Thanos Deadliest Lesson Made Silver Surfer An Unlikely Killer

Thanos’ Deadliest Lesson Made Silver Surfer An Unlikely Killer

Thanos tricked Silver Surfer into accidentally killing half of an entire planet to prove a point about overpopulation and death.

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Thanos Deadliest Lesson Made Silver Surfer An Unlikely Killer

To prove a point about his upcoming quest with the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos tricked the Silver Surfer into accidentally murdering half the population of an innocent planet. Ahead of his greatest accomplishment, the Mad Titan paid a visit to the Silver Surfer and tried to pitch him his plan to wipe 50% of all life from the universe. However, once the surfboard-riding hero declined to assist him, Thanos made sure to make him pay a steep price.

The Infinity Gauntlet Saga by Jim Starlin, George Perez, Ron Lim, Josef Rubinstein, Tom Christopher, Bruce N Sokoloff, and Jack Morelli is one of the most epic miniseries in Marvel Comics history. The arc features the Avengers’ last stand against the Mad Titan, who’s acquired all six of the Infinity Stones and successfully erases 50% of the universe’s population from existence. In addition, the series featured the most prominent cosmic players in the Marvel Universe, including the Silver Surfer, who played a vital role in The Infinity Gauntlet, as he warned Earth’s Mightiest Heroes about the pending threat of Thanos.

In Silver Surfer #34 by Starlin, Lin, Christopher, Ken Bruzenak, and Tom Vincent, the resurrected Thanos confronts the Silver Surfer and tells him he’s got incredible powers that could help him in his quest. When Silver Surfer asks him to elaborate, Thanos discusses the “great imbalance” and that the universe is in danger from overpopulation. Thanos first takes him to Earth and tells him the planet is “criminally overpopulated,” produces waste at an “outstanding rate,” and its inhabitants are dooming their home with how they treat it. Thanos then takes Silver Surfer to Salaria, a paradise whose population he calls lazy and complacent. After teleporting away, Surfer refuses to join Thanos in mass-murder as he suggests there is other means to accomplish his goals. Thanos reveals Surfer has already helped, as common germs and bacteria on him were dangerous to Salaria’s air killed thousands of lives.

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Thanos laughs as Silver Surfer rushes back to Salaria to use the Power Cosmic to create an anti-body that stops the plague ravaging the planet. Silver Surfer already feels massive guilt about being forced to lead Galactus to devour worlds, so Thanos struck him where it hurts, making him feel responsible once again for death on a massive scale.

Silver Surfer has lived an incredibly tragic life, so Thanos making him feel responsible for the deaths of countless innocent lives was truly evil. The story was the perfect lead into how dangerous Thanos would be once he acquired the Infinity Gauntlet. Unfortunately, Silver Surfer had to encounter him first and saw firsthand how little he wanted to wipe out life across the galaxy.

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