Star Wars Rebels’ Original Kanan Jarrus Plan Killed Him In Season 2

Star Wars Rebels’ Original Kanan Jarrus Plan Killed Him In Season 2

Kanan sacrificed himself in Star Wars Rebels season 4 to keep get the Ghost Crew into safety, but he was almost killed much earlier in the show.

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Star Wars Rebels’ Original Kanan Jarrus Plan Killed Him In Season 2

Star Wars Rebels introduced the Ghost Crew who remained mostly intact until the show’s end – but it turns out, Kanan Jarrus was almost killed off in season 2. Running for four years, the Lucasfilm animated series on DisneyXD focused on a small band of freedom fighters who protected the planet of Lothal and its neighboring worlds. Despite their relatively small operations, they eventually became integral to the birth of the Rebellion and ultimately the defeat of the evil Empire.

Debuting a full slate of new characters, Star Wars Rebels did a great job balancing its storytelling by offering something fresh while also integrating familiar elements from the bigger franchise. Originally, Kanan was the only member of the Ghost Crew who was Force-sensitive. He trained with some of the best Jedi before they were wiped out through Order 66 and since then, he had been keeping a low profile. When he met Ezra, who has the potential to be another Jedi, he trained him to the utmost of his ability. The pair’s relationship was intrinsic to the show’s overall narrative, but that was almost cut short.

According to Freddie Prinze Jr. who voiced the character in Star Wars Rebels, there was a plan for him to die at the hands of Maul at the end of season 2 in an interview with Collider. However, the higher-ups at Disney said no and asked him to be in every episode of the show. Interestingly for the actor, these were the same people who didn’t want him to play Kanan at the beginning. Prinze didn’t delve into the details about how the Jedi was supposed to die early on the in animated series, but he did say that he and creator Dave Filoni discussed it. Despite this, chances are that Kanan was supposed to meet his end in the season 2 two-part finale titled “Twilight of the Apprentice” where he, Ezra, Chopper, and Ahsoka traveled to Malachor — a Sith Temple that the Jedi were forbidden from visiting. There, they encountered Maul, who had become a hermit whose whole plan was to lure Ezra to be his apprentice. Once the group learned about this, Kanan dueled Maul, and instead of the former Dark Lord killing him, he ended up being blinded instead.

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Kanan was ultimately killed in Star Wars Rebels but just before the show was almost done and under very different circumstances. Instead of being murdered in a battle, it was his decision to sacrifice himself to make sure that the rest of the Ghost Crew was able to leave the Imperial fuel depot following the rescue of Hera from Governor Pryce who was torturing her. This was one of the most powerful scenes in the whole show as it was only then that it was explicitly confirmed that Kanan and Hera were in a romantic relationship. Aside from this manner of death being more impactful, killing Kanan as early as Star Wars Rebels season 2 could’ve set up a very different arc for Ezra. The young Padawan already had Dark side tendencies and losing his master at such a precarious time with Maul luring him to turn evil might have led him down the wrong path. Given how and when Kanan ultimately died, Ezra was in a more stable headspace, confident in knowing that he wanted to be a force of good.

Kanan may be dead, but Lucasfilm can continue his story through his and Hera’s son, Jacen, who debuted at the end of Star Wars Rebels. That was the first and last time the character was seen, but considering that the space opera is exploring that period through The Mandalorian and its spin-offs, it’s not outside the realm of possibility for him to appear. Otherwise, he can also live through Ezra who’s expected to appear in the Ahsoka series.

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