Teen Wolf 8 Ways Allison Wouldve Been A Better Protagonist Than Scott

Teen Wolf: 8 Ways Allison Would’ve Been A Better Protagonist Than Scott


Scott McCall might be the titular character of Teen Wolf, but there are several reasons why Allison should have been the show’s protagonist.

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Teen Wolf 8 Ways Allison Wouldve Been A Better Protagonist Than Scott

Given the title, it’s easy to understand why Scott McCall was the protagonist of Teen Wolf. The show began on the night Scott got bitten and followed his physical and emotional state as he transitioned into a werewolf. Scott’s attempt to control his powers while simultaneously keeping them a secret from his classmates is the premise the series was built upon.

However, Scott mastered his abilities fairly quickly, and Teen Wolf took off in a different direction. Allison was introduced as Scott’s first love interest, yet as perfect as she seemed on the surface, she was in fact the most flawed character. Scott’s inherent goodness made him predictable, but Allison was a wild card. The most controversial plotlines often revolved around her, and there are several reasons why she would have been a more compelling protagonist than Scott.

Allison Has A Better Character Arc

Teen Wolf 8 Ways Allison Wouldve Been A Better Protagonist Than Scott

He might have been a teenager, but Scott was wise beyond his years in Teen Wolf . He was forced to grow up quickly after turning into a werewolf and became the most emotionally mature of all the characters, including the parents. It only took a couple of seasons for Scott to evolve into a strong and selfless leader who refused to compromise his morals.

Just because Allison died doesn’t mean her development had come full-circle. She began the series feeling powerless and weak and decided she didn’t want to feel that way ever again. Allison began to mistake compassion for weaknesses, and her internal struggle provided an interesting character arc to drive the series.

Scott And Allison’s Relationship Would’ve Been More Enigmatic

Teen Wolf 8 Ways Allison Wouldve Been A Better Protagonist Than Scott

Because viewers were aware of Scott’s secret from the beginning, they understood the reasoning behind all the choices he made. Allison didn’t have the same luxury, and she was left in the dark for the entirety of the first season.

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Scott and Allison are one of the best couples in Teen Wolf, but the success of their relationship initially depended on the success of Scott’s lies. Rather than just being an enigma to Allison, his odd behavior would be an ongoing mystery in the show. Allison attempting to uncover the truth about Scott has the potential to be an even more entertaining plotline than the story about his transition.

Allison Provides Endless Storytelling Potential

Teen Wolf 8 Ways Allison Wouldve Been A Better Protagonist Than Scott

Allison is pliable enough to play any role in the show. She was a hero, a villain, and plenty of things in between. Her current emotional state usually determined her actions, which is why Allison’s grandfather was able to manipulate her into joining his side.

Despite genuinely loving Scott, Allison slipped into the role of a werewolf hunter far too easily. If she was the protagonist of the show, there would be more of an opportunity for her to continue her family’s legacy and dive into the emotional repercussions of the lifestyle.

Allison’s Family History Ties In With The Plot

Teen Wolf 8 Ways Allison Wouldve Been A Better Protagonist Than Scott

Plot-wise, the Argents are the most important family in Teen Wolf. However, they’re also the most unlikeable. There are several stories to be told about Allison’s ancestors, and viewers would have the opportunity to experience the supernatural through the eyes of a werewolf hunter.

There’s clearly a reason why the Argents believe that all werewolves are innately evil, regardless of their age. Heroes and villains are interchangeable depending on who’s telling the story, and viewers may have seen things differently if the plot revolved around Allison and her family.

Allison Combated Gender Stereotypes

Teen Wolf 8 Ways Allison Wouldve Been A Better Protagonist Than Scott

There are handfuls of inspiring Allison Argent quotes in Teen Wolf, but her line, “Can’t I be strong and go to prom?” remains one of the most memorable. It’s important to showcase powerful female protagonists, and Allison would’ve fit the bill perfectly.

She doesn’t buy into the notion that women have to stop having fun in order to be strong. Regardless of how it’s perceived by society, Allison can dress up for prom, slow dance with the boy she likes, and still hold her own in a fight.

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Allison’s Character Is The Most Complex

Teen Wolf 8 Ways Allison Wouldve Been A Better Protagonist Than Scott

There were several things that made no sense in Teen Wolf, and Allison’s wishy-washy behavior was one of them. She wasn’t a character that viewers could count on to be consistent in her choices, but that’s part of what makes her so realistic.

While steady development is usually a part of any well-written story, it’s not reflective of real life. As a whole, humankind is messy. No one’s perfect, and people often do things that don’t make sense to anyone else. Allison was always headed in a positive direction, but she was also capable of backsliding.

Allison Was Power-Hungry

Teen Wolf 8 Ways Allison Wouldve Been A Better Protagonist Than Scott

Scott only cared about power if he could use it to help others. He never felt the need to show who was in charge and always let his enemies live, no matter what they did to him. Scott dedicated his life to helping people and went out of his way to avoid hurting even those that deserved it.

Doing what’s right isn’t always what’s easy, but there was never any question of whether Scott would make the noble choice. Although she has a good heart, Allison also has plenty of inner demons. She’s fully capable of giving into revenge and will do whatever it takes to avoid showing weakness. Because she had to fight her impulses on a daily basis, her heroics were much more impactful.

Being Human Provided An Additional Challenge

Unlike Scott, Allison didn’t have any werewolf abilities to depend on. Because of her relationship with him, she was often in just as much danger. Allison would always be up against creatures who were stronger and faster than her, and without supernatural healing, it only took one wrong move for her to end up dead.

She refused to be helpless, and Allison learned defense mechanisms that didn’t reply on brute force. Being an underdog and overcoming impossible challenges is enough to make her an ideal protagonist in itself.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/teen-wolf-best-character-protagonist-allison-not-scott/

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