Star Wars What Happened To Boba Fetts Mentor Cad Bane

Star Wars: What Happened To Boba Fett’s Mentor, Cad Bane?


During the Clone Wars, one of the most infamous bounty hunters was Cad Bane. What happened to him, and what was his connection to Boba Fett?

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Star Wars What Happened To Boba Fetts Mentor Cad Bane

Whatever happened to Star Wars’ legendary bounty hunter Cad Bane? Introduced in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, Cad Bane operated as a calculating and charismatic gunslinger, known for his high success rates on jobs, and specialty in dealing with Jedi. Throughout the series’ seven seasons, Bane’s dealings throughout the galaxy were seen in multiple episodes, more often than not with the Jedi Order right on his heels. However, his journey would have eventually brought him face to face with Boba Fett as well, and he’s also been featured in Star Wars’ latest animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch.

Due to The Clone Wars’ premature cancellation after its 5th season, many arcs and narratives were abandoned, including one that would have centered around Bane himself, which would have likely provided his story with a concluding chapter. Despite the series’ eventual revival with two more seasons, what would have potentially been Cad Bane’s final arc in The Clone Wars was never meant to be. That being said, Cad Bane has made a return in The Bad Batch, featuring teases that some form of this arc did indeed happen (though not as final as it might have been had it actually been released).

Even so, a small scene from Bane’s unfinished arc was released in a pre-production format, revealing that Cad Bane would have mentored a young Boba Fett. This would have been a passing of the torch of sorts, from one legendary bounty hunter to the next. However, it seems as though Cad Bane is still around even after The Clone Wars, continuing to work jobs for the highest bidder in the galaxy as seen in The Bad Batch.

Cad Bane Was A Major Influence In The Clone Wars

Star Wars What Happened To Boba Fetts Mentor Cad Bane

Next to the Separatists and Count Dooku, Cad Bane served as a major antagonist for the Jedi and was often hired to work against the Republic as well. Bane had a large reputation for being the best of best, so it’s no wonder he was hired by Darth Sidious himself. In one notable arc from The Clone Wars’ second season, Sidious hired Bane to break into the Jedi Temple, one of the most secure locations in the entire galaxy. Naturally, Bane was paid triple his already substantial rate, and he successfully infiltrated the Jedi Temple to steal one of their valuable holocrons for the Sith Lord. Bane would also go on to work for the Hutt crime families on multiple occasions as well, most often dealing with the problematic Ziro (Jabba’s uncle) on the Hutt’s behalf.

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Not only that, but Bane was also hired by Count Dooku to join a team of fellow hunters (and one undercover Obi-Wan Kenobi) during the Separatist’s first attempt to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine. However, despite the Jedi’s prevention of the kidnapping, Bane managed to escape. This arc was also the last Bane was officially seen in The Clone Wars before his later appearance in The Bad Batch once the war ended.

Cad Bane Has A Missing (Canon) Clone Wars Arc With Boba Fett

Star Wars What Happened To Boba Fetts Mentor Cad Bane

As far as this missing Cad Bane arc is concerned, several details were revealed at the Animated Origins and Unexpected Fates panel at Celebration Orlando back in 2017. At the panel, it was revealed that Bane would have gotten a whole new look and ship known as the Justifier, though he still would have had his classic wide-brimmed hat. Eventually, he would have crossed paths with the young Boba Fett, and the pair would have worked together to save a child on Tatooine from a band of Tusken Raiders. Additionally, Bane would have revealed that he had known Boba’s father Jango, and their mission would have seen Cad Bane effectively mentoring Boba along the way, looking to determine if Boba had what it took to succeed the reputation of his father and his legacy.

The arc would have also featured more bounty hunters as well, such as Aurra Sing, Bossk, and Embo (among others). Boba Fett would have also had his iconic armor at this point as well, signifying that his own time of being the best bounty hunter in the galaxy was fast approaching and that a passing of the torch from Cad Bane was near.

What Happened To Cad Bane After The Clone Wars?

At the same 2017 panel, a small clip running just over two minutes was released, seeing the end of this particular arc. Apparently, Boba and Bane would have had a falling out, and Fett would have been determined to help a group of innocents being oppressed in some way by Bane and the other hunters. This lead to Boba challenging Bane to a duel and the other hunters agreed to let the fight play out without any interference. As the two hunters faced one another, the scene carries all of the weight and intensity of a classic Western duel. Surprisingly, both Bane and Boba fired and shot each other at the same time, with both being knocked back to the ground. As the clip ends, Boba looks to have survived, as Bane’s shot hit him right in his helmet, creating the iconic dent seen in the Original Trilogy of Star Wars films.

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While Bane was shot as well, The Bad Batch has recently confirmed that he would live on (albeit with a metal plate in his head). It’s also revealed that shortly after The Clones Wars’ end, Bane took a job from the cloners of Kamino, who needed him to secure the young clone Omega who had become a fugitive along with the rogue Clone Force 99. After dueling with the Bad Batch’s Hunter, Bane took Omega and planned to deliver her to his clients. However, the rival bounty hunter Fennec Shand had been hired by the Kaminoan Nala Se, who wanted to ensure Omega’s survival as opposed to her termination. In the midst of their subsequent brawl, Omega managed to escape and get rescued by the Bad Batch, leaving Bane without his bounty.

While it’s certainly possible that Bane might try to go after Omega again in future episodes, it’s going to be interesting to see where Bane’s story goes from here regardless. Before his appearance in The Bad Batch, many had assumed that the intention was for Bane to have been slain by Boba Fett during their duel that was never fully depicted. However, Bane apparently survived and is now roaming the galaxy for bounties during the years between the fall of the Republic and the eventual rise of the Rebellion against the new Empire. As a result, there’s certainly quite a bit of room now for Bane’s story to continue and perhaps even end with a satisfying conclusion down the line. Perhaps with a fully realized rematch and duel with Boba Fett that fans could actually see in its entirety? While there’s still a question mark as to whether or not Bane will return in The Bad Batch as it reaches its final episodes, it seems as though The Clone Wars’ most infamous bounty hunter in the Star Wars galaxy has yet to reach the end of his story with more chapters to tell.

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