Take This Avengers Endgame Quiz To See How Well You Actually Know The Movie

Take This Avengers: Endgame Quiz To See How Well You Actually Know The Movie

Avengers: Endgame was a perfect conclusion to the first saga of MCU movies, but with a runtime of over three hours, how well do you actually know it?

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Avengers: Endgame was an incredible end to The Infinity Saga and, with a run-time just north of three hours, there was a lot to take in. Naturally, a movie that completes a twenty-two film saga will have to work hard to tie up a bunch of loose ends, which the movie definitely takes care of. Over those films, we met several characters from the comics who have flown to new heights of popularity with casual comic book fans and who’ve found new spots in the hearts of the more hardcore readers.

Back when Iron Man was released in 2008, that character was far from a household name, but now even characters like Ant-Man and Scarlet Witch are known by moviegoers all over the world. It’s been an incredible decade for true believers as all of the characters they dreamed of seeing in movies finally hit the big screen and not only did they hit the big screen, but they did so in a shared universe with villains like the Red Skull and Loki!

In the final Avengers film of this saga, all of the original Avengers from Phase 1 had their time in the spotlight and fans got fitting conclusions to the stories of characters like Iron Man, Captain America, and Black Widow, though we sadly won’t get to spend any more time with some of them (except you Thor, we can’t wait to see you in GotG 3). At the same time, newer characters like Spider-Man, Black Panther, and Captain Marvel found some screen-time and made meaningful contributions against The Mad Titan, Thanos. Speaking of Thanos, we finally got to see him defeated, after watching him plot in the background for years before absolutely decimating the entire universe at the end of Infinity War, even though he still made things extra difficult for the Avengers. Surprisingly, even Gamora found her way back to the fold, even though we have no idea where she actually ended up, though we’d guess that James Gunn’s next journey with the characters might let us know!

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avengers-endgame-mcu-quiz/

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