Supernatural 10 Most Shocking Deaths

Supernatural: 10 Most Shocking Deaths


Supernatural has its fair share of deaths. From Castiel to the Winchesters themselves, here are 10 of the most shocking of them all.

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Supernatural 10 Most Shocking Deaths

Supernatural doesn’t shy away from death. It’s one of their main themes. The death of monsters is preferable, but as the Winchesters know very well, you can’t save everyone. Death is a part of life, yes, but it’s overwhelming the way death affects the Winchesters on a near-daily basis. Once you’ve seen that much death it’s hard to remember how to be alive beyond surviving. It’s no wonder the Winchesters carry the weight of the world upon their shoulders.

In their run-ins with death, they’ve experienced some of the most shocking ones of all, including the deaths of those close to them–or even the deaths of Sam and Dean themselves. That said, here are the 10 most shocking deaths on Supernatural.

10 John

Supernatural 10 Most Shocking Deaths

When John dies at the beginning of Season 2, it’s not exactly something you’d expect to see, especially after Dean and Sam spent the majority of the first season looking for their missing father. Just when they’re finally together again, disaster strikes and it looks like they’ll lose Dean–until John suddenly drops dead instead.

It seems incredibly unfair, but as we later learn, John had made a deal with Yellow Eyes to keep Dean alive. Still, it brought on a whole new era for Sam and Dean as they opened a new chapter without their parents that wouldn’t have happened had John survived.

9 Jo And Ellen

Supernatural 10 Most Shocking Deaths

No one saw these deaths coming in Season 5. It seemed so out of place and as if it happened too quickly to be believed. We couldn’t believe that Sam and Dean left the mother-daughter duo to die, sacrificing themselves to save Sam and Dean from the hellhounds in pursuit.

Jo’s injuries were obviously fatal, and we saw it coming when Ellen announced she wasn’t leaving her daughter. Still, this was an awful way for them to die, especially after all they had been through with and without the Winchesters, and it sent a jolt through our hearts to watch them perish so suddenly.

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8 Sam

Supernatural 10 Most Shocking Deaths

The first time Sam died in Season 2, that was a real shocker. It was the first time either one of the brothers had died, and just when it looked like Sam was home free, he’s stabbed in the back by another of Yellow Eyes’s “special children.” Imagine being a viewer at the time.

It was before the series of resurrections and comebacks made by the Winchesters, so viewers couldn’t be sure that Sam would make a recovery, especially one big enough to bring him back to life. It’s also one of the first major examples of how far Dean would go to save his brother.

7 Mary

Supernatural 10 Most Shocking Deaths

In the very first episode of the series, we see Mary Winchester die with a slash wound to the stomach as she’s set on fire atop the ceiling of Sam’s nursery. It’s a brutal death, instigating the break-up of the Winchester family that leads to John taking Dean and Sam and raising them to be hunters out on the road.

Mary’s was the first death we witnessed on Supernatural, and it was a good indicator as to what the show would entail. The tragedy and horror were just as shocking as the death itself, making for a significant shock in the first moments.

6 Jessica

Supernatural 10 Most Shocking Deaths

Speaking of fiery and tragic deaths, Jessica’s death in the first episode was just as awful as Mary’s, especially since she died the same way. Sam returns to Stanford thinking he’ll return to his life and Dean will go his own way after they spent a few days together looking for John, only to find his life will never be the same again.

What was so shocking about Jessica’s death was that it meant the end of Sam’s “normal” life and that she died the same way as Sam’s mother, which is especially cruel.

5 Sam And Dean

Supernatural 10 Most Shocking Deaths

In a world where these two brothers go up against unbelievable forces, you least expect them to be killed by fellow hunters. Sam and Dean are indecently and suddenly killed by two hunters that break into their hotel room in Season 5, resulting in the worst wake-up call of their lives.

It happens out of nowhere, the murder conducted because the other hunters were angry at Sam for starting the Apocalypse. Granted, it’s a good reason to be angry, but with everything already said and done, was it really necessary to murder the Winchesters anyway?

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4 Bobby

Supernatural 10 Most Shocking Deaths

Bobby is one of those characters that are larger-than-life. Plus, he’s always been around for his boys. We couldn’t imagine a world where Bobby wasn’t there to help Sam and Dean take out the bad guys, conduct research or throw a few insults around.

His death in Season 7 was a major loss, and it was one that we didn’t predict, given Bobby was in the middle of a mission helping the Winchesters fight Leviathans. Thankfully Bobby’s made appearances as a ghost and otherwise since then, so we haven’t lost him completely.

3 Castiel

Supernatural 10 Most Shocking Deaths

Castiel has died before, but his death in the Season 12 finale was especially significant. He, along with various other characters, was lost in that episode. The episode itself was shocking given how many people were lost, either killed or pulled into another dimension.

Castiel’s loss was understandably taken hard by the Winchesters, but at least Jack was able to bring him back later on in Season 13 from “The Empty”, so Castiel’s death wasn’t as permanent as we once thought.

2 Crowley

Supernatural 10 Most Shocking Deaths

Crowley’s death is shocking to this day. His loss in the Season 12 finale was massive, and we miss the mischievous King of Hell. We’re still waiting on some kind of comeback, but it doesn’t look like a return is likely in the final season.

Crowley started out as a foe but turned into more of an ally for the Winchesters, striking up a humorous rapport that entertained us and made us laugh constantly. We miss his interactions with the Winchesters and Rowena and the demons. We miss everything about him, so obviously we’re still not over his death yet.

1 Charlie

Supernatural 10 Most Shocking Deaths

We loved Charlie from the moment we met her. She had a close call in Season 9, but thanks to Sam’s angel possession she was brought back to life almost as soon as she was killed by the Wicked Witch. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case for the next time death came knocking on her door. She was found dead in a bathtub of all places while trying to help Dean and Sam, making her death all the more horrific.

An alternative version of Charlie has since returned to the show, but it’s not the same as the Charlie we came to know and love when she was introduced in Season 7.

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