Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker 10 Prequel Storylines That Were Never Resolved

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: 10 Prequel Storylines That Were Never Resolved


Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker may have ended the Skywalker saga, but it left these plot points from the prequel trilogy hanging and unresolved.

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Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker 10 Prequel Storylines That Were Never Resolved

George Lucas’s prequel trilogy presented all new characters, planets, and problems when it began in 1999 with Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. It had the Herculean task of attempting to satisfy fans’ curiosity about things only hinted at in his original trilogy; Anakin Skywalker’s turn to the dark side and the birth of Darth Vader, the glory days of the Jedi Order, the Clone Wars, the rise of the Galactic Empire, and the birth of Luke and Leia Skywalker.

It’s been both reviled and revered by fans, and in may ways faced the same problem of living up to expectations that Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker does in completing the Skywalker saga. Lucas himself left a lot of loose ends in the prequel trilogy, and some plot holes fans expected it to repair were left mysteries. Below are 10 prequel storylines that were never resolved by Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.


Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker 10 Prequel Storylines That Were Never Resolved

One of the biggest problems presented in the prequel trilogy concerned Anakin Skywalker’s origins. Considering his incredibly high midi-chlorian count, Jedi Master Qui Gon Jinn pressed his mother Shmi Skywalker into revealing who his father was.

We’re told she can’t explain how she got pregnant. One day baby Anakin appeared, and then she gave birth to him. Fans have long wondered if the Sith alchemy Darth Plagueis and Sheev Palpatine were up to was behind Anakin’s immaculate conception, but that wasn’t something Palpatine revealed in The Rise of Skywalker.


Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker 10 Prequel Storylines That Were Never Resolved

After hearing the Sith legend of Darth Plagueis the Wise, Anakin Skywalker believes he might be able to learn the ability to keep the ones he loves from dying. A Sith art, it isn’t something the Jedi would teach him, especially since they believe in becoming one with the Force and shedding ties to the physical realm.

Does Darth Sidious ever reveal this ability to Anakin? When Anakin Force chokes his wife Padme, Sidious later reveals that he “killed” her. Wouldn’t it have made more sense for him to demand the ability to resurrect her from the dead, an ability on full display in a variety of ways in The Rise of Skywalker?

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Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker 10 Prequel Storylines That Were Never Resolved

Much is made of the prophecy of the Chosen One, an ancient Jedi legend passed down for generations concerning an incredibly powerful individual who would appear and would bring balance to the Force. It’s never explicitly stated where the Prophecy came from, but because of Anakin Skywalker’s high midi-chlorian count, Qui Gon believes he fits into it.

Whether or not Anakin was ever truly the “Chosen One” wasn’t established, but most think probably not considering he fell to the dark side. He was redeemed later by his son Luke, so perhaps Luke was the Chosen One? Luke later renounced the Jedi Order in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, implying perhaps Rey woud be the one to bring balance to the Force in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.


Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker 10 Prequel Storylines That Were Never Resolved

In Star Wars: Episode I- The Phantom Menace, we hear Master Yoda explain the Rule of Two to Master Mace Windu. There are always ever two Sith, a master and an apprentice. Outside of the films, this rule was said to have been created by Darth Bane to curtail infighting between legions of Sith for ultimate power.

One of the biggest revelations in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is that the Rule of Two was a lie. Even when Palpatine explained to Anakin Skywalker that Darth Plagueis was killed by his apprentice to gain control of his power (that apprentice being Palpatine/Sidious), it appears his master simply inhabited his body. Does this mean masters could seek out powerful apprentices without ever actually fearing when they turned on them?


Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker 10 Prequel Storylines That Were Never Resolved

The prequel trilogy was the first to mention balance being brought to the Force. That isn’t the driving narrative in the original Star Wars films – they simply concern Luke Skywalker defeating the Emperor and Darth Vader to save the galaxy and become a Jedi Knight.

In Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the granddaughter of the greatest dark side dynasty fights for the light side of the Force, while the grandson of the greatest light side dynasty fights for the dark side. Them fighting Emperor Palpatine together may represent the balance being restored, or perhaps it lies in their ability so sacrifice one another to save each other. It’s never really explained.


Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker 10 Prequel Storylines That Were Never Resolved

In the prequel trilogy, Darth Sidious is already a Sith Lord, fully detached from his master, Darth Plagueis, and doing his own scheming. We don’t learn anything about his tutelage, only that he killed his master in his sleep, took all his Sith secrets, and conspired to lay the groundwork for the revenge of the Sith.

The Expanded Universe has gone into some detail about Sidious’s early exploits, but Star Wars fans aren’t made fully aware how he managed to get so powerful. Is it because he’s not really Sidious? Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker implies he might be Darth Plagueis, who upon his death simply inhabited Sidious as a means to gain immortality.

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Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker 10 Prequel Storylines That Were Never Resolved

Master Yoda explains to Obi-Wan Kenobi that he can teach him how to commune with his former Master in the prequel trilogy, but it isn’t explained how. In the The Clone Wars series, we see Qui-Gon manifest as some orbs to confer with Yoda, but it isn’t until the book A Certain Point of View that he manifests in a physical way.

In a brief encounter with Obi-Wan while Luke has gone to check on Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru in Star Wars, his master explains that the Force exists outside of time and space, and a Jedi must insert themselves back into a particular timeline to appear as a Force ghost. This doesn’t clear up why some Jedi’s bodies become one with the Force by disappearing, and others (like his) remain to be burned on a pyre.


Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker 10 Prequel Storylines That Were Never Resolved

In the prequel trilogy, Anakin is pulled not only between the light and dark side, but between the rules and regulations of the Jedi Order and the freedom and limitless possibilities with the Sith. The Jedi trained child soldiers, and molded them into self righteous individuals enforcing their belief system on the galaxy and Anakin, older by the time of his Jedi training, balked at their ideologies.

Luke went on a tirade to Rey in Star Wars: The Last Jedi about the Jedi Order being dogmatic enforcers blinded by their own superiority, unable to see Darth Sidious for what he was, and subsequently being responsible for the rise of the Galactic Empire. Yet in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, he essentially says “I was wrong” about a lot of his choices and perspectives surrounding the Jedi.


Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker 10 Prequel Storylines That Were Never Resolved

Star Wars fans collectively cringed when George Lucas inserted the concept of “midi-chlorians” into Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. They’re explained as microscopic life forms inside cells by Qui-Gon Jinn, who instructs a young Anakin Skywalker to quiet his mind and listen to their guidance about the Force.

They’re obviously never mentioned in the original trilogy, and appear to be a concept Lucas made up for the preuuel trilogy along, but some Star Wars fans were hoping by Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker there would be a way to better explain them, especially given that sometimes Rey seems to be more powerful than Anakin.


The Skywalker family is a dynasty of uber powerful Force users, and their drama has been the cause of many of the significant events in the Star Wars franchise.

But Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker indicates that perhaps anyone can be a Skywalker. Was the lineage therefore never very important? Shmi Skywalker was a normal person with no Force ability, so perhaps the Skywalkers were never very special to begin with?

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