The 10 Best Episodes Of Mad About You According To IMDb

The 10 Best Episodes Of Mad About You, According To IMDb


The show Mad About You is a beloved 1990s sitcom that has since had a revival. Here are its best episodes according to IMDb.

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The 10 Best Episodes Of Mad About You According To IMDb

The show Mad About You is a beloved 1990s sitcom that has since had a revival. Apart from a catchy theme song, the show also boasts many memorable episodes. Paul and Jamie’s lives are relatable as they navigate their marriage, parenthood, careers and life itself, but some of their adventures, or misadventures, stand out more than others. For instance, the time Paul and Jamie camped out in their daughter’s doorway, or the time they had to film their everyday lives for PBS.

While these are noteworthy episodes, there are others that stand out more, like their difficult Thanksgiving in which they tried to host it for everyone and kept running into one problem after another while trying to keep everyone happy. Mad About You lasted seven seasons in its original run, and some episodes stuck more with audiences than others.

10 “Bing, Bang, Boom” (8.0)

The 10 Best Episodes Of Mad About You According To IMDb

Paul and Jamie have a special night planned, but it doesn’t exactly go according to their plans. Their dog keeps running around and racing into things, they get preoccupied with changing radio stations, they’re interrupted by a phone call, and more.

Ultimately, there proves to be too many distractions, leading to the couple deciding not to get romantic. However, their minds quickly change and they race for the bedroom as the episode ends.

9 “Love Among The Tiles” (8.0)

The 10 Best Episodes Of Mad About You According To IMDb

Paul and Jamie are on their way to a Valentine’s Day party, but they face a big problem when they accidentally get locked in their bathroom. They try knocking the door down, signaling someone by dropping things out of their window, and getting their dog to go for help, but to no avail.

They end up spending their Valentine’s Day feasting on antacids, talking and playing games, with Paul even painting Jamie’s toenails and Jamie giving her husband a facial at one point. Meanwhile, their friends wonder why Paul and Jamie didn’t show up for the party, but fail to look for them.

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8 “Disorientation” (8.0)

The 10 Best Episodes Of Mad About You According To IMDb

It’s Jamie’s first day of school, and she’s both excited and nervous. Paul, Ira, Fran and Lisa are all there to support her, but it turns out, there’s a major problem: Paul forgot to mail in Jamie’s registration. Hoping to fix it before his wife finds out, Paul and Ira hurriedly head to the school while Lisa and Fran are tasked with stalling Jamie.

Registration quickly gets complicated, and while Jamie later waits in line, the group of four frantically rush around campus trying to get everything together to finish the registration. They manage to do so, but Jamie finds out later, as she uncovers several school ID’s with pictures of them instead of her.

7 “Our Fifteen Minutes” (8.1)

The 10 Best Episodes Of Mad About You According To IMDb

The couple is asked by PBS to create a documentary in which they would film themselves going about their everyday lives. Honesty and reality are stressed, but the couple fail to truly be themselves each time the camera runs.

From picking up the apartment to going totally silent and failing to act naturally when they know the cameras are on, they would’ve been better off not giving it so much thought.

6 “The Final Frontier” (8.1)

The 10 Best Episodes Of Mad About You According To IMDb

“The Final Frontier” is the series’ final two episodes. A grown-up Mabel has created a film of her own, detailing why she is the way she is because of her parents.

Several flashbacks to the family’s life over the years are shown, including Jamie’s indecisiveness about Paul having a vasectomy, Paul and Jamie finding out they’re not technically married, Mabel wanting to be called a different name, and more.

5 “The Conversation” (8.1)

The 10 Best Episodes Of Mad About You According To IMDb

While trying to get Mabel to fall asleep on her own, Paul and Jamie hang out in the doorway, checking on their daughter in timed intervals.

While they listen to their daughter cry, each parent struggling with following through on not going to comfort Mabel, the two talk about random things, manage to get their dog Murray out of Mabel’s room without her knowing, and wonder about their parenting skills.

4 “Paul Is Dead” (8.2)

The 10 Best Episodes Of Mad About You According To IMDb

Another Paul Buchman passes away, and it causes a lot of confusion for Paul and Jamie. With Paul rendered dead by the bank until Monday, the couple are without credit cards or cash for the weekend.

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They end up attending the funeral of the other Paul Buchman to find out more about him, and it’s there that Paul briefly daydreams about his own funeral. He snaps out of it when Jamie returns for him; they subsequently share a passionate kiss, grateful to have one another.

3 “Up In Smoke” (8.2)

The 10 Best Episodes Of Mad About You According To IMDb

“Up in Smoke” are the last two episodes of Season 3. Paul and Jamie are celebrating their anniversary, but it doesn’t necessarily chalk up to the best anniversary in the books. In fact, the two struggle with gift ideas for each other, and Paul gets caught in a lie about having made reservations for the Twilight Room.

Their night quickly turns from disappointing to bizarre when they find the newsstand where they met has burned down, and they subsequently find themselves in a world in which they never met and lead completely different lives.

2 “Met Someone” (8.3)

The 10 Best Episodes Of Mad About You According To IMDb

In this special flashback episode, audiences get to see how Paul and Jamie met. It’s December 1989, and Jamie has just gone through a breakup and finds herself feeling hopeless in her search for love.

Meanwhile, Paul has just had an unsuccessful date himself. However, his chance meeting with Jamie at a newsstand changes both of their lives for the better, as Paul decides to track down Jamie through a dry cleaning ticket she accidentally left behind. Jamie is reluctant to give Paul a chance at first but ends up inviting him to her company’s Christmas party, and the two later kiss, a promising love story in the making.

1 “Giblets For Murray” (8.4)

Paul and Jamie are hosting their first Thanksgiving in their home, and it brings more pressure than not, especially when their family members and friends begin arriving. Paul and Jamie soon find themselves running around like crazy trying to please everyone, as they repeatedly go out to buy cranberries from a can, ingredients for salad, and more.

They repeatedly struggle with replacing a turkey that their dog consumed, as they try to do so without anyone else knowing, lest they be known for messing up Thanksgiving dinner. However, as the night goes on, their company becomes savvy to what’s really going on, and end up showing the harried couple some mercy.

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