard’s greed doesn’t compel him to act as despicably as the Bandi people from The Next Generation. Based on his explanation of their relationship, the upside-down version of Picard only formed an accord with the alien entity. He didn’t first try to physically force the “space vessel lifeform” into storing his illegal contraband like how the Bandi tortured the alien to assume a certain form. It would have made sense if the evil Picard did use violence since he’s basically the exact opposite of his good counterpart. The regular Picard is a highly ethical man who considers himself a student of history, a passion he pursues by ensuring mankind doesn’t repeat the same sins as its ancestors. As such, Picard is against enslavement, so it would have been understandable if his evil counterpart resorted to the same maniacal practices of slavery employed by ancient humans, a transgression that the good Picard finds so revolting.

It’s also crucial to point out that the entire encounter at Farpoint is part of a trial imposed upon Picard and his crew by the godlike entity Q as a way to judge whether humanity is worthy enough to stay in existence. Picard’s actions in The Next Generation obviously prove the worthiness of humanity as Q allows them to exist. It therefore isn’t farfetched to assume that the evil Picard’s actions concerning the space vessel lifeform should yield the opposite result in Star Trek’s mirror universe. As of the latest issue, that isn’t the case – for now.

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