Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Revealed the Ghostbusters Multiverse

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Revealed the Ghostbusters’ Multiverse

A crossover with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles left the Ghostbusters with the ability to travel to other dimensions and meet other Ghostbusters!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Revealed the Ghostbusters Multiverse

While many different iterations of the Ghostbusters exist, the original team only discovered and began interacting with their doppelgangers because of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Stuck in the Ghostbusters’ dimension after an experimental teleporter malfunction, the heroes in a half-shell work with the team to build a device that can help them get home. This dimensional door, connected to the famous Containment Unit, led to further crossovers with other Ghostbusters iterations as Venkman, Stantz, Spengler, and Zeddemore learned they weren’t the only ones people could call if there was something strange in their neighborhood.

In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters by Erik Burnham, Tom Waltz, Dan Schoening, Cory Smith, and Charles Paul Wilson III, the TMNT’s teleporter test is interrupted by a small accident that sends them to an alternate New York full of ghosts instead of the mutants, street gangs, and aliens the Turtles are used to. While this event unexpectedly releases the spectral immortal called Chi-You, the Turtles meet this New York’s guardians, the Ghostbusters, who are just as confused to see the enthusiastic teenage mutant warriors. Upon discovering the Turtles are from another dimension entirely, the Ghostbusters agree to aid them in saving Casey Jones from Chi-You’s plans to conquer this world and help them return home before it’s too late.

With Egon’s discovery that the Turtles have a limited window to return before they’re stuck in the Ghostbusters’ dimension permanently, the team divide their efforts between stopping Chi-You and building a replacement teleporter. Using Leonardo’s original schematics, they are able to build a teleporter that draws power from the Ghostbusters’ Containment Unit, something that proves potentially dangerous when Chi-You attacks the Firehouse HQ. After the combined effort of both teams is able to save Casey and successfully incarcerate Chi-You in a ghost trap, the Turtles return home while leaving their new allies with a device that allows them to explore other dimensions, introducing them to their own multiverse with seemingly endless possibilities.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Revealed the Ghostbusters Multiverse

While this would not be the only time the TMNT would collaborate with the Ghostbusters, their unique dimensional door would allow the Ghostbusters to study and categorize other dimensions and eventually their paths would cross with other Ghostbusters teams. In the Get Real storyline, they met their cartoon doppelgangers the Real Ghostbusters and in Ghostbusters 101, they met the female Ghostbusters from the 2016 reboot when their universes overlapped. These crossovers not only established the original Ghostbusters as the true architects of the franchise but allowed years of different incarnations and different genres to meet, collaborate, and find common ground in their pursuit to investigate and combat supernatural forces.

The multiverse is a popular science fiction concept that’s become a staple of the comic book industry and its stories, and it was only a matter of time until the Ghostbusters joined the party. With the help of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the guys in grey were not only able to visit parallel worlds on a whim but also learn the significance their work has had on countless other worlds as well. Although their dimensional door came with its own set of unique problems, the Ghostbusters continued to make new allies and face down greater threats than ever before, all thanks to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/ghostbusters-multiverse-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-tmnt-crossover/

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