Star Wars’ New Trilogy Makes Solo Essential Viewing

Star Wars’ New Trilogy Makes Solo Essential Viewing

Often disregarded as the most irrelevant entry in the Star Wars franchise, it turns out that Crimson Dawn is a crucial component of the comics.

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Star Wars’ New Trilogy Makes Solo Essential Viewing

Warning! Spoilers for Star Wars #18

The newest Star Wars trilogy is giving Solo: A Star Wars Story newfound significance. Often disregarded as the most irrelevant entry in the Star Wars franchise, it turns out that Crimson Dawn is a crucial component of the comics.

As War of the Bounty Hunters wraps up and a new crossover event is approaching, familiar characters are coming together for the first time. Chasing after the missing carbonite-frozen body of Han Solo, Crimson Dawn is crossing paths with the Rebel Alliance. Now, both of Han’s love interests, Qi’ra and Leia, are finally meeting in Star Wars #18, written by Charles Soule with art by Ramon Rosanas. Although Solo: A Star Wars Story had set up a lot of potential story for movies, the comics are finally taking advantage of loose ends.

With War of the Bounty Hunters coming to a close, it has been revealed that Crimson Reign will be the second entry into a new trilogy. The first entry established the role of Crimson Dawn in the galaxy, with Lady Qi’ra as the fearless leader of the crime syndicate. However, casual readers might not be aware that her referenced backstory throughout the comics had been explored in Solo: A Star Wars Story. Now that she is taking center stage, Solo has suddenly gained additional relevance. The film which had been skippable, since Han never required such an origin story, is worth watching for Qi’ra’s backstory.

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As Qi’ra interacts with the heroes of the original trilogy, there is a greater sense of connective tissue between the old and new eras. Considering that Crimson Reign will do some heavy lifting that the films didn’t do themselves, the limited series is similarly attempting to make some films feel more crucial than they felt upon release. Further developing the Knights of Ren, Crimson Dawn, Ochi, and Qi’ra, there is a lot of ground for the upcoming event to cover. Previously in War of the Bounty Hunters #16, Qi’ra went up against Darth Vader and proved herself to the Sith, who took note of her training. Revealed in Solo, Qi’ra likely received training from both the defeated Dryden Vos and Maul. Fans would have no idea about where she learned how to fight ahead of War of the Bounty Hunters or Crimson Reign. At the moment, the comics could delve deeper into how she gained her fighting skills.

Some casual readers could understandably feel disoriented by ongoing events without the context of Solo. Although the original trilogy didn’t require audiences to watch the prequels, the comics are assuming readers’ collective awareness. With the franchise easily accessible on Disney+, fans can catch up on the prelude to the newest trilogy. Star Wars: Crimson Reign #1 releases on December 1.

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