Suicide Squad 2 Why There Are So Many Villains

Suicide Squad 2: Why There Are So Many Villains

The Suicide Squad has far more characters than the first installment, making a much larger team and a higher likelihood of characters dying.

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Suicide Squad 2 Why There Are So Many Villains

The Suicide Squad is upping the stakes by having more villains in the rooster compared to the first installment. As one of the next big features in the DCEU, The Suicide Squad will act as a soft reboot of a kind to the 2016 film. While a number of cast members are reprising their roles from David Ayer’s film, the majority of the line-up in James Gunn’s ensemble are new players to the DCEU as Task Force X returns for their second cinematic adventure. The film has wrapped production a long while ago, but so far a lot of details are being kept under wraps.

The returning members so far are Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn, Jai Courtney’s Captain Boomerang, Joel Kinnaman’s Rick Flag, and Viola Davis’ Amanda Waller. But what has so far been revealed is the massive cast that will star in The Suicide Squad and it’s more than double the number of characters that Suicide Squad had. Big characters like King Shark (Steve Agee), The Thinker (Peter Capaldi), Bloodsport (Idris Elba) and more will be brought to the big screen for the first time. In addition to that, there are several new (and perhaps more obscure) DC villains coming to life like Polka-Dot-Man (David Dastmalchian), Peacemaker (John Cena), and TDK (Nathan Fillion) popping up.

Suicide Squad had at least 9 members, to begin with, and by the film’s conclusion, at least 3 of them were already out. But in The Suicide Squad, there are 15 members and possibly more as there are cast members whose characters haven’t been revealed yet. While it is definitely an increase for the sequel, this is actually a very good move for the franchise as it relates to the source material. The whole point with Task Force X having a name such as “Suicide Squad” is that it’s meant to have life-mattering stakes. This squad consists of villains, not heroes, of the DC Universe that has to pay their dues to society, in a matter of speaking. Through Amanda Waller, they get a chance to have years shaved off their sentences in exchange for helping protect the world in government missions.

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A name like Suicide Squad means that not everyone will always be safe. Since Waller installs explosive devices in every member’s neck, as a way to keep them under check, that means that if someone defies her, they can literally have their heads blown off. That is, even before heading into a mission, already a massive stake to take into account. As the first film demonstrated, some of the Task Force X members will not always dig what Waller is offering and try to oppose her which in turn cost them their lives. But the concept of Suicide Squad is that anyone could actually bite the dust, no matter how big or small they are in the DC Universe. As Gunn progresses the franchise with a new Suicide Squad team, a new arc, and a new threat, it’s all about raising those stakes.

Therefore, having more members attached to the Suicide Squad means that there could be a bigger body count by the time the sequel reaches its end. It also wouldn’t be shocking if, for example, Cena’s character, which is getting a Peacemaker prequel spinoff on HBO Max, actually does get killed off, regardless of big his star power is. Just because small characters like Javelin (Flula Borg), Savant (Michael Rooker), and Weasel (Sean Gunn) are in it, it shouldn’t be assumed that they’re just part of the team to get killed off. A minor villain might actually make it to the end while a bigger one actually gets their head blown off or dies in battle. What Gunn is doing for The Suicide Squad is smart by making it trickier to predict who dies or survives in the end by having this many members against this mysterious threat.

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