The 10 Best Friendships On RuPaul’s Drag Race

The 10 Best Friendships On RuPaul’s Drag Race


These are the heartwarming and loyal friendships that rank as the best to come out of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Who is your favorite friendship duo?

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The 10 Best Friendships On RuPaul’s Drag Race

RuPaul’s Drag Race brings queens from all different styles and backgrounds together for the Olympics of drag. Any sort of competition can be hard to get through, especially when stakes are high. But, friendship can help in the grueling competition environment.

When two queens share a challenging situation, it can often create lasting friendships. Some Drag Race queens may argue and even throw drinks at each other (ahem, Shangela), but others form tight bonds that are so wholesome to watch. As Darienne Lake would say, you meet people for “a reason, a season, or a lifetime.”

10 Vanjie And Silky

The 10 Best Friendships On RuPaul’s Drag Race

Vanessa Vanjie Mateo and Silky Nutmeg Ganache are two friends with a lot in common. This pair could make each other laugh and always rib each other. While they often insult each other, they also served as supportive and loving friends who were always present when one needed to talk through any challenges they may be going through.

Vanjie’s frustration with her placements in the bottom two was always vented to Silky, while Silky’s difficulties in getting along with some of the competitors were aired to a supportive Vanjie.

9 Violet Chachki And Pearl Liason

The 10 Best Friendships On RuPaul’s Drag Race

On season 7, there was a fierce rivalry between the polished pageant queens of RuPaul’s Drag Race and the younger queens of the season. The pageant queens would often minimize and disregard the younger queens’ drag styles and their heavy focus on aesthetics.

Fashion queen Violet and the lovely Pearl belonged to the younger queens group and were often criticized by Ginger Minj and Kennedy Davenport. Violet and Pearl bonded through this clique distinction, as they were often seen goofing around with each other in Untucked.

8 Raven And Jujubee

The 10 Best Friendships On RuPaul’s Drag Race

Raven and Jujubee are two queens who became thick as thieves on RuPaul’s Drag Race. In All Stars 1, when the two had to lipsynch against each other, their friendship was so strong that they had to actively fight back tears on the main stage.

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Both queens were distraught at the thought of sending each other home, showing their loving friendship. In a fantastic judging decision, both queens were kept in a Double Shantay, much to the relief of hopeful viewers who had grown to adore the pair’s camaraderie.

7 Kameron Michaels And Eureka

The 10 Best Friendships On RuPaul’s Drag Race

Kameron and Eureka fall into the opposites attract category. Kameron is quiet and introverted, while Eureka is boisterous and extroverted. But that did not stop these two from having a sweet and lasting friendship. In season 10, they often relied on each other through tough times during the competition. When the two had to go against each other in the “New Attitude” lipsynch, both queens brought the house down with their simultaneous jump splits.

It almost seemed that the two shared a mind as their lipsynch almost looked to correspond with one another. Their best friend telepathy helped save them both, as they both got to proceed to the finale for season 1o.

6 Bianca And Adore

The 10 Best Friendships On RuPaul’s Drag Race

Bianca and Adore did not start off season 6 as the best of friends. However, as the season went on, Bianca warmed up to her fellow queens, especially the sweet and wild Adore. Bianca would often give advice to Adore when Adore struggled with how to execute some of the judges’ critiques.

Too, Bianca would even give Adore waist cinchers and other supplies that Adore did not have in the Werk Room. These two could banter with each other like no one else, while also being supportive and helpful to one another. Given that Bianca Del Rio is one of the funniest queens from RuPaul’s Drag Race, their friendship has no shortage of laughs.

5 Raja And Manila Luzon

The 10 Best Friendships On RuPaul’s Drag Race

Two parts of the “Heathers” clique of season 3, Raja and Manila Luzon forged a special bond during their time on RuPaul’s Drag Race. The queens of season 3 were split into cliques that were labeled “The Heathers” and “The Boogers.” The Heathers consisted of Carnen Carrera, Delta Work, and of course Raja and Manila.

In the other clique, The Boogers were the endlessly quotable Shangela, Alexis Mateo, and Stacy Layne Matthews. While this separation of groups was very high school, it did show the depths of the friendships that each side had, especially between Manila and Raja.

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4 Shea Coulee And Sasha Velour

The 10 Best Friendships On RuPaul’s Drag Race

It was always a treat when these two were paired together for challenges, as they always delivered and such great chemistry that leaped off the screen. Both competitors were polished and had distinct drag styles that were unique to their personas.

As the two were paired often for challenges, Shea and Sasha formed a tight bond that continued after season 9 had finished. Sasha even tweeted their support for their friend during Shea’s successful All Stars 5 run.

3 Kim Chi And Naomi Smalls

The 10 Best Friendships On RuPaul’s Drag Race

These two best friends come from season 8 of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Both were fashion queens with strong design talents and absolutely killer looks. Their aesthetics differ but they share a dedicated friendship. This pair is so close that they have gone on multiple business ventures together, including their show M.U.G and their collaboration on a makeup line.

As both have fun and playful personalities, these two always can make each other laugh and have fun, which is a must for any important friendship.

2 Monet X Change And Monique Hart

The 10 Best Friendships On RuPaul’s Drag Race

These two had a hilarious friendship, as they often would joke and make fun of each other. Too, the friends would often discuss a multitude of topics with one another, showing that their friendship ran deep. From being silly to contemplating important things together, Monet and Monique have a relationship that anyone would be lucky to have.

The adored season 10 Miss Congeniality Monet and the lively Monique are honest people, which helps the two always have a clear and objective person to bounce ideas off of.

1 Trixie Mattel And Katya Zamolodchikova

Probably the most notable friendship to come out of RuPaul’s Drag Race, Trixie Mattel and Katya have one of, if not the, best friendship to result from the show. Their friendship even spurred the uber-popular UNHhhh show, where viewers can watch them discuss topics of all kinds.

The two share such a fantastic give-and-take comedic alliance that the audience can tell that the pair genuinely find each other hysterical. Further, their friendship has weathered some serious storms, but they always make it through, showing just how strong their bond is.

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