Suicide Squad 2 TV Spot Shows Off Starros Spore Powers

Suicide Squad 2 TV Spot Shows Off Starro’s Spore Powers

Giant starfish Starro’s special abilities get the spotlight in the newest TV spot for The Suicide Squad, which also highlights Bloodsport’s past.

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Eccentric bad guy Starro shows off his abilities in the latest TV spot for next month’s The Suicide Squad. Not quite a reboot, but also far from a sequel, The Suicide Squad comes from writer-director James Gunn and is the next movie in the ever-evolving DCEU. Only a handful of members from the 2016 Suicide Squad will return for this installment, which instead focuses on several new characters. Many of them are from deep within the pages of DC Comics, from Polka-Dot Man (David Dastmalchian) to Weasel (Sean Gunn). With such a large cast of characters, it’s certain a good number of them will die.

In The Suicide Squad, the updated Task Force X will embark on a deadly mission on the fictional island of Corto Maltese. Operating under the orders of Amanda Waller (Viola Davis), the group must destroy Jotunheim, a Nazi-era prison and lab. Undoubtedly, they will face numerous threats on their journey, including the giant starfish Starro. Gunn has explained that Starro is the perfect villain for The Suicide Squad, because he’s ridiculous but also terrifying.

With The Suicide Squad just under a month away, promotional efforts are ramping up in earnest. The latest TV spot, shared online by Roth7000, puts the spotlight on Starro’s spore abilities as he lets loose a wave of smaller starfish against a terrified crowd. The spot also reiterates Bloodsport’s (Idris Elba) backstory of shooting Superman and previews some of the other members of Task Force X. Check it out below.

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Watch the video here.

Though new peeks at The Suicide Squad are emerging with increased frequency, there’s still much of the movie that remains a mystery. For example, Gunn has hinted Starro is far from the only bad guy in The Suicide Squad, but it remains to be seen just how many obstacles will arise in Task Force X’s path. Additionally, posters have hinted Thinker (Peter Capaldi) has some kind of relationship with Starro, but exactly what it is hasn’t been revealed yet.

Those questions are just scratching the surface of what fans are waiting to learn about The Suicide Squad. Things have come along way from even just this time last year, when the full Task Force X line-up was kept tightly under wraps. Gunn recently confirmed The Suicide Squad will be available in theaters a day earlier than expected, on August 5. As the promotional campaign enters its final weeks, expect a few more peeks at the movie to arrive. Maybe they’ll provide more hints about what is in store for the titular group.

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