Stranger Things Lucas 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Stranger Things: Lucas’ 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)


Lucas is a lovable character on Stranger Things who is intensely loyal to his friends, but sometimes he can be surprisingly narrowminded.

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Stranger Things Lucas 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Lucas Sinclair is one of the most divisive characters among Stranger Things fans. He’s one of four Party members, and possibly the most vocal about his opinions. He makes his mind up about things immediately, which can be both a good thing and a bad thing.

Lucas is intensely loyal to his friends, but sometimes he can be surprisingly narrowminded. His intelligence and quick wit can be an asset to the group, but he’s not always willing to work together with his friends. He believes he knows best, which is sometimes true – but not always.

10 BEST: Loyal

Stranger Things Lucas 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

No matter how rude or selfish Lucas can be, he always remains loyal to his friends. In season 1, after he splits from the Party, he still looks out for them and warns them about the “bad men” and their knowledge of Eleven’s whereabouts.

He forgets his spat with Mike and races to reunite with his friends and forgive Eleven. When it counts, Lucas puts the greater good ahead of his own needs. He protects his friends and helps them to work as a team.

9 WORST: Judgemental

Stranger Things Lucas 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Lucas is quick to make up his mind about things without first taking the time to consider things. For instance, he doesn’t trust Eleven for a very long time, simply because she’s different.

If Lucas had been a little more accepting, the Party could have avoided a whole lot of danger and saved time in finding Will. Lucas’s judgemental nature can make him seem more standoffish than he really is, giving people the wrong impression of him.

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8 BEST: Courageous

Stranger Things Lucas 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Lucas displays his courage on many occasions throughout the show. He’s often the one to save the day, like when he goes out to the lab all on his own to discover that the Hawkins electricians are actually workers from the lab.

He also fights off the Mind Flayer on more than one occasion. Without Lucas’s courage, the Party certainly wouldn’t be able to defeat the evils plaguing Hawkins.

7 WORST: Guarded

Stranger Things Lucas 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Lucas doesn’t let people in easily. This is obvious with Eleven, but also with Max. He’s guarded, suspicious, skeptical, judgemental, and protective over the circle of friends he already has.

Some of Lucas’s negative qualities make him seem like a rude or mean person, even though that’s not really who he is; sometimes he displays shows of temper, but he can be very kind, as well.

6 BEST: Clever

Stranger Things Lucas 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Everyone in the Party is a self-proclaimed nerd, and Lucas is no different. He has a passion for learning, experimenting, and trying new things. In particular, he likes science.

Sometimes he comes up with some clever (if unconventional) ways of dealing with their problems. Without his skills of deduction, intuition, and research, he and his friends would struggle to get out of dangerous, life-threatening situations.

5 WORST: Brash

Stranger Things Lucas 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Lucas is far too quick to make up his mind about people and situations without understanding their context. He also speaks and acts without thinking, acting solely on his emotions in the moment.

His quick temper is a big problem sometimes, but it seems that as he’s growing, he’s also becoming more level-headed. Lucas’s brashness can get the group into dangerous situations, as well as cause fights between the friends.

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4 BEST: Innovative

Stranger Things Lucas 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Lucas is certainly clever, but he’s also innovative. Some of his methods for dealing with foes are a little outside the box. For instance, his weapon of choice is often a slingshot, but it actually works.

At the end of season 1, Lucas defeats the Demogorgon by slingshotting a rock at it. In season 3, he uses fireworks to detonate the Mind Flayer. In the thick of the action, Lucas goes full battle mode, war paint, bandana, and all.

3 WORST: Stubborn

Stranger Things Lucas 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Sometimes, tenacity can be a good thing – but in Lucas’s case, he’s just stubborn. He doesn’t even try to consider things from other people’s perspectives, believing that he and he alone is correct in his way of thinking.

When Lucas makes up his mind, he can’t be swayed. He hates to admit to his mistakes and pushes things that should be let go of. He’s even stubborn when it comes to silly things, like jokes, gaming strategies, or the best way to get a girl’s attention.

2 BEST: Determined

Stranger Things Lucas 5 Best Traits (& 5 Worst)

Lucas may be stubborn, but at least he’s determined. He never gives up, which often ends up being a great asset to the group. He will see things through until the end.

Whenever a mystery presents itself, Lucas is the one who refuses to let go of it; he simply must find out what has happened, if only to satisfy his own curiosity.

1 WORST: Insensitive

Lucas’s insensitivity can result in him laughing at inappropriate moments, which may be amusing for the audience, but is probably annoying and even hurtful to the other characters.

In the worst cases, Lucas insults and offends his friends without considering his words or how others will receive them. As a result, he often gets into arguments with Mike, with whom he clashes often.

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