Star Wars 5 Things Wed Like to See in a Rose Tico Show (And 5 Things We Could Do Without)

Star Wars: 5 Things We’d Like to See in a Rose Tico Show (And 5 Things We Could Do Without)


Since Jon M. Chu has pitched Disney+ a Rose Tico series, we take a look at what we’d like and what we’d hate to see from the Star Wars spin-off show.

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Star Wars 5 Things Wed Like to See in a Rose Tico Show (And 5 Things We Could Do Without)

When fans were given their first real glimpse of Kelly Marie Tran’s Rose Tico at Star Wars Celebration Orlando in 2017, the reception was a warm one — many fans were ecstatic to have a leading woman of color in Star Wars, especially one portrayed by a Vietnamese-American like Tran. It felt like a step in the right direction for a trilogy that’s goal was to make Star Wars for everyone. Shortly after The Last Jedi’s release, Kelly Marie Tran became subject to online harassment from so-called fans, often hurling racist and sexist insults at her in the comments. Eventually, Tran removed all content from her Instagram and left it behind her. In August of 2018, Tran wrote a moving essay for the New York Times, detailing her decision to leave social media.

With all this in mind, the fanbase was ready to see Rose get her due in The Rise of Skywalker. However, the reality was that her presence in the film had been cut down to a minute and sixteen seconds. The outrage of Rose’s erasure hasn’t been confined just to the fandom though: Crazy Rich Asians director Jon M. Chu took his frustrations to Twitter by tweeting to Disney+ about headlining a Rose Tico series. A series about Rose is something we’d love to see, but we also have some reservations. Read below to find out what we’d like to see in a possible series, and what we don’t.

10 Want: Strong Female Cast

Star Wars 5 Things Wed Like to See in a Rose Tico Show (And 5 Things We Could Do Without)

Lucasfilm has made some serious missteps this year when it comes to its female fanbase, most often by violently inverting popular romance tropes, or by its treatment of female characters in The Rise of Skywalker. A series following Rose has the potential to course correct some of these, by giving Rose a strong supporting female cast.

There’s plenty of women in the Resistance that Rose knows, but we’d especially love to see Jannah (Naomi Ackie) and Kaydel Connix (Billie Lourd) going on adventures with Rose. If Lucasfilm continues its trend of more diversity behind the scenes, then the series could be an excellent source of true representation: something the franchise is now in dire need of, if it wants its fanbase to trust it again.

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9 Don’t Want: Nostalgic Driven Storytelling

Star Wars 5 Things Wed Like to See in a Rose Tico Show (And 5 Things We Could Do Without)

One of the main flaws The Rise of Skywalker has that have been called out by both the media and fans alike is its catering to nostalgia. Nostalgia is good in small doses, but the final Star Wars film felt like an overstuffed turkey that a kindly aunt kept refilling our plate full of.

A series about Rose should be thinking of its current and future audience: the storytelling should be geared towards the generations that are more likely to consume it. With the future of the galaxy left in such a questionable state at the end of the saga, it would be interesting to see where everyone goes from here.

8 Want: Romance

Star Wars 5 Things Wed Like to See in a Rose Tico Show (And 5 Things We Could Do Without)

Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi was chock full of female imagery, mythology, and closely followed Maureen Murdock’s The Heroine’s Journey, and heavily featured romance: from Rey and Ben Solo’s developing relationship to Rose and Finn’s partnership that ended with Rose giving Finn a kiss, haloed by a golden explosion.

Although a focus on romance isn’t necessary, we would love for Rose to have a love interest since her relationship with Finn went nowhere. We would also like to see an LGBTQ+ couple, either featuring Rose herself or perhaps another main character.

7 Don’t Want: More Retconning

Star Wars 5 Things Wed Like to See in a Rose Tico Show (And 5 Things We Could Do Without)

The Rise of Skywalker seemingly bent itself over backward trying to retcon or undermine the purpose of The Last Jedi, apparently giving in to the small but vocal group of fans who disliked the film. While smaller retcons are fine in series like Doctor Who (which is a different medium altogether and arguably has never had a continuity), it was puzzling to find the third film of a trilogy directly contradicting the second.

We’d love for a Rose series to be a continuation of the themes and lessons The Last Jedi gave us, and take Rose on her own Heroine’s Journey, possibly with flashbacks of her relationship with her sister, Paige. It would be rewarding for fans of The Last Jedi to see the film treated with the respect it deserves but so rarely receives.

6 Want: Rose Coming Into Her Strength

Star Wars 5 Things Wed Like to See in a Rose Tico Show (And 5 Things We Could Do Without)

Rose is an achingly human character, a touchstone for the audience to relate to. She challenges the people around her, often serving as a moral compass with her ideals.

It would be interesting to see Rose herself challenged, and the end of the war could prove to be an excellent way to do that: where does she go from here? To see Rose come into her own, overcome obstacles, and get what she wants in life is a story we want to hear.

5 Don’t Want: More Galactic Wars

Star Wars 5 Things Wed Like to See in a Rose Tico Show (And 5 Things We Could Do Without)

We know it’s called Star Wars, but the end of the saga marks the third all-out galactic war we’ve seen on-screen — even the animated series focuses on the various wars throughout the generations.

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What makes The Mandalorian so refreshing is its existence between wars, and that’s a concept we want to see repeated in a possible Rose Tico series.

4 Want: Rose Mentoring Others

Star Wars 5 Things Wed Like to See in a Rose Tico Show (And 5 Things We Could Do Without)

Rose is a very wise and compassionate character: she’s lost a lot in her life, survived many betrayals, and hasn’t lost her light.

With such a focus in modern media of father/daughter dynamics, we think it would be interesting to see women taking those younger than them under their wing as well — and it’s a concept that ties directly into Rose’s characterization, as she’s shown to be good with children in The Last Jedi.

3 Don’t Want: Shock Value Storytelling

Star Wars 5 Things Wed Like to See in a Rose Tico Show (And 5 Things We Could Do Without)

Another tool used in modern media is shock value: killing characters off without warning has almost become a tradition now for both television and cinema. Shock Value is based entirely on shocking the audience, which means more often than not, it isn’t something built up or foreshadowed beforehand.

The brand of storytelling maybe for some, but for us, the anxiety of not knowing what the writers could pull next has tainted several beloved shows — and we do not want that in a Star Wars series.

2 Want: Emphasis on Mythology

Star Wars 5 Things Wed Like to See in a Rose Tico Show (And 5 Things We Could Do Without)

Star Wars has always held an emphasis on mythic archetypes and images, often following Joseph Campbell’s studies for reference. Like George Lucas, Rian Johnson continued this model while also integrating Maureen Murdock’s Heroine’s Journey.

We would love for a potential Rose series to once again curate mythology for modern audiences, so that fans may pick them apart for analysis. And it would be extra interesting to see a series that either explores the more mythic side of the Force without a focus on the Jedi or Sith or straight up a series without any focus on the Force.

1 Don’t Want: Cynical Perspectives

Everything seems grim, hopeless, and gritty nowadays in television and film. More often than not, we walk away from media feeling upset or frustrated that our beloved characters didn’t receive a happy ending. There’s certainly a place for those kinds of stories, but we’re not sure Star Wars (a franchise about hope, love, and redemption) is one.

Rose embodies the core traits and messages of what Star Wars is all about. She even lampshades this to Finn in her final spoken lines of The Last Jedi: “that’s how we’re going to win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love.” Love is the core of Star Wars and the core of Rose’s being. A cynical narrative wouldn’t fit with what we know of her, so her potential series shouldn’t need one.

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