Star Wars 5 Reasons The Old Republic Should Be Adapted Into Film (& 5 It Should Be TV)

Star Wars: 5 Reasons The Old Republic Should Be Adapted Into Film (& 5 It Should Be TV)


We saw the Skywalker saga that took place in the rise and fall of the empire. But we haven’t seen the wars before in the Old Republic.

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Star Wars 5 Reasons The Old Republic Should Be Adapted Into Film (& 5 It Should Be TV)

The gargantuan hit franchise Star Wars has been and will be in the hands of Disney, a major moneymaker in various forms of media. Ever since the introduction of the franchise with the original film back in 1977, it has been a popular culture phenomenon.

Of course, some of that changed when Disney acquired the property and deemed a lot of extended universe content as non-canon. While, depending on the story, this wasn’t much of an issue, there was still some good content that has been stricken from official lore. The Old Republic era is one of those and fans are itching for canon stories in that time period. Here are five reasons The Old Republic should be adapted into films and five why it should be adapted into TV.

10 TV: The Old Republic Is Too Vast For Movies

Star Wars 5 Reasons The Old Republic Should Be Adapted Into Film (& 5 It Should Be TV)

Perhaps one of the most obvious points in favor of having stories from The Old Republic era adapted into television instead of movies is that the time period on its own is too massive for any movie. The typical “long” movie nowadays is probably two to two-and-a-half hours long depending on who you ask.

Considering the scope and scale of The Old Republic era based on previous stories told in that time period, namely with the Knights of the Old Republic games, a couple, or even a few, two or so hour-long movies may not do the stories justice.

9 Film: Concise Narratives Can Be Better

Star Wars 5 Reasons The Old Republic Should Be Adapted Into Film (& 5 It Should Be TV)

Of course, even though the argument that a longer-form narrative might be better is valid, sometimes longer and more does not always mean better. For all we know, depending on how the stories are adapted and what the stories actually are, more tightly told stories to fit into two to three two to two-and-a-half-hour movies could be better.

This would eliminate, or at least significantly reduce, the chance that the stories would deteriorate in quality over time. Also, just because The Knights of the Old Republic RPGs and The Old Republic MMORPG were long stories doesn’t mean that movies would have to be also to be good.

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8 TV: More Time To Give Attention To Characters

Star Wars 5 Reasons The Old Republic Should Be Adapted Into Film (& 5 It Should Be TV)

If stories from The Old Republic time period were adapted into television then there would be much more time to work with in terms of content. Assuming this follows the trend that a lot of television series follow of having roughly hour-long episodes with, say, six to 10 episodes in a season in addition to having multiple seasons, then there will be plenty of time to introduce and develop characters.

This could be completely original characters or bringing back favorites from the games. It is hard to imagine that a couple or so movies would be enough to do characters like Darth Revan and Malak on top of a bunch more cast members’ proper justice.

7 Film: Blockbuster Films Generally Get More Attention

Star Wars 5 Reasons The Old Republic Should Be Adapted Into Film (& 5 It Should Be TV)

This could be debatable depending on the person asked, but, at least generally, a proper blockbuster movie does tend to get more buzz and hype behind it than the average television show. Of course, more attention does not equal high-quality content, but if this time period is adapted to the screen is to continue after its hypothetical debut, it is going to need the necessary hype and attention behind it to signal to the higher-ups that this is indeed in demand.

It is in this particular respect that a film, or a series of films, however many entries that maybe, the better format.

6 TV: Weekly Episode Releases Will Have It Be Talked About For Longer

Star Wars 5 Reasons The Old Republic Should Be Adapted Into Film (& 5 It Should Be TV)

Speaking of general hype and attention, releasing episodes in a weekly manner will help keep the series relevant and talked about for a stretched period of time. Of course, this is assuming that the quality is there, to begin with.

But that is also part of the point. Even if it were to be a television series as opposed to films, as long as it is of high quality it will stay relevant and having a weekly release schedule on top of that will only propel it further into success. Just look at the success of Game of Thrones and The Mandalorian in having weekly releases mixed with high-quality content.

5 Film: Disney Needs To Prove It Can Handle Star Wars On The Big Screen

Needless to say, Disney has lost a lot of confidence in the Star Wars fan base in the last couple of years or so. And that is putting it quite lightly. After a promising start with 2015’s The Force Awakens, Disney squandered trust by having the controversial The Last Jedi divide the community and then ultimately fall flat with The Rise of Skywalker.

All that being said, it is understandable Disney is taking a hiatus from films until 2022, but they can’t avoid films forever. Disney needs to eventually prove to fans that they can handle Star Wars on the big screen successfully and consistently. Bringing The Old Republic back to life could be their chance to do that.

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4 TV: Live-Action Star Wars TV Is Still Fresh

Star Wars 5 Reasons The Old Republic Should Be Adapted Into Film (& 5 It Should Be TV)

Disney should also think about striking while the iron is hot. This is definitely true for the introduction of Star Wars into the live-action TV space. Of course, the franchise has been on TV before with a number of animated series, but live-action is also an exciting and, in their case, new prospect to take advantage of.

The launch of Disney+ with its flagship series in The Mandalorian was a runaway success and spells out good things for this format going forward. Bringing back The Old Republic era in this format will easily take advantage of this positive trend.

3 Film: Star Wars Is Primarily A Film Franchise

Star Wars 5 Reasons The Old Republic Should Be Adapted Into Film (& 5 It Should Be TV)

It is not even up for debate that the Star Wars franchise as a whole is first and foremost a film franchise. Sure, the franchise can expand and has expanded into several other mediums once it established a hold in popular culture, but this is only because of the success of the films.

Most people who are fans of Star Wars will tell you that they were introduced to the franchise because of the films. It is for this reason that perhaps Lucasfilm should consider reviving The Old Republic era into film before anything else.

2 TV: Lucasfilm Can Now Dominate Disney+

Star Wars 5 Reasons The Old Republic Should Be Adapted Into Film (& 5 It Should Be TV)

Speaking of striking while the iron is hot, the introduction of the streaming service Disney+ into the world means that Lucasfilm has the perfect opportunity to continue their success in television and streaming form. The Mandalorian was undoubtedly a success, so expanding on this success in this format can be a great decision.

Not only will it bolster the popularity of Star Wars in general–assuming the series is good–it will help the relevance of Disney+. As already mentioned, while the franchise is primarily one of the films, dominating other territories will only help the good of Star Wars.

1 Film: The Next Big Film Saga

Without a doubt, this is definitely one that both Disney and Lucasfilm will be extremely cautious about going forward. This is especially so since Kathleen Kennedy said herself that Lucasfilm wouldn’t necessarily stick to the trilogy format–let alone a saga–like gospel as they have done in the past. The way she said what she said made it sound like they would let the individual stories dictate how many entries they would be. While this doesn’t take trilogies totally off the table, they’re certainly less likely.

However, if The Old Republic films are of high enough quality, then maybe it will inspire them to make it the next big film saga. Depending on how that goes, it could take people’s minds off how disappointing the Skywalker saga ended, if even temporarily.

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