Supergirl Proves She’s Way More Brutal Than Superman

Supergirl Proves She’s Way More Brutal Than Superman

In Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #2, Supergirl just proved that she’s much more brutal than Superman when it comes to taking on assailants!

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Supergirl Proves She’s Way More Brutal Than Superman

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #2!

In Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #2, Supergirl proves how brutal she can be, especially in comparison to Superman. The new series finds Supergirl and her new ally Ruthye traveling across the universe on a space bus. They are on a mission to find the murderous Krem, who just killed Supergirl’s best friend Krypto the Superdog. Obviously, Supergirl is enraged by Krem’s brutal actions and thus she has agreed to take on Ruthye’s proposal to hunt and kill Krem.

However, Supergirl has long been proven to be one of DC’s most kind and accepting heroes. Future State saw Supergirl becoming everything that Superman aspired to be. Supergirl’s future legacy is one of peace and tranquillity. But things haven’t been easy on Kara, especially living in her cousin’s shadow. Now, Supergirl finds herself in a position that will test the limits of her morality. Even though Supergirl is willing to take a step further than Superman, it doesn’t make her a bad hero.

In Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #2 by Tom King and Bilquis Evely, Kara is attacked by an assassin. The mushroom-headed assassin confronts Supergirl due to her allegiance with Superman, whom he holds an extreme grudge against. But like all the other assailants who attack Supergirl throughout her cosmic journey, he is afraid of Superman and thinks that taking on Supergirl is an easier way to get revenge. He couldn’t be more wrong and Supergirl shows him why as she beats the living daylights out of him. Throughout the issue, Supergirl is quick with her fists as she tackles every threat with force, including going as far as to crush the mushroom assassin’s hand.

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Supergirl Proves She’s Way More Brutal Than Superman

Supergirl stepping on the assassin’s hand is something that Superman would never do. It’s an extra step over what would be Superman’s so-called line. Normally, Supergirl would be more easy-going and less violent. However, due to her current circumstances, it seems she is less forgiving, especially when someone attacks her due to her affiliation with Superman. Also in this issue, Supergirl is tasked with stopping a cosmic dragon. Supergirl doesn’t just defeat the dragon, she ends up killing it. This is a complete contrast to Superman’s caring actions in All-Star Superman, where he raises a young Sun-Eater. Normally, Sun-Eaters are destructive and highly dangerous predators, but Superman finds it in his heart to save and look after the creature.

Supergirl and Superman’s differing methods when handling these creatures show the true nature of both characters. Clearly, Supergirl is far more brutal right now, whereas in a story like All-Star Superman, the Man of Steel is much less. However, that isn’t to exclude the times that Superman has taken his actions a step too far. Likewise, Supergirl’s kind actions in Future State should be taken into account. Ultimately, heroes change depending on the circumstances and it just so happens that Supergirl is fueled with an enormous amount of rage since the death of Krypto. Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #2 is available in comic book stores and on digital platforms now.

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