Supernatural PacMan Fever Is A Video Game Nightmare

Supernatural “Pac-Man Fever” Is A Video Game Nightmare

Supernatural “Pac-Man Fever” features the return of Felicia Day’s Charlie and a nightmare taking place in a survival horror video game.

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Supernatural PacMan Fever Is A Video Game Nightmare

Supernatural’s season 8 episode “Pac-Man Fever” features the return of a fan-favorite character while Dean gets stuck in a literal video game nightmare. Supernatural began in 2005 and follows the adventures of the Winchester brothers Sam and Dean. The boys were raised by their father from an early age to hunt and kill supernatural beings, be they monsters or demons. Despite its fate being up in the air a few times the early seasons, it shocked just about everyone by lasting fifteen seasons.

That’s partly down to the warm relationship between the Winchesters but also speaks to Supernatural’s ability to reinvent itself or freshen up the formula from time to time. The show attracted a devoted fanbase too, with the decision to end Supernatural coming from the showrunners and actors deciding to stop while it was still popular. Despite pitches for spinoffs like Supernatural: Wayward Sisters, the franchise’s only successful attempt at producing an offshoot was the animated show Supernatural: The Anime Series.

The opening scene of Supernatural’s season 8 episode “Pac-Man Fever” sees Dean wake up in a 1950s military base overrun with vampires. The show then cuts back to the previous day, where Sam is physically worn out from his second Trials Of God challenge. Dean orders him to stay put and rest while fan-favorite Charlie (Felicia Day) returns to present them with a new case. She and Dean are hunting for a Djinn that feeds off fear and causes its victims’ insides to turn to jelly. After a montage makeover set to “Walking On Sunset” to turn Charlie into an FBI agent, they start following leads.

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Of course, Sam refuses to simply hang around and starts his own investigation, which angers Dean no end. Supernatural “Pac-Man Fever” reveals the local coroner is the Djinn and has burned the bodies to get rid of the evidence. The coroner later takes Charlie and plans to feed on her, and while trying to find her Dean discovers Charlie’s mother is braindead in a hospital, with Charlie visiting in secret over the years. The Winchester’s track the Djinn to an abandoned warehouse and kill it, but Charlie is already trapped in the nightmare the creature’s spell has placed her under. Dean enters the dream too, where Charlie wields a shotgun and goes around blasting vampire/zombie things.

This is where Supernatural “Pac-Man Fever” earns its title as the duo are trapped in a video game nightmare from an FPS called The Red Scare that Charlie once pirated. They’re trapped in a loop that will never end that’s designed to keep them afraid while Charlie’s body liquefies in reality, but it turns out her biggest fear is not saving her mother, who is an NPC in the game world. She reveals the accident that left her mother braindead happened because she got scarred at a sleepover, and called her mother to pick her up. In the real-world Sam struggles to fight off a surprise second Djinn – the teen son of the coroner – while Charlie lets go of her own fear, causing her and Dean to wake up.

Supernatural “Pac-Man Fever” ends with Dean and Charlie having an emotional goodbye – which of course includes a Han Solo quote – before she visits her mother one last time. Charlie’s going to take her mother off life-support, but after she sits and reads some of The Hobbit to her like her mother did when she was young.

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