Supermans Son Will Continue His Fathers Rivalry With Batman

Superman’s Son Will Continue His Father’s Rivalry With Batman

In that latest issue of DC’s Action Comics, Clark Kent is leaving Earth behind, though it seems his son will continue his Batman v Superman legacy.

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Supermans Son Will Continue His Fathers Rivalry With Batman

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Action Comics #1035

In the latest issue of DC’s Action Comics as Superman prepares to leave for Warworld, it looks as though his son will continue Clark’s rivalry with Batman. While Batman and Superman are trusted allies and friends it’s no secret that they’ve clashed from time to time, being two very different heroes with opposing tactics and methodologies. Now, it seems Jon Kent intends to continue the legacy of tension, making it perfectly clear how he feels about the Dark Knight in this latest issue.

In previous issues of Action Comics from Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Daniel Sampere, Superman is determined to take the fight to Mongul on Warworld, intending to free the countless slaves the conqueror has in his forced servitude. However, Superman has definitely burned some bridges by keeping the powerful Genesis Fragment out of the hands of the US and Atlantis, both of whom wanted the relic for themselves despite not knowing the full extent of its power and danger. As a result, Superman is unable to rely on the Justice League as he’s been informally kicked off the team given its need to work with the nations and governments of the world (not against them).

While Superman understands the League’s decision in Action Comics #1035, his son Jon has a harder time and he’s visibly irritated. Confident that he’ll do a good job filling in as Earth’s new Superman while he’s away, Clark mentions he wouldn’t be surprised if the League eventually invited Jon to join their ranks now that the team has a Kryptonian-shaped hole. However, Jon doesn’t seem to be too interested in the theoretical offer, and he’s particularly incensed against Batman (which Superman can’t help but be amused by given his classic rivalry with the Dark Knight).

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While the original Superman doesn’t seem all that worried about whether or not Jon will join the League down the line, it’s humorous to see his son already exasperated by the Dark Knight just as Clark has been many times in DC Comics’ past. While Superman and Batman have been the strongest of allies as much as they’ve been rivals, it’s possible that the new Superman may choose to remain at odds with the Dark Knight. Furthermore, the son of Superman is good friends with Batman’s son Damian, and he might not be interested in working with Bruce Wayne given his current estrangement with the former Robin.

In any case, it certainly looks as though Superman’s on and off rivalry with Batman will be continued by his son. While the Dark Knight will hopefully find a way to gain the new Superman’s trust just as he did with his father, that may be a long shot. Clark Kent has essentially been kicked out of the Justice League, and that might not be something Jon will be able to forgive any time soon. Regardless, here’s hoping the new Superman will be able to reconcile with Batman down the line before some new and dire threat inevitably requires them to work together.

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