Superman 10 Things You Didnt Know About Mongul

Superman: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Mongul


As the tyrannical ruler of Warworld, Mongul has encountered many DC characters and gone on to have extensive relationships with several of them.

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Superman 10 Things You Didnt Know About Mongul

As one of the most powerful villains in Superman’s rogues’ gallery, Mongul has achieved some incredible feats. With multiple wins over Superman and a few other members of the Justice League, Mongul is one of the most powerful super-villains in all of DC Comics. As a mighty character who’s made several significant appearances over the years, his mythos is deep-rooted and has expanded in numerous ways.

As the tyrannical ruler of Warworld, Mongul has encountered many DC characters and gone on to have extensive relationships with several of them. Due to Mongul’s dense history, and thanks to tons of appearances in the 1980s, it’s very difficult to learn all there is to learn about the evil tyrant, Mongul.

10 Mongul’s First Origin

Superman 10 Things You Didnt Know About Mongul

Mongul made his comic debut in DC Comics Presents #27 as a direct adversary of Superman. He kidnapped Superman’s friends and forced him to retrieve a key that activated a synthetic planet Mongul wanted to rule named Warworld. In the classic story, Superman faces off against the Martian Manhunter, who guards the key coveted by Mongul. After defeating the Manhunter, Superman gives the key to Mongul, who activates Warworld and uses its abilities to destroy Superman and his ally, Supergirl. At the end of the story, Mongul is knocked unconscious by the power of Warworld, but ultimately escapes before it’s destroyed.

9 Mongul’s Favorite Weapon

Superman 10 Things You Didnt Know About Mongul

The most common weapon DC readers see Mongul use is Black Mercy. Black Mercy, which is referred to as “Ater Clementia” by scientists in the DC universe, is a plant that feeds on the psychoactive energy of its victim’s minds. It locks them into a dream-like state as it eats away their energy.

Mongul hasn’t just ensnared Superman into the Black Mercy trap. Other great heroes like Hal Jordan, Batman, Green Arrow, and Aquaman have also been caught under the Black Mercy’s spell at one time or another.

8 Mongul’s Post Crisis Origin

Superman 10 Things You Didnt Know About Mongul

Like many DC characters, Mongul’s story was rewritten after the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Mongul’s first appearance after the Crisis came in Adventures of Superman #454, which was a story many DC fans considered one of the greatest storylines in DC history. As the tyrannical ruler of Warworld, Mongul hosts gladiator tournaments between several powerful beings in the universe. So, when Superman accidentally ends up in Warworld and finds himself a prisoner of Mongul, he’s ordered to take part in the tournament. After Superman defeats his opponent, Mongul orders Superman to execute him to officially mark his win. When Superman refuses, Mongul fights Superman himself in a long, epic battle. The fight ends with Superman escaping via teleportation. Mongul’s perceived loss causes his loyal subjects to lose respect for him, which sparks an all-out revolution on Warworld.

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7 More Powerful Than Superman In Bronze Age

Superman 10 Things You Didnt Know About Mongul

In the bronze age of comics, which took place from 1970 up until 1984, Mongul was one of the most untouchable characters in the DC Universe. With a power level even Superman couldn’t match, Mongul had no equal. It wasn’t until the early 1990s that he suffered his first legitimate loss.

As previously mentioned, when Superman and Mongul first battled, Superman was forced to escape via a portal. Superman had to escape because Mongul had just activated his gemstone – the main source of his power – and was completely overwhelming the Man of Steel.

6 Former Ally Of Cyborg Superman

Superman 10 Things You Didnt Know About Mongul

Another one of Superman’s greatest villains, Cyborg Superman is the perfect example of what happens when you try to create a robotic copy of your local Kryptonian Superman. In Superman Vol 2 #80, after being banished from Warworld, Mongul flees to a small planet and takes over an even smaller group of people. Eventually, he’s discovered by Cyborg Superman, who almost immediately recognizes his hatred for Superman.

Now allies, Cyborg Superman sends Mongul to earth on a spaceship. There, he drops thousands of bombs onto Coast City, the home of Hal Jordan, and completely destroys it.

5 Also A Green Lantern Villain

Superman 10 Things You Didnt Know About Mongul

As previously mentioned, Mongul, with the aide of Cyborg Superman, is responsible for the destruction of the Coast City: the home of Green Lantern, Hal Jordan. However, the conflict between Mongul and Green Lantern continued beyond that point. In a bid for revenge, Hal Jordan, with the help of Superman, took on and defeated Mongul, imprisoning him in a jail colony in space. However, Mongul eventually escaped and, shortly after, found himself in a rematch against Green Lantern. However, it wasn’t Hal Jordan this time, it was Kyle Rayner who’d recently taken over as primary Green Lantern of Earth a few months earlier.

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4 Mongul Fought The Flash

Superman 10 Things You Didnt Know About Mongul

While trying to uncover a starship in the rubble of Keystone City in The Flash Vol 2 #102, Mongul had a brief encounter with The Flash (aka Wally West) who’d recently upgraded his powers. After landing one big hit early on, Mongul is quickly defeated by the confusing speed of the Flash. After their fight, Mongul is brought to a prison called the slab and locked up. This is the only time in DC canon where Mongul and Wally West faced off one on one.

3 There Are Two Monguls

Superman 10 Things You Didnt Know About Mongul

It’s not a well-known fact that when you refer to Mongul in DC Comics, you’re actually referring to two characters of the same name: the original Mongul from 1980 – who is also referred to as “Mongul the Elder” – and Mongul II, the son of Mongul. Mongul II, who’s frequently referred to as “Mongul” as well, made his debut appearance in 1995’s Showcase 95 #8.

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Introduced as the son of Mongul, he has great admiration for his father and his accomplishments against Superman and Green Lantern. Eventually, Mongul II faced off against numerous members of the Justice League like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Hal Jordan.

2 Mongul II Was In The Sinestro Corps

Superman 10 Things You Didnt Know About Mongul

Shortly after the Sinestro Corps War ended in 2007, Mongul 2 was able to acquire a Sinestro Corps ring after finishing off a dying member of the corps and taking the ring from them. After acquiring the ring, Mongul went on to acquire five more rings after killing five more members of the corps, which indirectly drew the attention of Sinestro. In a confrontation on Korugar – the homeworld of Sinestro – Mongul 2 is defeated by Sinestro, takes back the five rings, and imprisons Mongul inside the corps’ central power battery.

1 The Father of Mongal

Mongul II isn’t the only child of Mongul. He also has a daughter named Mongal, who made a debut appearance alongside her brother in Showcase 95 #8. In her time, Mongal hasn’t had as many significant appearances as her brother or father. However, she did become Queen of Almerac – a planet in the DC Universe made up of warrior civilizations. Thanks to the work of film director James Gunn, Mongal made her cinematic debut in the 2021 DCEU film The Suicide Squad.

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