Superman Just Killed Batman So Easily Its Not Even Funny

Superman Just Killed Batman So Easily, It’s Not Even Funny

Throughout comic history, creators have pit Superman against Batman, and in their latest bout, Superman absolutely humiliated Batman.

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Superman Just Killed Batman So Easily Its Not Even Funny

Warning! Spoilers for Batman/Superman Annual #1

Though comic creators love pitting the two against each other, even the most diehard Batman fans will admit that there’s a wide power gap between Batman and Superman. Batman’s money and intelligence just aren’t enough to beat someone who literally can’t die. None of that has stopped DC from always portraying the two on equal grounds in a fight, that is, until now. In Batman/Superman Annual #1 Superman absolutely destroys the Dark Knight with no mercy.

The comic sees the fifth dimensional Mr. Mxyzptlk and Bat-Mite arguing over which superhero would win in a fight, Superman or Batman? In order to answer the age-old question, the two resort to using their reality-bending powers to force the two into a confrontation. First, Bat-Mite creates a universe-shattering distortion in the DC Universe and pins it on Superman. After this results in the Bat Family’s death, Batman (under Bat-Mite’s control) goes on a warpath against Superman. He unloads everything from red-sun guns, to entire tanks made out of kryptonite against the Man of Steel, but nothing works. It’s only when Superman flies Batman up into the sky so they can talk that Bruce unveils his biggest plan. Batman set up a series of satellites to create red-sun energy and depower Superman. Together the duo plummets.

Unsatisfied with Bat-Mite’s resolution, Mr. Mxy tries his hand at some reality warping. He has them fight for a bit longer, eventually leading them to the Batcave. Realizing that he unintentionally gave Batman the home-field advantage, Mxy then transports them to the Fortress of Solitude, which is where Batman finally realizes something isn’t right. He begs Clark to fight against Mr. Mxy’s reality-warping powers and gain control of himself. The plea works… until Mr. Mxy exerts more control. With no effort, Superman hauls Bruce off into space. Then, to add insult to injury, Superman throws Batman directly into the sun.

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Superman Just Killed Batman So Easily Its Not Even Funny

Back in actual reality, the two childish gods demand to know who would really win in a fight from the only two people who would know – Batman and Superman themselves. To Bat-Mite and Mr. Mxyzptlk’s annoyance, the two longtime friends say that no one would win between the two of them because they would never fight. Ultimately, the two might have their differences, but they’re friends and would always find another way.

The comic, by writer Joshua Williamson and artists Gleb Melnikov, Dale Eaglesham, and Clayton Henry is an incredibly fun read that displays a deep understanding of Batman and Superman. As fun as having them square off might seem, the two really are best friends. In an effort to make things darker, DC has often displayed Batman as not trusting anyone, even Superman, but as this comic shows, that’s just not the case. Batman might have trust issues, but he’s the world’s greatest detective and he knows Superman is a good man. He’s also smart enough to know that Superman can throw him into the sun.

Superman might throw Batman into the sun in Batman/Superman Annual #1 but the real victor is a friendship spanning more than half a century.

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