Star Wars 10 Things You Won’t Know About Grand Moff Tarkin If You Only Watched The Movies

Star Wars: 10 Things You Won’t Know About Grand Moff Tarkin If You Only Watched The Movies


What background info about Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin might have an impact on the upcoming Star Wars series The Bad Batch?

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Star Wars 10 Things You Won’t Know About Grand Moff Tarkin If You Only Watched The Movies

On May 4th, Star Wars will once again venture into the familiar territory of animated television with The Bad Batch, a show that already has the makings to live up to its predecessor, The Clone Wars. There are many characters rumored and confirmed for the show, and in terms of villains, Wilhuff Tarkin looks to be taking the role of central antagonist.

Tarkin both debuted and died over forty years ago in A New Hope. Since then, his story has expanded and become more fascinating, mainly outside of his two movie appearances. The TV shows, his titular novel, and various pieces of extended canon content have given fans a slew of information on the character that fans who just consume the movies will not know.

10 Was Not Fondly Remember By All Imperial Officers

Star Wars 10 Things You Won’t Know About Grand Moff Tarkin If You Only Watched The Movies

The Empire was sent into a bit of disarray following the destruction of the first Death Star. The plans of Galactic domination by use of the superweapon were not only put back, but many a vital staff were lost, including Grand Moff Tarkin.

While he was widely respected during his life, his death was met with wide criticism for the longtime Imperial leader. Tarkin was dubbed overconfident and naive for his unwavering faith in the Death Star, and for not deploying enough squadrons to deal with the rebels. Cassio Tagge dubbed the Death Star “Tarkin’s folly.” Many remained respectful to the Grand Moff, deeming his death a large blow for the Empire.

9 Captain Under Even Piell During The Clone Wars

Star Wars 10 Things You Won’t Know About Grand Moff Tarkin If You Only Watched The Movies

When fans are not consuming an insane amount of Star Wars content outside of the movies, it is easy to forget that the Empire was the Republic and that many members of the latter made the transition without a second thought.

During the Clone Wars, after a stint as governor of his home planet, Tarkin became a military Captain. He was a subordinate of Jedi Master Even Piell, both of whom were captured by the Separatists, which kicked off the brilliant Citadel arc, which plays a crucial role in the Clone Force 99 story.

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8 Relationship With Anakin Skywalker

Star Wars 10 Things You Won’t Know About Grand Moff Tarkin If You Only Watched The Movies

That famous Citadel arc planted just another seed in fans’ minds about the downfall of Anakin Skywalker and the rise of Darth Vader, as mutual respect and a good relationship were formed between Anakin and Tarkin.

The two shared many ideas about war and how the Jedi Code does not work well with it. Tarkin always disliked the Jedi, but he had a lot of respect for Anakin, who he viewed as different from the rest, and seeing this in The Clone Wars and the extended canon adds a whole new layer to their interactions in A New Hope.

7 The First Grand Moff (& Creator Of The Title)

Star Wars 10 Things You Won’t Know About Grand Moff Tarkin If You Only Watched The Movies

Perhaps the most basic piece of information about Tarkin that the more casually invested Star Wars fans will not know is that his name is Wilhuff, with him being more commonly referred to as Grand Moff Tarkin.

However, a more interesting piece of information is that the iconic moniker of Grand Moff came from the mind of Tarkin. A Grand Moff was the governor of grouped star systems, also known as Oversectors. Tarkin came up with Oversectors as well as the title of Grand Moff, becoming the very first Grand Moff in the Empire.

6 Supported Thrawn’s TIE Defender Program Over Project Stardust

Star Wars 10 Things You Won’t Know About Grand Moff Tarkin If You Only Watched The Movies

Tarkin is famously known for his dedication to the Death Star, dying with it in 0 BBY. However, he was not always such a fan of the project.

A few years prior, another program was far more interesting to Tarkin, Grand Admiral Thrawn’s TIE Defender program. Krennic pushed hard for Project Stardust, a.k.a the Death Star, with Tarkin stealing control from under him after the fall of Thrawn and the Death Star’s successful test on Jedha.

5 Attachment To His Home Planet

Star Wars 10 Things You Won’t Know About Grand Moff Tarkin If You Only Watched The Movies

Most Star Wars characters do not have their home planets explicitly shown and stated, and Tarkin is no different. He comes from Eriadu, a gorgeous Outer Rim planet filled with mountains and jungles.

What may be a surprise to many is that Tarkin actually had a bit of an attachment to his home planet, specifically nature and land, which he credits for teaching him many a lesson. Tarkin is not the kind of character that strikes fans as sentimental, but it does add depth to his character for him to have that attachment.

4 Had A Published Memoir

Star Wars 10 Things You Won’t Know About Grand Moff Tarkin If You Only Watched The Movies

Tarkin detailing some of his life on Eriadu came from memoirs which he had written during his lifetime, a surprising detail about the character which was unveiled in his titular novel from James Luceno.

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Tarkin wrote these memoirs about a point in his life where he spent most of his time at Sentinel Base overseeing the Death Star construction. He also talked about some of his life in Eriadu. The memoirs were written throughout Tarkin’s life, although it was not until years after his death until they were published in the Galaxy.

3 The Emperor Saved His Life

Star Wars 10 Things You Won’t Know About Grand Moff Tarkin If You Only Watched The Movies

The respect Tarkin demanded cannot be understated. He had authority over so many in the Empire as a part of the higher chain of command, a position he managed to achieve due to the respect the Emperor had for him.

At one point, Vader had two assassination attempts on him from Imperial Officers. As such, to demonstrate his position in the hierarchy of the Empire, he not only had the Emperor tell the high ranking Imperial positions that any order from Vader was as good as one from him, but Vader randomly chose five to kill. The Emperor specifically asked that Vader not target Tarkin, citing Tarkin’s importance in his future plans as the reason his survival was necessary.

2 His Protegé Ellian Zahra

Star Wars 10 Things You Won’t Know About Grand Moff Tarkin If You Only Watched The Movies

An aspect of the Empire and the people within it is that a good Imperial Officers had students and protegé’s they took under their wing that they saw as better than the rest, whether it be due to their skill and potential, or because they remind the superior of their younger self.

Tarkin was someone who fit into this, having his own protegé in the form of Ellian Zahra. Tarkin handpicked Zahra and two other Imperial’s he saw as potential protegé’s and put them through a test to determine who would remain under his wing as they rose through the ranks. Zahra handily won out against the other two. She eventually rose to the rank of Lieutenant Commander before failure on a mission led Tarkin to reassign her to non-essential work before his death.

1 He Helped Palpatine Secure The Position Of Supreme Chancellor

It is almost hard to comprehend just how much of a genius Palpatine proved himself to be with the orchestration of decades worth of Galactic events, from his rise in politics to the birth of the Empire to the plans in motion for after his death.

However, he did not do everything alone. While he planned everything out, other people were necessary for the execution. One such person was Tarkin, who blocked Chancellor Valorum from investigating the Eriadu Conference, which sped up the Invasion of Naboo orchestrated by Palpatine. This weakened Valorum’s position and led to the rise to the position of Supreme Chancellor for Palpatine, and helped to kick off the events of the prequel trilogy.

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