Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow Brings The Hero To DCs Infinite Frontier

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow Brings The Hero To DC’s Infinite Frontier

DC Comics have announced that Supergirl will return in the Infinite Frontier era with a new series by writer Tom King and artist Bilquis Evely.

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Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow Brings The Hero To DCs Infinite Frontier

Supergirl is returning as part of DC’s Infinite Frontier era in a new eight-part series. Kara Zor-El will be joined by her famed sidekick Krypto as they embark on a journey into space that will “shake them to their very core!” Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow will be written by Tom King with art by Bilquis Evely and colors by Mat Lopes, the new limited series will launch on June 15 in comic book shops and digital platforms.

Supergirl’s next chapter is poised to be an epic journey into space as she discovers herself and her future destiny. Since her arrival on Earth, Kara has always lived in the shadow of her cousin, Superman. She was sent from Krypton with the mission to protect her cousin, but by the time she arrived Kal-El had already grown up and become Superman. Always been regarded as second best, the Girl of Steel finds herself without meaning or purpose. But this all changes with the arrival of an alien girl who seeks Kara’s help.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow will follow Kara’s search for purpose in DC’s latest series ,which is set to debut this summer. Supergirl will be joined by her trusty sidekick Krypto and an alien girl who seeks revenge, whether Kara helps or not. According to DC Comics’ announcement, the alien girl is searching for the bad guys responsible for her planet’s destruction. She enlists the help of Supergirl to catch the assailants. Along with the announcement, DC Comics has released the first look at Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow with cover art by Bilquis Evely:

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While DC’s Infinite Frontier promises to be epic in scale, Supergirl will be taking a step back to find meaning in her life. However, the promised adventures will see the Girl of Steel revitalized with life as she assists her new alien friend. The cover art features Supergirl front and center, readying for battle as she wields a sword. Next to Kara is the alien girl that has been teased, there’s been no confirmation as to her origin. However, she wears a tiara much like that which Atlantians wear. Additionally, it seems unlikely that she’ll be Kryptonian as Krypton was destroyed due to natural causes. Rounding out the featured trinity is Krypto, the super dog.

The next chapter of Supergirl finds Kara chasing after the bad guys responsible for a planet’s destruction as she finds her tread in DC’s Infinite Frontier era. Supposedly, it leads towards the hopeful and optimistic future that Supergirl was depicted as having in Future State: Kara Zor-El, Superwoman. Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow begins with issue one on June 15, followed by seven more issues. It promises to be a “character-defining masterpiece the likes of which has never been seen for DC’s Maiden of Might,” Supergirl.

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