Steve Rogers 4 Most Heroic Moments As Captain America (& Sam Wilsons 4)

Steve Rogers’ 4 Most Heroic Moments As Captain America (& Sam Wilson’s 4)


Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson both use the mantle of Captain America to serve their country. Of their countless heroic moments, which ones stand out?

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Steve Rogers 4 Most Heroic Moments As Captain America (& Sam Wilsons 4)

Captain America is one of the most heroic symbols of freedom to ever grace the pages of comic books. Steve Rogers is the original and most well-known Cap, having served as the hero since World War II. In the modern-day, when Steve could no longer serve, he passed the shield to Sam Wilson, who is just as deserving of the mantle.

Once fighting crime as Falcon, Wilson has proven time and time again why he was chosen to be the next Cap. These two heroes have plenty of iconic and heroic moments under their belts, but which ones stand out among the others, and prove why they are both worthy in their own right?

9 Steve: Volunteered for Serum

Steve Rogers 4 Most Heroic Moments As Captain America (& Sam Wilsons 4)

Many heroes who have powers of some kind received them in an accident. This was not the case for Steve Rogers, who instead willingly received highly experimental powers to better serve his country. Steve has had a sense of justice his entire life, but his small frame and weak body prevented him from being able to serve during WWII.

His passion for justice did not go unnoticed however, and he was offered the chance to change his life forever, which he jumped at. Steve used his powers for good and became one of the most influential characters in comic history, both on the page and in the real world. While Steve is far from flawless, he proves how worthy he is by accepting the responsibility of the serum.

8 Sam: Serves Without Serum

Steve Rogers 4 Most Heroic Moments As Captain America (& Sam Wilsons 4)

While Steve Rogers is a noble and capable hero without powers, Sam has to prove this each time he puts on the suit. Sam Wilson has never been injected with Super Soldier Serum, meaning he has to use his natural skill on the battlefield, something he has plenty of.

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The fact that Sam Wilson is fighting as a hero famous for having superpowers, means that he has a much tougher challenge living up to that name than someone like Bucky Barnes, who also served as Cap for some time. Sam is more than capable of doing this, showing that the name Captain America is more than some powers in a bottle, it is the person carrying the shield.

7 Steve: Stands Up Against His Government When He Needs To

Steve Rogers 4 Most Heroic Moments As Captain America (& Sam Wilsons 4)

Modern-day America is very different than the America of the 40s when Steve went under the ice. Steve Rogers would do anything to fight for freedom, and in the modern-day, that may mean fighting the country he is named after. Whether it is the Superhuman Registration Act or the Sokovia Accords, Steve Rogers will fight back against his government if he feels that freedom is at stake.

While he may not enjoy admitting it, Steve knows that the government is much more corrupt than it was when he first took up the Captain America name, and he will not hesitate to fight them to honor those who originally fought for freedom.

6 Sam: Tries To Save Karli

Steve Rogers 4 Most Heroic Moments As Captain America (& Sam Wilsons 4)

It is not difficult to view a group such as the Flag-Smashers as terrorists that need to be taken out. Even Sam Wilson believes this until he digs a little deeper and realizes that they need help more than anything. Before officially accepting the shield, Sam proves that Steve was right in choosing him, by trying to reason with their leader, Karli, and attempting to put her on a better path.

Sam understands why Karli does what she does, and he knows that arresting her isn’t going to change anything. He feels that if he shows compassion, she will better herself and stop the senseless destruction on her own. Unfortunately, Sam is among the minority who believes this, showing that he may be more alone as a hero than he thinks.

5 Steve: Helps Expose SHIELD

Steve Rogers 4 Most Heroic Moments As Captain America (& Sam Wilsons 4)

As soon as Steve is thawed out and is drafted into the Avengers Initiative, he doesn’t fully trust SHIELD. This mistrust was proven to be warranted when it is revealed that Hydra has been growing from within SHIELD the entire time.

Steve was quickly branded a terrorist when he didn’t play by Hydra’s rules, and he didn’t know who he could trust. With some help from Black Widow, Steve was able to discover the truth, and expose SHIELD to the public for who they really are. This was among the first times in the MCU Steve fought against the government, and it wouldn’t be the last.

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4 Sam: Takes A New Falcon Under His Wing

Steve Rogers 4 Most Heroic Moments As Captain America (& Sam Wilsons 4)

Joaquín Torres may not have had a huge part in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but in the comics, he served as the second Falcon. Having his DNA merged with Redwing (who in the Marvel comics was an actual Falcon), Joaquín grew falcon wings and earned the vision of a falcon to help Cap fight crime.

Falcon was already a diverse character, so having a Hispanic character take up that mantle helps carry that legacy. Even while being a great Captain America on his own, Sam always went to Steve for advice. When he took on a new Falcon, he had to learn things for himself as well as become a leader, which is the mark of any great Cap.


2 Steve: Wields Mjolnir

Steve Rogers 4 Most Heroic Moments As Captain America (& Sam Wilsons 4)

One of the most iconic scenes in the MCU is when Steve Rogers proves just how worthy he is, by wielding Mjolnir against Thanos. Fans of the comics always knew how worthy Steve was, as he has used Thor’s hammer on several occasions.

Steve Rogers has always been more than just the serum and being one of the few humans worthy enough to wield Mjolnir shows this better than anything. While this is a prime example of fan service, this is also a way to showcase just how powerful and heroic Steve is, not in terms of strength, but in terms of spirit.

1 Sam: Tells off Senators

After Sam makes his triumphant debut as Captain America, he does everything he can to save Karli, but unfortunately fails. The Senators essentially praise Cap for her death and keep saying they plan on taking out the bases she helped create. Not only does Sam tell them to stop referring to her as a terrorist, but he also implies that in the eyes of the Flag Smashers, they are terrorists.

In just one speech, he flips their entire views on their heads and makes them realize that in the grand scheme of things, they are the bad guys. This moment proves not just to fictional America in the show, but also to the real-world audience that he is not the “black Captain America” – he is Captain America, period.

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