Star Wars 10 Ways Padmé Amidala Got Better & Better

Star Wars: 10 Ways Padmé Amidala Got Better & Better


Padmé Amidala is an awesome character from the Star Wars franchise and in many ways, she only got better.

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Star Wars 10 Ways Padmé Amidala Got Better & Better

Over the years, the Star Wars prequel trilogy has become far more adored as the generation raised with the films has the ability to use Twitter, and older fans who were more stuck in their ways appreciate the brilliance of the story, even if the execution lacks in certain areas.

One massive way in which the prequels have become more appreciated is through the characters, of which there is a collection of great ones, including Padmé Amidala, who, in a variety of ways, both in-universe and out, has gotten better and better.

10 Beloved By Her People

Star Wars 10 Ways Padmé Amidala Got Better & Better

At the young age of fourteen, Padmé Naberrie was elected as the Queen of Naboo, adopting Amidala as her regnal name, and made a significant impact on her people.

As Anakin notes, Padmé was so popular with her people that they wanted to amend the constitution to keep her in power. She was a fantastic team, and it led her on the path to attempt to make a change for her people and the Galaxy for the better.

9 Senator Of Naboo

Star Wars 10 Ways Padmé Amidala Got Better & Better

Of course, the constitution did not get amended so she could serve another term, but she still represented her people on a political level by becoming a Senator.

Not only did her Senatorship lead her to Coruscant to make a change in the Galaxy as well as inadvertently become a thorn in Sidious’ side while helping her people, but it also led her to love, – and children – that, while ended badly for her, made her happy for a long time.

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8 Various Friendships

Star Wars 10 Ways Padmé Amidala Got Better & Better

Friendship is one of the most important and prominent themes seen throughout all of Star Wars and improves the lives and happiness of a variety of characters, including Padmé.

Her friendship with Bail Organa led to her daughter becoming safe, loved, and protected, as well as a hero, and her friendships with people like Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Mon Mothma, her handmaidens, and others, all served to improve her and her life.

7 Seeds Of The Rebellion

Star Wars 10 Ways Padmé Amidala Got Better & Better

Revenge Of The Sith has a deleted scene where a group of Senators meets in Bail Organa’s office to discuss ways to stop the further rise of Palpatine.

It is a meeting that plants the early seeds of rebellion, and it show’s not only the bravery of Padmé but also how truly committed she was to peace and prosperity, to democracy, for the good fo the Galaxy.

6 Luke & Leia

Star Wars 10 Ways Padmé Amidala Got Better & Better

Padmé never got the chance to be a mother to her children, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, but having the strength to give birth to them pretty much saved the Galaxy.

Luke and Leia, respectively and together as a team, went on to save the Galaxy from the Galactic Empire, as well as have a considerable role in the defeat of the First Order. Padmé being pregnant and giving birth to Luke and Leia helped in ways she could never imagine.

5 Helping Unite Naboo

Star Wars 10 Ways Padmé Amidala Got Better & Better

The Phantom Menace highlights one of the many ways in which Padmé was a phenomenal monarch for Naboo, and how much she truly helped the planet.

As a way to help against the blockade, and as a way to, in general, make Naboo a better place, Amidala proposed a peace treaty to Boss Nass, and Naboo was pretty much at peace with Gungans and the Naboo in harmony.

4 Continuously Proving Herself

Star Wars 10 Ways Padmé Amidala Got Better & Better

The Star Wars franchise has a good few of fierce, inspirational, independent female characters, from Leia to Rey to Ahsoka, and Padmé is no different.

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She consistently proves that she can handle herself, that she is competent in pretty much any situation and while peaceful, can hold her own in a life or death situation, all on top of putting Anakin in his place time and time again, and always

3 Impact On Vader

Star Wars 10 Ways Padmé Amidala Got Better & Better

Long after her death, Padmé’s memory lives on, Leia so clearly has her blood, and she was a friend to many. But perhaps her most significant impact following her death is on Vader.

Through the comics, Padmé continually comes up. While she is not being made better by it, her impact on Vader improves Vader incredibly, giving him so many more layers, making him so painfully tragic and, in turn, improves Padmé in the eyes of the fans.

2 Her Novels

Star Wars 10 Ways Padmé Amidala Got Better & Better

There are a plethora of terrific novels in the Star Wars canon exploring various characters and stories, with Padmé having two of her very own.

They are two great reads, especially for fans of the character, and both Queen’s Shadow and Queen’s Peril add so much to the character, to her background, her personality, her life. Like so many other characters, the extended universe improves Padmé so much.

1 The Clone Wars

Another aspect of the Star Wars franchise that consistently improved characters was the beloved Clone Wars series, which added so much to the prequel trilogy, with Padmé, once again, consistently great.

She definitely is involved in some of the show’s worst episodes. Still, her romance with Anakin is made exponentially better, she had some other great episodes, as well as some brilliant stories like “Heroes On Both Sides,” she was well performed, and overall was always a joy to watch. Like it did with so many things, The Clone Wars improved Padmé.

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