Star Wars What Jawas Look Like Under Their Hoods

Star Wars: What Jawas Look Like Under Their Hoods


Jawas have never been seen without their hooded robes in the Star Wars universe, but Legends has given fans insight into their rumored appearance.

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Star Wars What Jawas Look Like Under Their Hoods

Jawas have been around since Star Wars debuted in 1977, but fans have never seen what the small creatures look like under their hooded robes. The meter-tall sentient species was first seen in George Lucas’ A New Hope but they’ve appeared in several other Skywalker Saga installments. More recently, Jawas have been featured on Disney+’s The Mandalorian, coming into contact with the titular figure, Din Djarin. Like Din, Jawas make it an effort never to show their faces, but Legends material, as well as visual depictions, have solved some of the ongoing mystery.

Jawas are known for their long brown robes, featuring just their glowing eyes peeking out from their hoods. Native to desert planets like Tatooine, the scavengers travel the land in Sandcrawlers to scavenge for supplies. In A New Hope, a group of Jawas sold C-3PO and R2-D2 to Owen Lars and Luke Skywalker. The greedy little species often looted ships for scraps, which was what they did to Din’s ship, the Razor Crest, in The Mandalorian season 1. To get his ship parts back, Din got help from Kuiil, an Arvala-7 native that spoke Jawaese. The clan agreed to give back the stolen supplies if the Mandalorian bounty hunter acquires the special “Egg” from a Mudhorn den.

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While Jawas were presented as humanoids, it was always left to the imagination of viewers when it came to live-action. The best description of the species has been since wiped from canon, stemming from Legends titles, formerly known as the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Alan Dean Foster’s original novelization of A New Hope claimed “[Jawas] had never been seen outside of their protective cloaks and sandmasks, so no one knew exactly what they looked like,” before referring to them as “extraordinarily ugly.” They were also believed to be rodent-like devolved humans that carried a very potent smell. In addition, they use orange or yellow-ish gemstones to protect their sensitive eyes from sunlight (giving off the appearance of glowing eyes). Rumors also suggested that Jawas were distantly related to fellow desert-dwellers, Tusken Raiders, sharing a common ancestor, known as the Kumumgah. Unlike Tusken Raiders, who have shown what’s under the mask, viewers are forced to rely on concept art and tie-in merchandise for what Jawas may look like.

Visual Depictions Of Jawas Without Hooded Robes

Ralph McQuarrie, a legendary conceptual designer/illustrator, worked alongside Lucas in the development of the original Star Wars trilogy. McQuarrie illustrated many of the scenes through concept art while also designing many notable characters like Darth Vader, Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO. McQuarrie also made sketches of what Jawas would look like under their hoods. In this design, which can be found on Instagram, the Jawas looked more human-like, wearing bowl-shaped helmets and round-framed goggles.

A recently released Star Wars toy gave fans a horrifying look (via Twitter) at Jawas without robes, which matched more of what Foster’s novel described. Their appearance looked more creature-like with dark textures skin or fur, linking to the rodent interpretation. The undressed toy was more like a thing of nightmares rather than a revealing look into the anatomy of ambiguous species. Star Wars may never directly confirm what’s under a Jawa’s robe, but maybe that’s for the best based on previous unsettling indicators.

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