Sylvester Stallone & Jason Statham Reunited In Expendables 4 Set Photo

Sylvester Stallone & Jason Statham Reunited In Expendables 4 Set Photo

Action movie legends Sylvester Stallone and Jason Statham are reunited in a new set photo from the long-awaited sequel Expendables 4.

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Sylvester Stallone and Jason Statham are reunited in Expendables 4 set photo. Stallone first assembled the Expendables team back in 2010 and the result was an action movie hit that grossed $274 million at the box office.

The gimmick of famous action stars teaming up in a big explosion-filled extravaganza clearly struck a chord with audiences so it’s no surprise that a sequel arrived in 2012 featuring more of Stallone and his gun-toting friends. Expendables 2 indeed kept the box office dollars flowing, grossing $315 million worldwide. Expendables 3 then arrived in 2014 but only took in $214 million, putting a pause on the franchise. Seven years later Stallone and company have finally gotten things together for a fourth Expendables movie, and indeed the star recently headed to London to begin work on the long-awaited sequel.

Stallone is of course not shy about sharing progress updates on his various projects and he’s indeed at it again on Expendables 4. Recently the star shared video of himself working on the Expendables 4 script during dinner, just in case fans thought he might be slacking off. Now Stallone has shared a set photo showing him alongside long-time Expendables co-star Statham. See the image in the space below:

A post shared by Sly Stallone (@officialslystallone)

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In addition to Statham and Stallone, the movie’s cast is known to include Megan Fox, Andy Garcia, Randy Couture, 50 Cent and Dolph Lundgren. Statham has of course been a member of the Expendables team since the very first film back in 2010. For Expendables 4, it’s actually been teased that Statham’s character Lee Christmas is the focus of the story, leading to speculation that Stallone’s character Barney Ross is going to be killed off and a new Expendables series launched with Statham in the lead.

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Killing off Stallone’s character and handing the reins to Statham would perhaps be an interesting twist for Expendables 4, as it would symbolically represent a passing of the torch from the older action legend Stallone to the younger actor who has also established himself as an icon in the genre. Of course Stallone is not known for giving up on his franchises willingly, and indeed Expendables is the only one he still has going, with Rambo and Rocky both on the shelf for the time being. That being the case, it probably wouldn’t be smart to bank on Stallone bowing out of more Expendables movies just yet. But if Stallone does decide to step away, Expendables 4 can absolutely lay some groundwork to establish Statham as the new leader of the franchise going forward. By and large though, the movie will likely be occupied with simply doing crazy action movie things, as that’s primarily what the Expendables series is all about.

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