Star Wars Confirms Palpatines Rise of Skywalker Return Is Lukes Fault

Star Wars Confirms Palpatine’s Rise of Skywalker Return Is Luke’s Fault

Luke Skywalker exiled himself before the Star Wars sequel trilogy, and that helped Emperor Palpatine return in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

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Star Wars Confirms Palpatines Rise of Skywalker Return Is Lukes Fault

Luke Skywalker’s exile was at least partly to blame for Emperor Palpatine’s return in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Luke and Palpatine are both subjects of some of the most controversial elements of Star Wars’ sequel trilogy: when it started, it was revealed that the person who was once the galaxy’s greatest hero had retreated to a hidden planet where no one could find him; when it was time to end, it brought back the saga’s overarching villain despite his death over 30 years earlier. The change to Luke and the return of Palpatine both proved divisive, but now Star Wars is making the two inextricably linked.

Star Wars canon has already teased links between Palpatine’s return in The Rise of Skywalker and what happened to Luke before. Prior to the sequel trilogy, Luke sensed a lingering dark side presence and even suspected Palpatine’s involvement, which factored into his and Lando Calrissian’s search for Ochi. To his end, it’s been suggested that Palpatine revealed himself to Luke during his fateful encounter with Ben Solo, and that was the darkness Luke sensed.

It’s clear the pair’s stories remained entwined, even if neither of them perhaps realized quite how much. Luke represented the biggest threat to Palpatine’s plans, thanks not only to his great power in the Force, but his ability to train a new Jedi Order and inspire hope in the galaxy. It’s long been suspected that Luke’s exile – and eventually, death – was a key factor in how and when Palpatine made his movie, and that’s something the Emperor confirms in the Star Wars tie-in book Secrets Of The Sith, which is written from his perspective:

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“A self-appointed Jedi Master, the great Luke Skywalker wasted his life attempting to rebuild the fallen Jedi Order. That pathetic dream was shattered when Skywalker’s prize pupil – his nephew, Ben Solo – turned against the Order’s teachings and cut down his fellow students. Skywalker wallowed in self-pity, fleeing into seclusion and abandoning the ways of the Force. His exile allowed me to set in motion the plans for my return.”

It makes a lot of sense that Luke’s exile would lead to Palpatine’s return, or at least made it much easier. Had Luke not left, then the status and power of Kylo Ren and Supreme Leader Snoke would have been in greater doubt; it would perhaps have played upon Kylo’s conflict more, and Luke’s power levels surpassed both of those, meaning the First Order would’ve had a major obstacle to its rise that was otherwise missing, which in turn would’ve harmed the chances of Emperor Palpatine’s in The Rise of Skywalker. Likewise, the death of Snoke in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and then Kylo finding Palpatine in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and the setup for a new Sith heir were all key to Palpatine’s comeback, which would’ve been made much harder with Luke still around.

Palpatine was always lurking in the shadows on Exegol, waiting for the right moment to strike. The events of the sequel trilogy gave him the window of opportunity he needed, ostensibly ending the conflict within Kylo Ren (or so Snoke and Palaptine hoped), and wiping out a lot of hope in the galaxy and crushed the Resistance (or again, so Palpatine hoped). Having Luke around through all of this would irrevocably change the entire sequel trilogy, and would presumably mean that if Palpatine wanted to return he’d need to be prepared to face Luke. Since Luke Skywalker was the one person Palpatine feared, then he would’ve likely had to bide his time longer, and Luke could even have snuffed out his plans before they were set in motion, making the entire face of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and the whole sequel trilogy very different.

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