Teen Wolf The 9 Worst Things Allison And Scott Did To Each Other

Teen Wolf: The 9 Worst Things Allison And Scott Did To Each Other


Scott McCall and Allison Argent’s relationship wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Here are the worst things they did to each other in Teen Wolf.

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Teen Wolf The 9 Worst Things Allison And Scott Did To Each Other

Scott and Allison are introduced as the main romance in Teen Wolf, and it doesn’t take long for fans to grow attached to them. Scott falls for the new girl the moment he lays eyes on her, and while their story starts out fairly predictable, it evolves as the show goes on.

Allison’s heartbreaking death in Teen Wolf ends the romance between them, but she remains a part of Scott long after she dies. Although the two have a strong impact on each other’s lives, it isn’t always a positive one. No couple is perfect, and Scott and Allison make several mistakes throughout their relationship.

Allison Befriends Jackson

Teen Wolf The 9 Worst Things Allison And Scott Did To Each Other

Jackson might put on a friendly face around Allison, but he bullies Scott and Stiles and goes out of his way to make their lives miserable. Allison is portrayed as an intuitive character from the start, and she seems well-aware of the kind of person Jackson is.

Despite the way he treats people, Allison continues to socialize with him and even goes with him to the school dance. Her loyalty to Scott is put to the test in Teen Wolf season 2, but her relationship with Jackson should have been a red flag.

Scott Lies To Allison For Months

Teen Wolf The 9 Worst Things Allison And Scott Did To Each Other

It’s easy for viewers to side with Scott in the first season, but if Allison were the protagonist of Teen Wolf, things would look a lot different. Telling Allison that he’s a werewolf might not be a great idea at the start, especially because she comes from a family of werewolf hunters.

However, his lies negatively impact their relationship and prevent any semblance of trust from forming. There’s nothing wrong with being friendly, but Scott shouldn’t pursue Allison while adapting to his transition. By being dishonest about who he is, Scott’s also endangering her life.

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Allison Attacks Scott

Teen Wolf The 9 Worst Things Allison And Scott Did To Each Other

In a way, Allison taking action against Scott is understandable. She doesn’t know him well enough to trust him and everything he tells her is a lie. Things become even more complicated with her aunt whispering in her ear, who Allison has known her entire life.

Regardless of who is in the right, Allison doesn’t give Scott a chance to explain. She immediately goes into attack mode and lets arrows fly directly into Derek’s chest. Actions speak louder than words, and Allison has seen first-hand how far Scott will go to keep her safe. Yet, she doesn’t give him the benefit of the doubt.

Allison Believes Her Grandfather Over Scott

Teen Wolf The 9 Worst Things Allison And Scott Did To Each Other

By Teen Wolf season 2, Allison knows exactly who Scott is. He doesn’t keep secrets from her and she helps with all the werewolf-related problems in his life. Although Scott never hurts anyone, Allison’s parents believe all werewolves are inherently evil.

Victoria Argent almost gets away with murdering Scott, but Derek swoops in and saves his life at the last minute. After she’s bitten, Victoria chooses to kill herself rather than be a werewolf, and Gerard convinces Allison that her mom needs to be avenged. Allison sides with her grandfather over Scott, not realizing that Gerard has his own selfish agenda.

Scott Makes Out With Lydia

Teen Wolf The 9 Worst Things Allison And Scott Did To Each Other

As a true alpha, Scott is usually wise beyond his years, yet there are still times when Scott acts like a typical teenager in Teen Wolf. His actions here can be blamed on the full moon, as it’s hard to believe Scott would ever pursue Lydia without a supernatural push.

Not only is Lydia his ex-girlfriend’s best friend, but Stiles has had a massive crush on her ever since the third grade. Their makeout in Coach’s office hurt multiple people, and no matter how toxic their relationship is, Lydia is still dating Jackson at the time.

Allison Turns Against Scott

Teen Wolf The 9 Worst Things Allison And Scott Did To Each Other

Choosing to believe an altered version of the truth, Allison is blinded by vengeance. She indirectly goes after Scott by hunting down Derek and his pack and refuses to listen to anything Scott has to say. While grief can cause a person to act irrationally, it’s no excuse for Allison’s actions.

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She almost kills Boyd and Erica on a power trip and their suffering genuinely appears to bring her joy. Scott, on the other hand, always wants to do the right thing and puts the needs of others over the needs of himself. Even when Allison turns against him, Scott continues to love her unconditionally.

Allison Dates Isaac

Teen Wolf The 9 Worst Things Allison And Scott Did To Each Other

It’s not uncommon for characters to date multiple people within their friend group, but it doesn’t make things any less awkward. There are several reasons why Allison and Isaac are amoung the worst couples in Teen Wolf, but one sticks out above the others.

Isaac’s feelings for Allison are obvious, but she never cares about him in the same way. She confesses that she still loves Scott when she dies, which poses the question of why she dates Isacc in the first place. Allison and Isaac’s romance is difficult for Scott to watch, especially because Isaac is like a brother to him. Allison dating Isaac, while still having feelings for his best friend, has no good outcome.

Scott Doesn’t Say “I Love You” Back

Teen Wolf The 9 Worst Things Allison And Scott Did To Each Other

Her final speech to Scott is Allison’s most romantic quote in Teen Wolf, as she wears her heart on her sleeve. She uses her last moments to tell Scott that she never stopped loving him and she never will. It’s gut-wrenching in every possible way and Scott’s reaction only makes Allison’s death hit harder.

He’s clearly too overwhelmed to comprehend the situation or form the right words, but, regardless, Scott never gets a chance to tell Allison he loves her too. Although it isn’t an intentional decision, Allison deserves to hear the words back before she dies.

Allison Breaks Up With Scott Instead Of Apologizing

After the events of Teen Wolf season 2, Scott and Allison need time apart. While breaking up is the right call, it doesn’t happen the way it should. Allison treats Scott horribly while she’s under the influence of her grandfather, and some might consider her actions unforgivable.

Scott isn’t the type to hold a grudge, and nothing Allison does makes him love her any less. Yet, given the circumstances, it feels more appropriate for Scott to call things off between them. Not only does Allison end the relationship, but she never gives Scott a real apology.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/teen-wolf-the-9-worst-things-allison-and-scott-did-to-each-other/

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